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Monday, February 25, 2008
Hey everyone I just got out of surgery like a day or so ago...and I was sent home! Thank god! ha ha ha ha. I hated being in the hospital...all I did was just lay there and watch was pretty boring. My mom didnīt even let me go on the internet...
Anyways...the thing that was wrong with me, as you all know was a tapeworm...eeww! Ha ha ha. It was pretty interesting. They said it got in my belly probably from something I ate or drank. Most likely fossit water...spooky. The doctor also said that it has been inside me for an estimate of 1 to three years. WHAT THE HELL!? Ha ha ha ha...but now that Iīm okay and what family is even more poor than I am only allowed to go online for half and hour...which totally blows!! AGH! Iīm so sorry.
Oh thankyou Itsumademo for the get well picture. It made me smile! It was cute how you thought of me and everything.
Well. Iīm going answer a couple pms and then Iīll sign off...go to sleep and pray that my stictches donīt open. I hate these stiches across my belly...makes me feel like I had a C section or something, ha ha ha....oh it hurts to laugh...poopers.
Um...Iīm going to leave now. Bye bye.
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Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Hey you guys. I`m writing to you from the hospital, ha ha ha. As you know...or you should probably know is that I haven`t been doing to well, ha ha ha. Turns out I have a worm in my belly and also I`m about to go into surgery tonight. I`m pretty nervous, ha ha ha ha. Wish me the best of luck.
Geez, it smells weird in here. hee hee.
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Monday, February 4, 2008
Hello everyone. This is Teapot Domescam speaking on behalf of InsaneAndroid. She has entrusted me with her password because I spoke to her on the phone the other day and she is extremely ill. The doctors have no idea whatīs wrong with her and sheīs been in and out of the hospital for weeks. Just to let you know though, she apologizes for not being online and she doesnīt know when sheīll be online again. Please wish the best for her
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Thursday, January 24, 2008
Hello everyone! Sorry but I have been dead for a while. Aka grounded! my mom is always looking for ways to punish me...stupid.
Nothing has really been happening...except my friends little brother birthday is coming up. But thatīs about it, ha ha ha. have you been?
Lame post...I know but I just wanted to let you all know Iīm still here and that this keyboard sucks!!
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Thursday, January 17, 2008
HA HA HA HA HA HA! Sorry I`m posting so soon...again...but I put up a new picture, ha ha ha. I wasn`t supposed to post but something happened!! Ha ha ha.
Today I went over to my friends house again to play video games. Such as Bleach and Mario Galaxy. I love Mario Galaxy but...I kept on dying for some strange reason, ha ha ha. I kept asking my friend to beat certain parts for me...well only when I lost like 4 lives...Hey! I haven`t played in a while!! Ha ha ha. I totally rocked at the Bleach game though! Ha ha ha...but I hate all of there english voices, they`re kind of generic and annoying, ha ha ha ha.
Anyways...ha ha ha. Here`s my picture...
 Pet The CatHosted By
I can`t believe this stupid picture got 20 votes? How the hell does that happen? ha ha ha ha...i have no idea.
Oh guess what! Last night I was studying!! Can you believe it!? I was reading and everything! ha ha ha ha ha ha....i was reading a science book. It was very interesting. But it made my mind think to much and get all these weird theories and thoughts. Scared me...ha ha ha ha.
Bad news: I have to meditate 7 more days with my mom because she claims I acted rudely towards our guest. I swear she`s just thinking of ways to have me meditate with her. AGH!! it`s stupid....
Haven`t watched bleach yet....don`t know when I`m going to. Maybe tomorrow or something, ha ha ha...okay I`m gonna shut up now and read YOUR blogs, later!
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Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Oh my god! It has been quiet a while since i posted...aherm 1 day. I think...ha ha ha.
anyways...just finished getting 9 million ryo on my game. It was pretty easy. I just kept playing this tree climbing mini game that gave me 30,000 ryo everytime I passed, ha ha ha. And then I spent all my money buying all these items at the Tanzaku market. ha ha ha ha ha. Which in the end left me with 6 million ryo. It`s pretty gooood. Ha ha ha ha...god I sound like such an idiot. ha ha ha.
anywhoogles, Yesterday I had to go the store with my mom. UGH!! We had to go to Central...I hate it there it`s so crowded. My mom left my little brother at my friend rubens house. I wanted to stay to...because he got the new Bleach video game for the Wii...agh!! he always gets new video games...and here I am with nothing. Ha ha ha...I must admit I`m rather jealous. I WAS able to play it though! Ha ha ha...because we had to go pick up my brother. Suckers...ha ha ha. It wasn`t as hard as some of you might thing. It was very easy and fun! My best character was Izuru...ha ha ha ha. When I clicked on him I couldn`t stop thinking about what John 3:16 said Izuru looked liked my Akinauni...ha ha...I suppose...they have some resemblence, ha ha ha ha.
