insane furby
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Sunday, January 9, 2005
mad i am going mad.... oh wait i is allready insane....
ok i is very angry my comp is dead so i am going to send it back its still under warinty and i am goin to get a new one this is the 2 in 2years!!!!
i dont want a nother DELL it seams to be un reliball so what i realy want is an alien comp for gameing but i is broke and so is my comp so a dell it is.
i guess i am kinda happy but the guys at the comp companay think i am busting the comps just to get a new at least thats what i think...
so I...STIL...CANT...PLAY...HL2...
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Friday, January 7, 2005
crapppppppyyy comp
well its here and its 5 discs long!!!!???
well i was instaling it and i got to half way in to disc4 when it happened.... *pauses for dramactic suspence* MY COMP CHRASHES!!!! dangit!!! and now darkshade says that its 1 of 3 things 1. its the V card and i half to spring 60$ for a new one 2.its my bios (that will take a looonggg time to fix) or 3.that my hard drive is bad and i half to get a new one and if thats the case and its not under the warinty i might as well shoot my comp and get a new one welllll which will it be ladys and gents.
#1,2,or#3 the symtoms are the screen goes blank, there is beeping and nothing will install oh and the best part is that i cant watch mystery 3000 on it!!!!
*crys like a widow after finding out that she was cut out of her will*
what do you think?
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Tuesday, January 4, 2005
b-day past and still waiting????
my b-day was on the 31st and my dad ordered half-life2 a long time ago(in a galaxy far away)lol and i am still wayting for it to come!!! *sobs*
i havent played it yet and my friends are saying that its an awossom game 0.o so now i have no trust in UPS and i am wondering if anyone had problems like my prob. also while i am on the sub is Hl2 better then 1?
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since i havent posted quizes latly i thought you might like som
 What Half-Life Character Are You? Hosted by Anime. Done right.
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Monday, January 3, 2005
 What Soul Calibur 2 Character Are You? Hosted by Anime. Done right.
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its an anoing face just like dom or ed
 What Anime Emoticon Are You? Hosted by Anime. Done right.
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i havent posted lately
hears a new post
 What Kingdom Hearts Character Are You? Hosted by Anime. Done right.
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Wednesday, December 29, 2004
x-mas Vaction
hi my x-mas vaction is a bumber so far excep for the fun time at the bunkers with sockmonkey we hiked alot and went to .... 4 bunkers and brought falsh lights and jumpted out at lots of people and ran arond yelling the only down side was that some kid pitched a stick a me and hit me in the face!!!
so how did yours go?
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Sunday, December 26, 2004
well its the day after and i is bord!!!!! y you ask? shouldnt i be playing with my stuff? because i need to install my internet i need to call some one (ironic isint it) to come out to put in a phone line and the shoes that i got (both paires that i need) dont FIT!!! the other stuff is clothes that i LOVE and am whereing right now that consitst of simpsons slipers simpsons sleep pants and an "i see dumb people" simpsons shirt oh and a cool watch that tells time and altude date stop watch and wether fortcaster. *pants*
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Saturday, December 25, 2004
give not get
weeeee!!!!!! this christmas is great!!!!
i got internet for my room so now i dont have to use my dads!!!!!
i got my own phone line so i can call people with out people telling me to get off because they have to use the PHONE!!!
i got A LOT O simpsons stuff =0
but as sockmonkey said what we need the most is to give and not to get to help our felow men so give to the poor if you have any toys that you dont use donate them to a childrens fund. but any way have a marry X-mass
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