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myOtaku.com: InsaneAndroid

Welcome to my quiz results page. This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken. 10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.

Result Posted on 03/10/07:

Quiz Result Provided By: theOtaku.com.
What Kingdom Hearts Character Are You?
Hosted by theOtaku.com: Anime. Done right.

Result Posted on 03/10/07:
What's with all this evil?!

Quiz Result Provided By: theOtaku.com.
What FF7: Advent Children Character Are You?
Hosted by theOtaku.com: Anime. Done right.

Result Posted on 03/09/07:
Evil? Not me...

Quiz Result Provided By: theOtaku.com.
What Village Are You From?
Hosted by theOtaku.com: Anime. Done right.

Result Posted on 03/09/07:
Too be honest, this was the last character I would've expected to be. I'm in shock. I thought I was going to be shikamaru or neji!

Quiz Result Provided By: theOtaku.com.
What Naruto Character Are You?
Hosted by theOtaku.com: Anime. Done right.

Result Posted on 03/09/07:
Who would've thunk that I'd be L!? Well, it does kind of sound like me to be honest.

Quiz Result Provided By: theOtaku.com.
What Death Note Character Are You?
Hosted by theOtaku.com: Anime. Done right.

Result Posted on 03/09/07:
ooo stable and mature.

Quiz Result Provided By: theOtaku.com.
Which Nana Are You?
Hosted by theOtaku.com: Anime. Done right.

Result Posted on 03/09/07:
For some strange reason I knew I was going to be Jin(or however you might spell his name).

Quiz Result Provided By: theOtaku.com.
Which Samurai Champloo Character Are You?
Hosted by theOtaku.com: Anime. Done right.

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