Birthday 1992-06-20 Gender
Female Location Earth Member Since 2007-07-02 Occupation A Student/A Believer In God/Inspirational seeker and giver/Flower and Disney fantatic Real Name Meagan
Achievements Making it through life this far! ^_^ Anime Fan Since 6 years old Favorite Anime Chobits, Lovely Complex, Ah! My Goddess, Kobato, CLANNAD, Air, Hanamaru Kindergarten, and Saiyuki...and many more. :) Goals To live a life helping others Hobbies Reading, playing video games(Final Fantasy, Zelda, Chrono Trigger, The World Ends With You, Okami, and KH are my FAVS), and Analyzing Talents I play the trumpet, being a DISNEY fantatic, the ability to sing somewhat decent, and giving people adivce^^ innocent heart
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Hello there Everyone^^ How is your day going?
Well the sleepover went great^^ We had so much fun! First we got in the hot tub, which was so relaxing^^ haha, i had never been in one before, so it felt great^^ Then we came back inside, ate a bunch of food and watched Wild Hogs^^ LOL! That movie was great^^ Except when Brittany and Erin kept telling me I was like Dudley. -___- and then we played some DDR, got on the computer, and then went to bed^^ (actually Brittany kept laughing in my ear for an hour, so then i started laughing, which made Erin mad. -__-) XD lol. still though, it was a ton of fun^^
Haha, yeah my Grandma came to pick me up this morning to take me home, but i was still dead asleep. lol. i had to run outside with my Pj's on^^ XD lol. thank god no one was outside.
So, anyway, i dont really know what i am going to do today. Probably just relax and do homework. I have a Geometry test tomorrow, so please wish me luck^^
I am really sorry for not getting to everyone's sites yesterday^^; I will get to them today. So, thank you all so much again for visiting me and reading my stupid, boring posts^^ *hugs* Question Time!! 1. Is there an item that you have that means a lot to you? 2. Is it easy for you to smile? 3. Heart or Soul?
My answers: 1. yes, my ankle bracelet my Mom gave me a couple of years ago. I never take it off. 2. haha, yes^^ When im around flowers, thats when i smile the easiest. 3. Heart
Here is a video and quiz for you:
Chobits: Chii and Hideki^^ Heaven by DJ Sammy
Your Life Path Number is 11
Your purpose in life is to inspire others
Your amazing energy draws people to you, and you give them great insight in return.
You hold a great amount of power over others, without even trying.
You have the makings of an inventor, artist, religious leader, or prophet.
In love, you are sensitive and passionate. You connect with your partner on a very deep level.
You have great abilities, but you are often way too critical of yourself.
You don't fit in - and instead of celebrating your differences, you dwell on them.
You have high expectations of yourself. But sometimes you set them too high and don't achieve anything.