Birthday 1992-06-20 Gender
Female Location Earth Member Since 2007-07-02 Occupation A Student/A Believer In God/Inspirational seeker and giver/Flower and Disney fantatic Real Name Meagan
Achievements Making it through life this far! ^_^ Anime Fan Since 6 years old Favorite Anime Chobits, Lovely Complex, Ah! My Goddess, Kobato, CLANNAD, Air, Hanamaru Kindergarten, and Saiyuki...and many more. :) Goals To live a life helping others Hobbies Reading, playing video games(Final Fantasy, Zelda, Chrono Trigger, The World Ends With You, Okami, and KH are my FAVS), and Analyzing Talents I play the trumpet, being a DISNEY fantatic, the ability to sing somewhat decent, and giving people adivce^^ innocent heart
Saturday, September 1, 2007
Hiya Everyone! ^____^
So how did your week go? Mine went very good! So i am liking school very much so far^^ For those of you who started school this week, i hope it went well for you.
Haha, i just got home from a high school football game. i am sooo tired. haha. So the marching band had to play there, which was fun. My friends and i goofed around a lot. Except, we were wearing our uniforms and it was VERY hot out. so that was the only bad thing, oh, and that our team lost. they were terrible!!! The game was really boring to watch. haha, oh well. After we got done performing, everyone was clapping and cheering for the band. I felt so happy! XD poor football team, there faces were like this: O_o lol. Now i have a three day weekend! WOO-HOO! No school Monday! XD
I am so happy you guys enjoyed my story! XD the comments you gave me were really nice! i appreciated all of them. Some of you wanted it to be longer, and trust me, i did too. but this was just a warm-up thing we had to write in less than five minutes, so i couldn't make it any longer^^ haha. But hopefully, maybe i can continue it^^
Haha, what is the deal with this "tag" thing? lol, i got tagged like 5 times! i had so many messages on it! XD lol. sorry, i dont really want to do that. its like a chain letter thing to me, which i dont like. -__- XD so sorry. lol. Maybe ill do it another time.
I will be sure to get to sites today^^ So im very sorry for not visiting your sites this week, its just because of school^^ So i hope you all have a great Saturday!
oh! and also, Happy First Day of September^^ haha
question time! 1. Have you ever had a crush on a teacher before? 2. um..this isnt really a question, but Pick a word that describes you!
My answers: 1. uh......hahahaha..... 2. Sunflower! XD lol