Birthday 1993-02-19 Gender
Female Location anime land Member Since 2006-05-25 Occupation loving anime Real Name u figure it out on ur own
Achievements i dunno Anime Fan Since 2005 i think Favorite Anime a lot if u really wanna kno then ask me ok Goals i have none i guess Hobbies writting and drawing and reading Talents writting and drawing and singing insesskomilover
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
pic of da day(and question too)!!!!!!!!!!
i kno i kno i kno, i always put this question, but......who is this.......if anyone can think of better questions can u tell me?
hey guys its time for the pic and question of the day!!!!!!!!!!!
sorry i 4got to do it yesterday. i was kinda busy. oh well. heres this one
who is this? and for girls, isnt he the hottest? other than the hottest part u still cant answer ihartkoga Comments (1) |
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
this is sooooooooo.....5hours l8ter......ooooo funny. ok not that funny but still u get the picture!!!!!!!!!
wasnt that funny. i liked it but it is so not true cause ed likes pie better than pancakes.
ttyl ppl Comments (0) |
hey guys. here is todays pic and question!!!!!!
ok. so. who r they? from wat show? and wat is usually differnt?
again ihatkoga u r not allowed to answer.
yesterdays pic was al, ed, and winry from fullmetal alchemist. from the beggining theme song.
awwwwwwwww man. u wanna kno wat sucks?!? tommorrow..............SCHOOL STARTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! waaaaaaahhhhhhh why mean. ihartkoga u r mean. u r suppost to start when i do.
this is an amv. of course. but i havent seen it yet. hope u like. Comments (0) |
hey guys. here is todays pic and question!!!!!!
who r these three ppl? wat part of the show?
yesterdays pic was kimishima from scryed. the ppl who killed him(and need to die themselves) was hold a department of holy. (u prob wont get it unless u watch it and please dont ask me). well anyway by guys Comments (2) |
Sunday, August 20, 2006
sorry i havent been on for a few days. anyway here is todays pic and question
hye guys. ok so who is this? from wat show? and........who killed him? ihartkoga u r not allowed to answer.
last time. the pic was sesshy and rin. from inuyasha. and rin keeps saying, "r we there yet". its funny. ok well. ttyl ppl Comments (1) |
amv for u
i havent seen it all yet but im about to. my computer is slow. so anyway i hope u all liked it. it looks sweet. ttyl Comments (0) |
oh my god. all u girls have to see this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
this is sooooooooo........