Birthday 1992-06-20 Gender
Female Location Earth Member Since 2007-07-02 Occupation A Student/A Believer In God/Inspirational seeker and giver/Flower and Disney fantatic Real Name Meagan
Achievements Making it through life this far! ^_^ Anime Fan Since 6 years old Favorite Anime Chobits, Lovely Complex, Ah! My Goddess, Kobato, CLANNAD, Air, Hanamaru Kindergarten, and Saiyuki...and many more. :) Goals To live a life helping others Hobbies Reading, playing video games(Final Fantasy, Zelda, Chrono Trigger, The World Ends With You, Okami, and KH are my FAVS), and Analyzing Talents I play the trumpet, being a DISNEY fantatic, the ability to sing somewhat decent, and giving people adivce^^ innocent heart
Friday, June 13, 2008
Mood: Hyper!!! XD
Weather: Stormy! BOOM! O.O
Time: 1:14 AM
Hiya Everybody! ^_^ How is your week going so far? It's Friday!! XD YAY! Anyways, as you can see I have changed my site...yes, its Disney Princess and there is bright pink everywhere, but I love it^^ lol. Sorry guys, I know this is really girly^^; XD lol. Before I begin my post, I thank all of you who commented on my last post and also who have been commenting my ecards^^ Thank you so much! *hugs*
So this week has been going good so far^^ Haha, a lot of funny stuff happened this week. XD Tuesday we didn't do anything for weightlifting, just sat outside, so all I did was take some random video with my phone of these two guys mowing the grass. lol. I have been recording a lot of stuff on my phone, just yesterday I recorded the map and backpack song from Dora Explorer!! XD lol. So now when people call me, you hear, "I'm the map, I'm the map, I'm the map, I'm the map, I'M THE MAP!!!" XD lol. Yep thats Meagan for you^^
Weightlifting is ok, but I like Driver's Ed more. Probably Zach and Jourdan are in that class with me, except Zach likes to beat on me all the time. >_< He likes to smack me on the head or pinch my arm, and sometimes when he does that it really hurts! I told him to stop but all he does is tell me to shut up. =/ Except he was nice yesterday, he actually said sorry when he pinched me and rubbed my arm. XP I don't get him at all! Zach is a good friend of mine but sometimes he is really rough with me! I don't know why everyone likes to beat up on me, like my family as well! Its like I have some invisible sign I can't see around my neck that says, "Please Abuse Me!", I did punch Zach back though the other day. He was really surprised I did that to him! But then afterwards I asked him if he was
This weekend I'm not doing much. Saturday I'm going with Keri to Maryville, which is about 3 hours away from Independence, for a family reunion. She doesn't like her Mom's side of the family much, so I said I would go with her. Lol. So that should be tons of fun. And then Sunday I don't think I'm doing anything. Just relaxing^^ Anything special planned this weekend?
Here are some pics. of Bekka and I on the last day of school^^ Haha, some of these pics. I didn't look good in AT ALL! XP Bleh! I was tired that day. lol. Here they are if you want to look at them^^ Its the link, but I put them all together. Bekka is the one with the curly hair, and I'm the one with auburn colored hair. ^_^
Oh, and in case your wondering about that one pic. with our ID's on it, we put a mustache and beard on ourselves on the last day of school on our pics. XD lol.
Question Time!!!
1. Do you have a favorite J-Pop artist(s)?
2. What is your favorite song from an anime?
3. Random, but if you could be in any Disney Movie/show, which one would you be in?
My Answers:
1. KOTOKO and ROUND TABLE of course! =D
2. Wow I have a lot....but probably "Clover" by Meg Rock from the anime Solty Rie.
3. The Adventures of Winnie the Pooh of course! XD lol. I want to give Pooh and Piglet a big hug! =^_^=
I hope the rest of your week goes good my friends^^ Thank you so much for everything, your all the best and I love you bunches! *huggles* May you all be blessed and have bright, sun-shiny days!