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kaya hyuga
took silver medal in state games
Anime Fan Since
March 2007
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Naruto defenitaly
Fencing (sword fighting) i still like ninjas better
softball and fecig.

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Who can be your boyfriend in Naruto? -detailed and with pics!-
 YOU'RE NEJI'S GIRLFRIEND!You're known as the shy ninja. You're very shy around people you don't know, but once you get to know them you are very kind and caring. WHAT THE NINE ROOKIES THINK OF YOU (and garra's team)Naruto-She's REALLY shy, she only spoke one word which was "Hi" that's it!Sakura-She's nice, I always see her reading books.Sasuke- She doesn't bother me, and I don't really care.Ino- well, she doesn't stuter like Hinata does.Shikamaru- She's not troublesome at all. She's very quiet and easy to talk to.Chouji- She doesn't speak much, but she gave me chips!Kiba- She's cute and all, but too shy for me.Hinata-She's really nice, I think she's one of my best friends. Or maybe my first...Shino- She knows a lot about bugs that I didn't yet learn from my father. She's very smart.Neji- At first I thought she's a quiet girl, but once I got to know her...Rock Lee- *thumbs up* It's obvious Neji-san likes her! I need to set them up! Tenten- I have to agree with Lee, let's set them up!Garra-...Temari- I saw her reading, that's about it.Knakuro- She's a girl, that's all about I know. How you two became a couple... "Excusme, could you tell me where the Hokage's office is?" I asked a White-eyed boy, in my usual quiet voice. He turned around and pointed to the huge building that said "Fire" on It.I nodded, "Thank you, uh" What was his name? "It's Neji" then he turned to walk away. "Oh, thank you Neji-kun!" I shouted back. Being new in Konoha was really scary. It was really huge compared to my village, which wasn't even a ninja village. My clan was the only ninjas to live their. I took a deep breath, as I stepped into the Hokage's office."oh, you must be _______ _____, the new girl. I'm Tsunade, the fith hokage" said a blonde woman. I nodded. "Did my parents came?" I asked, I was really worried about my parents because it was also their first time to go to the Leaf village. "Yes, they just left a while ago." replied the Hokage.I sighed in relief. "my mother said to come here, to assign a new team for me" I said, I wiped my sweaty hand on my shirt. I was REALLY nervous. It was also my first time to ever have a 3-man squad. In my village, My cousin and I were called a team.tusnade nodded and started looking at files. "your name, ____ _____ Age__. Hmmm, you know self defense pretty well" tsunade said. I blushed, no one ever complimented me before. "T-thank you" I said, still blushing.Tsunade was silent for a moment, thinking. "Okay, I'll put you in Neji's team." She said, not looking up from her paper work. "Neji?" Was it that white-eyed boy?Tsunade looked up, "Why, do you know him?" she asked. "I think so..." My voice trailed off, when the White-eyed boy came in."I came here to get my new teammate, Hokage-sama" he said. He didn't seem to notice me. He was Neji? I had to admit, but he was kind of cute."Neji, your new teamamate is over there" Tsunade said, pointing to my direction.I blushed."So, you are the new girl. Nice to meet you" he said, bowing. I also bowed in return. "I'm, _____ Nice to meet you too, Neji-kun" 1 Year had past..."Neji-san, it seems you have won the fight" Rock Lee said. "Nice try, _______-san" Neji said, holding out his hand. I took his hand, "thanks Neji-kun" I said, I got up and dusted myself.We had nothing to do because Gai-sensei went on a mission by himself. I just battle with Neji, but lost as usal. "You know, it's not fair that Gai-sensei went on a mission by himself so let's have a party at my house!" I said. "Yeah, that sounds fun!" Lee said, punching his fist in the air. "We need to spend time on youth!" I gigled at what Lee said.I looked towards Tenten, "Let's Have a sleepover!" I smiled, that meant she was coming. Now for Neji. I smiled, a really sweet smile. I knew he was going to fall for it. "Neji-kun. Please!" I said, still smiling."No, I have better things to do" he said, not looking at me. Did i see a tint of red in his cheeks? Nah, it must be imagination. I sighed, "Fine, you don't have to go." I said, walking back to Lee and Tenten. "This is our chance! We know Neji-san likes her. But, we don't know if she likes him, let's ask her tenten!" Lee whispered. Tenten smiled and nodded. "It seems we're going to have a sleepover by ourselves" I said sadly to my friends. They didn't respond.I looked up, they were smiling. I looked at them weirdly. "What?" I asked them."_______, do you like anyone. Like say, Neji?" Tenten said.I blushed, well I do like Neji a lot. "Well, yeah I do like him." I said, blushing. I looked at my feet in embarassment. "No need to be embarassed. We know what we're going to do!" Lee said, grabbing Tenten's hand and was quickly gone. Huh? What was all that about? Wait! They don't know what time to come to my house! "Wait! You have to come at my house at 6:00!" I shouted at them. "OKAY!" I heard Lee's shout. Wow, he had good hearing.I sighed and started walking home. Rock Lee's PovI saw Tenten smile evily, I looked at where she was looking at, then saw Neji at the Ichiraku ramen. "Neji-san!" I shouted his name, getting his attention. He looked at me then at Tenten. He looked quiet irritated.I looked over at Tenten, we knew what to do. I nodded, and went towards him. "Neji-san! you have to come, ______-chan is in trouble!" I said, pretending to be scared. Tenten came, and had a scared face."She's at her house! She collapsed suddenly then she didn't look like she was breathing. You have to come!" Tenten said, grabbing Neji's hand."Why didn't you call the medic-nin!" he shouted, angrily."Uh, because she doesn't look really sick to me!" I said stupidly, running towards ______'s house. We just had to hope _______ was home. Your pov. I was reading a book about ninjutsu, when I heard footsteps near my doorstep. I looked at the clock, it was only 5:30. maybe, they just came here early."_____!" I heard Neji's voice. I juped out of my seat and quickly went to the door. Suddenly the dooe opened. There stood THE Neji looking worried. I saw Tenten and Lee smirking. 'what were they up to?"Hi, Neji-kun. What are you doing here?" I asked. I looked at Lee and tenten weirdly. "I thought you were dead!" he shouted in my face, grabbing my shirt and pulling me toward a hug. I was so confused I forgot to blush. "Huh? Dead? What are you talking about?" I said, pulling away from the hug."Huh? Lee said you were-" he was cut off when tenten pushed toward me, forcing him to kiss me. This time, I didn't push him away, neither did he.we were both blushing madly. In the back, Lee and tenten were smiling, "We did it!" neji pulled away from the kiss, "Sorry" he mumbled, putting his hand into his pocket.I smiled, "It's okay" and i kissed him again. Take this quiz!

