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Achievements eh? Well I made Highest Honor roll this year.
Anime Fan Since
Favorite Anime
Hellsing, Appleseed, R.O.D., Ghost Stories, Full Metal Panic!, Mezzo, FLCL, Cowboy Bebop, Outlaw Star
To become a graphic designer
Drawing, writing, playing video games
Drawing, making websites
| Insanity Hero

Welcome to my site. As you can tell I'm a huge Hellsing fan. But I also like other shows too. Like FLCL, Mezzo, R.O.D., and other stuff too. I'm too lazy to type out everything. So if you want to add me as a friend feel free to. Or if you just want to look around by all means go ahead. Well that's enough intro for one insane person. Cheers!
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Updates up the pie hole!
Ello' ello' loves. Another update from me. Great news guys we finally have a scanner! *and the crowd goes wild* Now I just have to figure out how the darn thing works.
Second news I finally found a computer that I like. Saw it a Best Buy over the weekend. Might be getting it soon. Woot to that!
School is almost here for me and my buds. Oh the fun we shall have. I'm looking forward to it.
I'm moving out of my old room and into my sister's room. Big for me since I've never had a big room before. It's all for my brother's friend and my friend. He's moving into my room. Gotta clean out some of the junk in my sister's room and air it out.
And it's been a year now for me and a very special person. A year and we're still going strong! Love ya hun!
Whole that's a lot of updating. Well cheers folks and remember:
Use the buddy system!
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Thursday, August 23, 2007
Bitter apple spray taste nasty.
Ello' ello' loves! How is everyone doing on this fine day? Ok yeah I'm not myself right now. I went to bed around 1:00 in the morning and woke up around 6:30. Can't fall back to sleep. And now it is around 7:30 in the morning.
I just got a mouth full of this bitter apple spray stuff that you use on dogs. It's to keep them from chewing on anything. Yeah that stuff taste nasty. I was just spraying along ya know with a happy mood. And then as I was moving away the spray was still in the air. I got a mouth full of it. It went straight to my lungs so I was coughing. I told my mom what happened and she snickered.
Anywho so the computer deal is still on. This weekend I think me and my dad are going to out to Wal-Mart to look at their computers for sale. I told them that I want to have it for college but also for fun. Which means I want to be able to play computer games. And they agree with me. So I'm happy right now. Thinking of all the cool stuff I'm going to put on my computer. Like my music, have my eCards saved on there, and anything else.
And I can't wait to go back to school. I can't wait to see Demon2010 and all my friends. But mostly Demon. I'm just thinking of all the fun stuff that is going to happen this year. And I'm a senior so whoop to that!
And now I leave you with a stupid fact done by me:
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Monday, August 20, 2007
Big news for me. Oh heck and for you too!
Big news folks. Big flipping news! I talked to my mom yesterday about all the money that I got for my birthday. I said I didn't know what to do with it. She came up with the best idea. Save it for a labtop! My own computer. My own computer where I am in control of what is on it. My own computer where I don't have to fight with my parents just for the family computer. My own computer where I can write my fanfics without worrying that someone is going to read it.
Yes I am moving away from the families computer where in the last few post you've seen me curse it out. My own computer with my junk on it. I'm just thinking already on what I'm going to put in it. And it will be good for college too.
The funny thing is I'm the last one to get my own computer. My sister go her's first but she was going off to college. My little brother got his from some deal. So I think it's funny that I'm the last one to get a computer. And the weird thing is I'm not mad about being last either. I guess I like being last when it comes to this stuff. Also I don't beg and cry for something this big. Like with my MP3 player I got for my birthday last year. I got it because I wanted one, but also because I didn't beg and cry for one either. I was happy with my CD player. My parents knew that but they also wanted to upgrade me. That old CD player has been around for almost 4 maybe 5 years. And the sucker still work! I sold it this year in a yard sale.
But hell it just shows that I take care of my crap. My brother broke his CD player in the second year. He then went out and bought a i-Pod. Me? I was happy as a little clam with her CD player.
The best part about this deal is my dad said they'll see if they can chip in and help me. I'm half way there on buying a new laptop. So folks this is a great day indeed for me. Can't wait to get that sucker. Cheers.
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