Birthday 1992-06-20 Gender
Female Location Earth Member Since 2007-07-02 Occupation A Student/A Believer In God/Inspirational seeker and giver/Flower and Disney fantatic Real Name Meagan
Achievements Making it through life this far! ^_^ Anime Fan Since 6 years old Favorite Anime Chobits, Lovely Complex, Ah! My Goddess, Kobato, CLANNAD, Air, Hanamaru Kindergarten, and Saiyuki...and many more. :) Goals To live a life helping others Hobbies Reading, playing video games(Final Fantasy, Zelda, Chrono Trigger, The World Ends With You, Okami, and KH are my FAVS), and Analyzing Talents I play the trumpet, being a DISNEY fantatic, the ability to sing somewhat decent, and giving people adivce^^ innocent heart
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
^_____^ Tis Christmas Eve...
I won't be on on Christmas Day to wish you all a Merry Christmas since I will be spending time with my Grandma. ^_^ I hope you all have a lovely and beautiful Christmas filled with so many happy memories that it makes you smiley and sunshiny forever! XD *hugs*
I did make a Christmas Card^^ So if you could please check it out, that would be great^^ Thank you to those who have! *hugs*
"Without Christ there would be no Christmas"
I saw this on a Church sign today. So very true...we have to remember what we truly celebrate Christmas for. ^_^
Also, to those who don't celebrate Christmas, HAPPY HOLIDAYS to you^^ I hope you have a fantastic time spending time with loved ones and have fun celebrating^^ *hugs*
I love you all very much^^ I have been commenting like crazy for the past 3 hours since I fell asleep at 6 at night when I got home today from the doctor and slept till 10 at night. =[ I'm not going to be tired for awhile...LOL. I am going over to my Grandma's house today and spending two days with her with my family^^ So it will be fun!
Oh! And the doctor said I have major fluid build up behind my ear drums, so that is why I can't hear very good. I have to take this medicine for a whole month. T___T Wonderful joyfulness. XD
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! Take care my lovely friends^^ And thank you SO MUCH for all the comments lately^^ You really make me feel loved. ♥ Thank you! *hugs*
EDIT: This is really random but you HAVE to watch this. This is epic win right here. XD Defines LOL.