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Who's Your Sohma Guy?
Hosted by Anime. Done right.

i think hatori looks like sanji off of one piece

What is your true personallity hidden in you? (Girls)
What character you would look like in naruto(girls only)(pics and what they think of u)
 Your the Hardy vengeful typeName:RyukoBF:SasukeBFF:NoneWhat the Characters think of you..Naruto:Shes tooo much like Sasuke..creepy~Sasuke:She understands me and i!!SHE TOOK SASUKE!!ILL KILL HER!!Shikamaru:She scares meKakashi:Its great sasuke finally has a girl but shes like his clone~Ino:same as sakura!!Gaara:hmm..i want new prey..KILL HER!Temari:shes too creepy and weird like that sasuke dude..Kankuro:Im soo scared of gaara now..he really wants to kill those two.Mizuki:she is strong...Hinata:scary...Itachi:like sasuke so must kill..kisame:ha we should kill heriruka:she is an excellent student but she needs to cheer up more.. Take this quiz!

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Thursday, November 1, 2007
SCARY!!!!plz repost
Oh boy...
State police warning for online: Please read this "very carefully"..then
send it out to all the people online that you know. Something like this
is nothing to be taken casually; this is something you DO want to pay
attention to.
If! a person with the screen-name of Monkeyman935 contacts you, do not
reply.DO not talk to this person; do not answer any of his/her instant
messages or e-mail.Whoever this person may be, he/she is a suspect for
murder in the death of 56 women (so far) contacted through the
Internet. Please send this to all the women on your buddy list and ask
them to pass this on, as well. This screen-name was seen on Yahoo, AOL,
AIM, and Excite so far.This is not a joke! Please send this to men
too...just in case! Send to everyone you know! Ladies, this is serious.
Jennifer S. Faulkner Education/Information Specialist Roanoke Fire-EMS
541 Luck Avenue, Suite 120 Roanoke, VA 24016
540) 853-2257 (phone)
540) 853-1172 (fax)
A FRIENDS LIFE!!!!Miracles and Blessings
Please, don't delete this without sending it. I know, it sounds like bullcrap, but for the sake of you, your friends, and your family, pass it on, tell people, post it on your MySpace, ANYTHING. Because I don't want to read in the news that a close friend of mine was raped and killed by some psycho from the internet.
This is definitely NOT a chain letter...this is a letter to just warn you all.....
plz repost and write your name under mine.add numbers as needed.
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Monday, September 17, 2007
you know the feeling
when life sucks like seriously sucks?
i feel like this today because my cousin is moving to college.another one is leaving for the airforce a week before christmas.and me and like my fave cousin in my city are growing apart.and all the rest of my family lives in minnesota.i really hate days like today sometimes life sucks.i feel like crying but i have no one to cry sucks it really does.
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