Birthday 1992-06-20 Gender
Female Location Earth Member Since 2007-07-02 Occupation A Student/A Believer In God/Inspirational seeker and giver/Flower and Disney fantatic Real Name Meagan
Achievements Making it through life this far! ^_^ Anime Fan Since 6 years old Favorite Anime Chobits, Lovely Complex, Ah! My Goddess, Kobato, CLANNAD, Air, Hanamaru Kindergarten, and Saiyuki...and many more. :) Goals To live a life helping others Hobbies Reading, playing video games(Final Fantasy, Zelda, Chrono Trigger, The World Ends With You, Okami, and KH are my FAVS), and Analyzing Talents I play the trumpet, being a DISNEY fantatic, the ability to sing somewhat decent, and giving people adivce^^ innocent heart
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Time: 12:40 AM
Hello there everyone! ^_^ How are you today?
First off, thank you so very much for all the comments lately and for your support^^ And I can't believe you guys called me cute and pretty. O__o You need to fix your eyesight. XD LOL. But thank you for the compliments! They mean a lot to me. ^_^ You're all very sweet and beautiful friends. I seriously don't know what I would do without you guys. XD YOU ARE THE SUNSHINYNESS OF MY LIFE!!! XD
*Cough* Anyways, yesterday was kind of...bleh for me^^; Um, so yeah I have been going to bed around 5 AM because of break and so I sleep in a bit late as well. Sometimes past 2 in the afternoon^^; Well anyways, so I hear my Mom waking me up around 1 and she is saying that I have an psychiatrist appointment today! @_@ I completely forgot about it the night before!!! So yeah, I was NOT happy about that. XD It isn't the most best day ever when you wake up and you hear, "You have a psychiatrist appointment" and have to leave the house right away. Phooey. XP
So speed up, I'm waiting in the waiting room reading "Lovely Complex"(I LOVE THAT MANGA!! ♥) and I get called back to her office. Well the way to get to her office is you have to walk down this REALLY LONG's like your not already anticipated enough to just go see her, lets add a long freaken hallway as well!! XD LOL. All I could think about was "Hell Duo" (Sparkle-Chan is most likely the only one who will know what this means).
So finally an hour later(Lol just kidding^^) I get into her office and hi, blah, blah, blah...well I am now up to taking 50 mg of Zoloft!!! ARGH!! I mean, the medicine does help me and it doesn't give me any negative side effects, but it is depressing^^; She also wants me to start taking half a tablet of Syrocim(sp?). It is a tranquilizer medicine that helps calm your mind down before you go to bed as well as your worries.Although, she did tell me that I don't have to start it right now if I don't want to...she is really nice and stuff and I love talking to her, but going there always makes me feel sad because I feel like I'm this mental nutcase bad person. I hate that feeling, to be confused about who you're...its terrible. And then my Mom starts crying because she feels sorry for me that I have to go through all of this...But the psychiatrist did say I was improving greatly, so that is a good thing^^
I never expected that I would be a person who would have to seek mental help, but were not perfect^^; This is making me into a stronger person though so I have to keep positive! *thumbs up* My goal is to help people and that is what I want to do someday as my career^^ I believe what I'm going through right now is going to benefit me in a positive way in the future...I just know it is. I just wish it wasn't so darn stressful!! DARN YOU MIND!! YOUR WICKED! XD
And then plus I am having some friend problems with Keri...well not really her, mostly me. She said some negative things to me a few weeks ago and really insulted me, calling me a selfish biotch and such. It hurt but I got over it and she even apologized...but to be honest, I am really sick of her. Period. I am tired of her negativity and her cussing. It brings me down in a terrible mood and doesn't help me at all. So I have been avoiding her and she keeps texting/calling but I don't answer...I just don't want to. Is this bad of me?
Anyways, I need to be more up and happy in this post^^ I talked about my problems now its time to be positive! ^_^ Lately I have been reading a lot of Lovely Complex and playing Chrono Trigger. XD Reading and playing video games are serious ♥ XD They always seem to make me happier. And tomorrow is New Year's Eve, so were going to a delicious French restaurant called Andreas and then later on that night I have to babysit Hanson. XP But we will be playing games and eating yummy food, so it isn't that bad^^;
I am really looking forward to this new year. How about you guys? ^_^ THIS YEAR I AM GOING TO BE MORE POSITIVE AND UPBEAT! *clenches fist* I will stand by this! It will not only help the others around me but myself as well. I also want to start studying more and possibly join a volunteer program! ^_^ So wish me the best of luck you guys! And I wish the best of luck to those who have resolutions as well! ^_^ WE SHALL DO IT! XD THIS IS GOING TO BE AN AWESOME, BEAUTIFUL, WONDERFUL NEW YEAR! Right? Right^^ XD
Oh! I did make a new wallpaper, so please check it out if you haven't already^^ Thank you! *hugs* I will probably be making a New Year card here soon. ^_^
EDIT: Haha, I did make a card^^; If you can check this out also that would be wonderful^^ Thank you and sorry for all of the commenting^^; *hugs*
Sorry this post was a bit long^^; XD Thank you though so much for reading this. ^_^ And I apologize it for being a bit negative^^; *hugs* Take care my friends and thank you again! May you have beautiful days! I am going to go comment now^^ STAY POSITIVE AND STRONG!
HAPPY NEW YEAR! ^_^ I know its a day early but I will not post tomorrow. May it be a blessed one for all of us^^ *hugs* I am so thankful for all of you. I look forward to spending another great year with you^^ *hugs*