Birthday 1992-06-20 Gender
Female Location Earth Member Since 2007-07-02 Occupation A Student/A Believer In God/Inspirational seeker and giver/Flower and Disney fantatic Real Name Meagan
Achievements Making it through life this far! ^_^ Anime Fan Since 6 years old Favorite Anime Chobits, Lovely Complex, Ah! My Goddess, Kobato, CLANNAD, Air, Hanamaru Kindergarten, and Saiyuki...and many more. :) Goals To live a life helping others Hobbies Reading, playing video games(Final Fantasy, Zelda, Chrono Trigger, The World Ends With You, Okami, and KH are my FAVS), and Analyzing Talents I play the trumpet, being a DISNEY fantatic, the ability to sing somewhat decent, and giving people adivce^^ innocent heart
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Hello there everyone!! How are you?
Haha, it feels so strange to posting on a midnight. lol. But oh well, out for school now for the rest of the week^^ *sighs happily* ^_^ Today is going to be so much fun! Keri is coming over to spend the night and then she is celebrating Thanksgiving with my family and I. =) Her family really didn't have anything planned and I felt bad that she had to spend a holiday not celebrating or with family. So i told her to come over and spend it with my family^^ So that should be fun. XD haha.
So yeah, yesterday my Dad called me while I was in my school library. So i talked with him, and all he said to me was, "Have you gotten your permit yet?! Meagan, go get it!!" and "You need to get a job." -__- I haven't talked with him for about two weeks and i haven't seen him since March 3rd(his birthday). He lives 20 minutes away from my house. -__- My Dad is a very poor soul who is very depressed and has some major issues. He spends a lot of him time drinking and going to bars. He basically told my older sister, who lives close to him, that he doesn't come out to see me very much is he thinks I'm spoiled and I think he would much rather drink alcohol then come see me. *sigh* He has made me almost afraid to be with men because of what he has said or done to me in the past. Alcohol changes everything about a person, its terrifying. I just pray he can sort out his problems and i will love him no matter what. I just always need to keep on smiling and being positive^^ I have so many wonderful friends and family, so I can't let him get me down. But it would be nice to have a father figure.
So anyway, do you like my new site changes? haha, the image in the background is my most favorite anime image ever^^ haha. I made the colors look kinda of fall-ish. ^_^ I love Fall.
So I might get to sites early today before Keri gets here. =( I feel terrible, since last Sunday i said i was going to get to sites but i only went to three sites. -__- I promise i will get better soon at commenting. I truly love it when i see all of the people who comment on my post or pm me^^ It makes me feel really happy. -__- but i have been doing so badly of returning the favor. So i apologize. If i don't get to sites today, I will get to them Friday.
Question Time!!
1. Favorite Thanksgiving food?
2. What are some things that make you the most happiest?
3. How do you act during school/work?
My Answers:
1. Pumpkin pie^^
2. Family/Friends, sleeping, helping people/giving advice, animals, and FLOWERS! ^.^
3. I am very quiet and i like to glare at people in the classroom...mostly the people who never shut up. ^_^ lmao.
Another beautiful Quiz result(yes, i know...i love quizzes..haha):
+)(+ What Symbol or Emotion Does Your Soul Resemble? +)(+ {For girls only! Beautiful Pics!}
BrokenTrue Name: DierdreElement: Water or DarkColour: White, Clear, Gray, Silver, BlackDescription: "Broken" people's hearts seem to always be hurt. They usually don't know who they are inside, so they try to shape into the perfect girl for what she thinks is the perfect guy. This will usually always lead her to be hurt in the end until she takes off the masks and reveals her true self. Broken people have many people they talk to, but only one or two people they will call "friend". They expect their friends to always have time to listen to them and to let them cry on their shoulder. Broken people always have to build up trust and understandment with a person, so usually their true friends will always listen to them. In school, Broken people usually are towards the back of the classroom. They are usually daydream, yet somehow pay attention to the lesson. They rarely if ever attend school fuctions or are in a school club. They get average grades in school, but true love, trust, and loyalty and finding it is the thing these people care about most. Take this quiz!
So thank you for visiting me^^ Sorry if I was rambling on a bit. haha. So i hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving^^ Even if you aren't celebrating, still have fun^^ hee-hee^^
Love always,