Birthday 1992-06-20 Gender
Female Location Earth Member Since 2007-07-02 Occupation A Student/A Believer In God/Inspirational seeker and giver/Flower and Disney fantatic Real Name Meagan
Achievements Making it through life this far! ^_^ Anime Fan Since 6 years old Favorite Anime Chobits, Lovely Complex, Ah! My Goddess, Kobato, CLANNAD, Air, Hanamaru Kindergarten, and Saiyuki...and many more. :) Goals To live a life helping others Hobbies Reading, playing video games(Final Fantasy, Zelda, Chrono Trigger, The World Ends With You, Okami, and KH are my FAVS), and Analyzing Talents I play the trumpet, being a DISNEY fantatic, the ability to sing somewhat decent, and giving people adivce^^ innocent heart
Saturday, December 1, 2007
Happy December 1st
Hello there Everyone. How are you? This is going to be a long post, but please read......
*Sigh* This week has been a real hell hole, at least the beginning of the week was. I have been in a terrible mood and have been crying a lot. I have slept almost non-stop and I feel really weak. It all started Monday when Derek came in to the library after school and started yelling at me about my religion. I believe in God and Derek is an atheist...Anyways, he started insulting me and such, so it made me very angry and sad at the same time....and I don't know why he did that. So me, being the stupid, sensitive person that I am started crying because I cry at every little thing. Later on that day my Dad called and gave me a bunch of crap so that didn't help at all either......*sigh* It has just been on thing after another. And the sad thing is, no one even notices or cares that my mood has changed. Usually I am really positive and happy, but when I'm sad, all people do is, "Aw, whats wrong?...Well, I hope you feel better!" Then they just smile and run off...I know they don't care...If they did, they would have comforted me more. The least they can do is call me. -___- I have also been thinking a lot lately, and I don't know, everything is just so sad! Haha, and no girls, I am not on my period. lol. Anyways, sorry for my mood right now...I just wanted to write down how I was feeling. I try to be helpful and kind to everyone, but sometimes I feel really worthless.
Anyway, at school this week, there were a couple of things that were amusing and also really annoying...haha...:
1: In French on Thursday I sit next to these two freshman girls. One is a stalker of mine, the other one is just plain weird. haha. So the stalker one, her name is Sam, she yells out random words during class like, "CHICKEN!!!!!" or "NAP TIME!!!" They are really loud and teacher just stares at her. O.o and the other girl who is just plain weird, I don't know her name, she compliments me and just stares at me during class like all the time....It is really creepy!!! >.< But Sam just freaks the hell out of me. haha.
2: In Band, Tata-uh, thats the senior named Derek who I sit next to, he keeps saying, "Meagan, scoot over more...I'm lonely!" So I simply say, "No." So he keeps on pestering me more. And then the other Derek who I also sit next to, they fight ALL OF THE TIME!!! Back and forth they say, "Shut the F*ck up Derek!!"...constantly. and once again, I am in the middle of all of this. >=( (Lol, I know WAY too many Dereks...)
3. Lastly, this was probably one of the funniest things I have ever seen in my whole life. Ok, I am sitting there in English, and its about time to go to lunch. My teacher for English LOVES food, he eats all the time during class! He will just take out a random apple and start eating it! >_< Anyway, the bell rings for lunch and my teacher jumps out of his chair and yells, "EVERYBODY GET OUT!!! ITS LUNCH TIME!!! WOO-HOO!!!" and then he ran out the door past all of us......LMFAO. haha, it was so hilarious. He is so crazy!!
So yeah thats pretty much how my school week went, pretty amusing in some parts. haha. So I hope your week went well. So lets hope this weekend will be even better. I am actually going shopping today, so that might cheer me up a bit. I am going to the anime store thats around here^^
I wanted to say a BIG thank you to Ace for drawing this picture for me^^ This is me in my wolf form you could say. haha. Please go see it! And thank you again Ace! *hugs*
Also, the "Klutz Club" banner is now up^^ Please PM me to join! Or you can go to Sparkle 078's site and PM her! She was the one who made the banner, so all the credit goes to her! There is only a banner for this club, no site. We need more people to join^^ So please do!(Only if your clumsy though ^.~ Look above the post to see the banner!
Well, anyways, thank you for coming to visit me. I know I am a bit depressed sounding right now, and I am sorry for that. *bows* I will try my best to get more cheerful soon....So thank you again. I will try to make it to sites as soon as I can.
So take care my sweet, lovely friends^^
Much Love,
P.S. Like the site changes? This is my winter theme, so it will be staying up for awhile