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Thursday, June 15, 2006
I suppose I should make my annual post about now. It's nearly been a year.
It's finals week. Tomorrow is my last day of school. I haven't been doing as well in school as I have before. I'm barely over with sophomore year and I already have seniorits. Uggh.
I'm going to have to take algebra two again next year. Oh well. That's what I get for being a dunce in math. I'm also going to start summer school on monday for the first semester of World History. Silly me, thinking I could take on World History AP. I didn't learn a single thing. And, since I am slightly retarded, I didn't really try to transfer out until I found out that I got an "F" first semester. So, Summer dosn't start for me until July. Joy.
At least it'll be remedial history and I'll be able to sleep through it. Or read. I want to pick up some nice, interesting books. Anyone want to reccomend me some? I like stuff like 1984(George Orwell), The Jungle(Upton Sinclair), Dracula (Bram Stoker), Anna Karenina (Leo Tolstoy) and Sophie's World (Jostein Gaarder).
My dearest boyfriend is joining the army. He leaves on August first. Oh dear. BCT at Benning. Our relationship has been rather unconventional. I love him and there's nothing I can do but support him and be a loving girlfriend.
Tomorrow night is graduation night for the class of '06. Guess who gets to sit and play "Pomp and Circumstance" for 15 minutes. We practiced today (only for ten though) and my arm nearly fell off. It was horrid.
I'm taking a Japanese class at IVC. It's pretty fun and I am good at it. All the silly little otaku-types in my class aren't very good. This one person who cannot shut up ever in particular. He is generally hated in the class because he asks the dumbest questions and dosn't pay attention. He dosn't realize that if he paid attention his questions would be awnsered and the he would probably be able to understand things.
Silly people and their inablity to shut the fuck up.
I've been making a dress for the past week. It was a challenge. My first dress from cutting apart an old dress and using it as a pattern. I did well though. It's very comfortable and flattering. The invisible zipper was a bitch. It's an awesome dress. It's my new favorite outfit.

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Sunday, June 19, 2005
I went to Funeral last night. It was great fun. I danced the night away. They played all my favorites right off the bat, then they went to all that synthey crap.
I don't think I have ever seen that many goths in one place. Ever. It was amazing. People were singing along to the songs I always sing along to and such. it was amazing.
Not to mention there were hordes of good looking guys.
Today I went down to PB to visit my grandmother. I went to the main shopping area and got a couple cd's The Damned's Grave Disorder and The Creature's Say. And a Joy Divison button. I love the Damned's cd. I like the song 'Absinthe' I think it starts out with some theremin. I love theremins. I want to learn to play one.
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Sunday, February 6, 2005
La. I'm cleaning my room. Starting with my closet. I have an awful lot of stuff in there. Lots of bags, hats, shoes, clothes, half finished sewing projects, fabric on the bolt, fabric scraps ribbon, coat hangers... I have way too much stuff. So anyways, the contents of my closet are spread across my floor. I've been putting stuff away for a while, so only a little remains.
I have to go through my clothes too. Sort out what I need to repair, what should go near the front of my closet, what needs to go to the back, put skirts together and shirts together. Just stuff like that.
I wanted to go to goodwill today, but my mom had to go to the office. Crap. I think goodwill is open until 9 tonight, so I might still be able to go. I need more skirts, more shirts and mabey a pair of *nice* pants. I've been wanting a tailcoat for a while now. And a top hat. Top hats are hard to find though. It makes me envious of those kids in the frosty the snow man song. I mean, they *found* an old silk top hat on the ground.
So yes. After I go through my clothes, I'll probably go through my books. I probably need to re-orginize them and get rid of some. Then, I'll have to go through my school papers and throw out what I don't need anymore and find somewhere safe to keep the stuff I do need. I'll probably wind up cleaning the bathroom too. It really needs a good sweeping out and the sink needs to be scrubbed. I need to organize my stuff too, it's all over the place. I need some supplies too. Like contact solution, face soap, liquid eyeliner, red lipstick, cotton balls, medicine, advil... Yeah, I up and run out of everything all at once.
