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myOtaku.com: Insanity Hero

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Zombies ate my brains! GAHHAGHAHA!!!
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Good evening everyone. Haven't updated in a few weeks since nothing big has been going on. Zombies have been on my mind for the past few days since the comic that I'm trying to make is somewhat going up in smoke. Can't. Get. The. Characters. RIGHT!!!! And my brain feels like zombies are picking at it. *twitch* So that would explain the title to this little deal. Maybe when I'm in Iowa my drawing skills will return to me and we'll have some idea on how to draw the comic.

Oh man my spelling/typing skills are suffering greatly! STOP EATTING MY BRAIN YOU STINKING ZOMBIES! *whacks head* I NEED MY BRAIN! I'M NOT DONE USING IT! *whacks head again* Yeah me a little crazy right now. Well I'm off to fight the zombies that are picking at my beloved brain. Later!

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