Birthday 1992-06-20 Gender
Female Location Earth Member Since 2007-07-02 Occupation A Student/A Believer In God/Inspirational seeker and giver/Flower and Disney fantatic Real Name Meagan
Achievements Making it through life this far! ^_^ Anime Fan Since 6 years old Favorite Anime Chobits, Lovely Complex, Ah! My Goddess, Kobato, CLANNAD, Air, Hanamaru Kindergarten, and Saiyuki...and many more. :) Goals To live a life helping others Hobbies Reading, playing video games(Final Fantasy, Zelda, Chrono Trigger, The World Ends With You, Okami, and KH are my FAVS), and Analyzing Talents I play the trumpet, being a DISNEY fantatic, the ability to sing somewhat decent, and giving people adivce^^ innocent heart
Friday, July 25, 2008
Mood: Calm, Content, and a little hyper! XD
Time: 2:30 AM
Listening to: "Road to Heaven" by Kim-Lian
Watching: Robot Chicken^^
Good Morning Everyone(or afternoon, evening, etc.)! *looks up* Wow I am doing a lot right now! Haha anyways, thank you for all of your comments on my last post and also for checking out my newest card! ^_^ I hope you are all having a good week so far! How are you?
So yes a first BIG thank you to my dear friend Sparkle-Chan!(I LOVE YOU! XD)Thank you so much for the code^^ And to thank you I put up your favorite song PERFECT STAR PERFECT SYLE!!(Haha I know I'm not nice XD). Haha you are all probably thinking, "She changed her site AGAIN?!" But I just had to try out this new code and now its Chii! XD YAY! I LOVE CHII! XD
Yesterday was kind of a depressing day for me. The night before when I went to bed I was thinking morbid thoughts about what I used to think and my stomach started hurting and blah blah blah, you get the picture. But I had the help of some very good friends of mine. Caprisha, Kathryn, Keri, Derek, Sparkle-Chan's random post, My Mom(XD), and the pic Steph drew for me! Thank you Steph very much^^ I love the drawing! XD Thank you SOOOOOO MUCH to Caprisha the most^^ You have no idea how much you helped me Sis and I thank you from the bottom of my heart. Thank you! *huggles* I am feeling a bit better now. ^_^
I have some great news^^ Today is the day that BABY SAM IS GOING TO BE BORN!! XD Its already decided! The doctors told my brother's wife, Kristi, that she was ready to have the baby. So tomorrow she is going to go in about 6 AM and they are going to break her water.(That sounds so weird). This means Sam will be born^^ The doctors said they think around Noon he will be born, so please pray for my brother, Kristi, and Sam of course. ^_^ Its going to be a long day...then I go get my haircut. XD lol
Well and this is random but thanks to Keri and Caprisha, I am now pictured as a person who dresses up as Pikachu who passes out sunflowers...thanks a lot you guys. XD lol.
1. Have you ever wished that you had a different username?
2. What do you think your theme song would be?
3. If you could have any animal as a pet, what would you have?
My Answers:
1. I don't think I ever have.
2. The Twinkle Twinkle Little Star Song^^ XD
3. A Lion, I think they are beautiful and very majestic! XD I want to hug one! *huggles* I hope its a nice lion...
Quiz Result!
Your Psyche is Blue
You are deeply emotional and very connected to everything (and everyone) around you.
By simply understanding other people, you are able to help them heal and let go.
While you are a very deep and thoughtful person, you do have a very silly, superficial side.
When you are too blue: the weight of the world's problems hangs over you
When you don't have enough blue: you lack perspective and understanding
Random Saying of the day!!
-I have a backpack named Joe which Caprisha and Kathryn and I joke about all the time(long story). Well Joe is now my husband! XD Yes I have a backpack as a husband! XD (Yes I am kidding...or am I?..hmm...)
I hope you all have a bright, sunshiny day! And may this coming weekend be a great one for you^^ Take care! I love you all! *hugs*
Much Love,
Pikachu wearing passing out sunflowers Meagan