
Hi there! My name's Jessicka!! [no i dont really spell my name with a "k" i just like it better like that, betch] and I DO DELETE PEOPLE! All the time actually!! ^^'
height: 5'9"/175 cm
weight: 2... much
love: minta. sarah. sato. chocolate 8D. ~real friends.
hate: mushrooms. drama. school. liars. ignorance. fakers. jealousy. people who will do anything for attention. homophobes. hypocrites. people who think theyre perfect. people who cant think for themselves. "emo" kids who slit their wrists. people who just cant get outta my mind.
like: gifs. shoes. disney world. hard rock.
~only downloads illegally
I look like a girl on the outside but I feel Im more of a boy on the inside. I would never purposely break the heart of the one I love. Im patient but if you make me mad I will never let it go. Im a pushover. Im honest, selfless, openminded, and open in regard to my feelings.
- I take french. But dont ask me to say something in french. I never learn LOL
- I post random shit in bulletins when im bored
- I am a dreamer at heart. Big hopes, big dreams, big ideas. Perhaps an even bigger heart. But i never act. Yah i know, pathetic
- I am a mistake. But i will not apologize. I may bitch occasionally. But if you really want to help, dont just give me your pity. Bring me back to earth
- Lists, lists, lists! Get the picture? LOL
- Labels suck. Just like yer mom ;D
- Like my layout? Yah well so dont i. DONT STEAL
- I have 4 cats. Yes, 4 ;3
- My flaws=beauty. Your flaws=beauty. Everyone's flaws=beauty. Moving on...
- Im super weird. But only if i trust you. Dont worry, i give out trust like its gone out of style
- I like alot of different styles of music. SHUTUP IDC IF I "CANT" LISTEN TO JROCK AND RAP. I listen to what i want
- Sometimes i wonder why i wasnt born male. Then i remember i wouldnt be able to be gay anyways x3
- I live for the day i finally get to japan<3
- Im slightly a pessimist. But i get over it soon enough, especially if you show me pics of hott jrockers! ;D
- I dont always know what I want.
- I love talking about myself [like you havent already figured that out]. But i equally love listening as well ;}
- I am me. 'Nuff said
i really like.. Miyavi and Kyo and Aoi[Gazette] and Kanon and Daisuke[Kagerou] and Shou and almost any jrocker with awesome hairs/piercings that i see. so please excuse my [w]hor[e]mones xD! damn those jrockers make me feel like a lesbian sometimes D=
i occasionally obsess over a few computer games but only if they pwn. i also like to read but its true i rarely read a book without alot of pictures. i mostly obsess over the drama of others. i guess thats mostly cuz my lowly life in the middle-of-no-where is so boring ._.'
food=¢¾ but i hate being fat CHUBBY! [im only chubby cuz if you call me fat... ill sit on you! xD] i think if food wasnt so damn delicious i wouldnt have to be fat. and i would also succeed in being a vegan but as ive said thats never gonna happen.
i like to flirt with strangers. if i know you then ill only flirt with you if i really really like/respect you. but with strangers? im only practicing on you. sorry¢¾
i ¢¾ my new ipod more than you.
i ¢¾ boys even though they are stupid shetbags. ;}
i have a asian tongue fetish. if your asian than will you tongue fuck me? PLS?? LMFAO
"I had just one gift to give, came in the most conspicuous of packages. That gift was hope."
"..Feel so tied down, Just wanna let go And float above the rest.Escape"
Monday, June 4, 2007
My Links
I'm out like a light. '>.>

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Saturday, September 17, 2005
what up my home skillets?
lolz yes i am in a hyper mood once again! i like my black eyed peas! listen to them and DONT LIE! lolz!
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Featured Quiz Result:
hahahahahahaha im like 20% Irish and i love to raise hell!!!