Well, that`s basically all that really happened, ha ha ha. I like cookies....
Oh yeah! I did 21 push ups this morning! I`m getting SOOO strong. And they weren`t those wussy girl push ups either. I have no idea how I did it...usually I can only do like 7 or 10, ha ha ha ha. but 21!! That`s!!
Oh yeah! My friend Ruben also let me borrow this bleach has episodes 1-18, it`s pretty cool! Ha ha`s kind of...piriated, ha ha h a ha ha.
Well, I`ll just go now before I think of more stuff to write...byes!
 KaiHosted By
A picture my friend itsumademo drew! Go check it out! It`s awesome!
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Monday, January 14, 2008
People have been drawing my characters!!! (Real post is below)
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Permalink, ha ha ha. I don`t know what to say but I feel the need to post!! ha ha ha ha.
Okay...last night it was so freaky! Out of nowhere I had like this major anxiety attack! It hit me out of nothing! Of course I wasn`t expecting it because I rarely get those know? Ha ha ha...It was like an out of body experience and I kept seeing this little girl with brown hair and a blue dress she kept entering my thoughts and wouldn`t leave me alone! It was weird...and kind of scary, ha ha ha. I had trouble breathing and what not, I just forced myself to fall was bizarre, ha ha ha.
Um, let`s see what else. Oh I finished drawing a lot of request pictures! Now I just need to color them. I`m really proud of the one I did of Oburi...she`s a fan character made by Pixelated Evil. It`s just her face...but I love it!! ha ha ha.
Oh and before I go! ha ha ha. I don`t have to mediatate anymore!! yay!! Now I can stay up late at night playing video games!! Ha ha ha! Byez!
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Saturday, January 12, 2008
Omg, I just did something very very very very stupid, ha ha ha. On my way over internet place...I a large pile of cement!! AGH!! Ha ha ha. My shoe got stuck and my feet got all dirty!! Ha ha ha ha...I`m still kind of shock that something like that would even happen to me!! ha ha ha ha. So as soon as I go into the internet place I ask if I can use the wash up...thank god no one`s here, ha ha ha. But I do feel kind of awkard for standing here without any shoes on...ha ha ha ha ha.
 Beach TimeHosted By
Yes, I know most of you have already viewed and commented on this...but I`m just putting it up because I lOVE it!! Ha ha ha! I was showing it off during my confirmation classes and someone wants to buy it from me! Yes!! Ha ha ha ha...I feel so special...ha ha ha ha.
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Thursday, January 10, 2008
Wow, today has been weird. my eyes have been burning from lack of sleep! WEll...itīs only been a little bit of lack of sleep. Ha ha ha, like one night...last night. Ha ha ha. Last night I was up till 2 am working on my latest artwork! Ha ha ha...which I posted up if you happen to see it please go check it out! Iīm actually pretty proud of that picture! It has a background and more than one person in it. And over all it follows a general theme...which I am proud of, ha ha ha. Youīll just have to see for yourself.
Iīve been playing Ultimate ninja 2...which for some reason is leaving my hands all shaky and stupid. I keep dropping things and my grip is very weak. I donīt know whatīs wrong. Maybe I shouldnīt play that game for 7 hours a day anymore, ha ha ha. Itīs just hard because Iīm borrowing that game and I want to finish it before I give it back!! Ha ha ha ha.
Hmm...nothing else has been happening. Except for my brotherīs friend Tonya has been coming around a lot. I hate her...she deleted my Kingdom Hearts data! AGH!!! I was so angry but I couldnīt show it because then I would get in trouble!! AGH!! I hate holding in hatred...itīs ridiculous.
I had eggs for breakfast this morning.
Hey, did you know that the smaller your handwritting means the lower your self confidence is? I thought that was pretty weird. Which brings me to a question for all of yous. How big is your handwritting? If you write big that means you have pretty good self confidence. Get it? Ha ha ha ha. my handwritting is I guess i have an average amount of you know...ha ha ha.
Hm...well i have nothing else to bore you guys with...oh wait! Ha ha ha. We might get a puppy! This lady said we can have one if her daughter or some thing dosenīt want it, ha ha ha. Iīm not too sure I want a puppy though...they always like to chew on Playstation cords! AGH!! The horror is too much to handle!!! ha ha ha.
Again donīt forget to check out my picture! Byes!
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