I'll leave my sister's side of the room alone of course. I don't want to dig through her shit and find some rotten half-eaten bananna or somthing similar.
Yesterday we watched Kino's Journey in anime club. I got it for once. I actually understood the philosophy in all three of the episodes. I am so proud of myself. Mabey I'll understand next week's episodes too. It's a very good anime. I should probably borrow it and re-watch it.
Last night I had the most bizarre dream. I was out in my room with some people. And then, I hear this crash and it sounds like someone is struggling. And all of a sudden I am in the kitchen of the main house with all of the people who were out in my room. I freak out and look out the window in the door. I can't really see anything, but I know that my dad is fighting with someone. Instinctively, I run and lock the doors and sit on the couch.
After a while, I hear this voice, 'let me in! Let me in!' Lots of shaking on the doors. That part was kind of blurry and fuzzy and I can't remember exactly what happened. But then, I realize that I should call the police. I called the police. Once I did, my dad came in, it seemed like he had been in a fight, but he didn't look it. It's hard to explain. He told me that the burgular person was gone. It was bizarre. I've always been pretty afraid of burgulars and the sort.
Today during my riding lesson, my friend's horse fell. While she was on him. They both came down pretty hard. My friend got a cut on the underside of her chin and the horse got cut by his hoof on is foreleg. There was blood everywhere. It was odd to see the red blood on the horses white leg. It was almost pretty. Almost. The good thing about him falling was that when he got up, riderless, he didn't run off. Many other horses would have gotten up and ran away, making their injuries worse. But not william. He got up and stood there. He's such a great horse. He dosn't spook at all. Not flighty at all. He's a good boy.
I asked my dad for an electric violin for my birthday. My dad then changed the conversation around into getting the guitar that costco has for my birthday. I'm not entirely sure how he managed that though. It's great that he wants to get me a guitar as I have been asking for one for a while, but it's somewhat retarded when he wants me to comparison shop the damn thing. I probably just should have told him to get me an electric violin instead. I would love one. With an electric violin, I could join or even start a band. It would be awesome. I'd probably have to get one of those nifty cases for two violins so I could carry around my nice violin and the electric one. That'd be awesome.
I think that is enough for right now. I might write more later.
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Tuesday, January 11, 2005
I just noticed it, but I cut myself shaving the other day and it kinda looks like I got attacked by a vampire. But it's on my leg, so it must be like some sort of vampire animal. Like a dog or a cat or a bunny(bunnucula!).
I get to go to the D.I./Restraints/other bands show on Saturday! Wooo. This time around, I am so going in the mosh pit.
School is school-ey. I go there every day, monday-friday. It's kinda boring. I've been getting alot of homework lately though. I have some science, but I left my damn book at school. I have an essay to write, but that's not due until friday, so it can wait. Then there is a spanish quiz tomorrow, but it's on easy stuff. Orchestra is good, we started playing the Romanian Folk Dances today. They're awfully easy. (For the most part anyways).
Today was anime club. But, it was cancelled. John forgot the damn remote. Bleh. But they sold pocky! I got two and ate them *all.* Except for the ones I gave to the people who didn't buy their own. So since it was cancelled, I got a ride home with tiffany. Fun fun fun.
It started raining like 20 minutes ago. I don't know if it still is though. It would be nice if it is.
Out on the track around the football field, there is a lake. A big ass lake. It goes in a complete circle around the football field. I think we should buy some feeder goldfish and liberate them. I'll get the goldfish and you all can meet me next to the staduim. Then we can begin our grand fishy liberation! VIVA LA FISH!
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Thursday, January 6, 2005
I've been reading this book by Tolstoy, it's very interesting. It's called Resurrection. I'm not very far into it though. I only get time to read it during school. Bleh.
Finals are coming up soon. I'm ready, but I am not ready. Yeah.
School is just like school. Boring, every day is the same as the one before.
Carnigie hall is coming up soon. Really soon. God. My section can't play parts of the piece and so its keeping us from going faster. Bleh.
Reality is waiting for a bus - Subhumans
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Wednesday, November 24, 2004
"Get down you lemmings!"
Well, today was okay. School was average. In science, I made "the perfect slide of leaf epidermis" Woo. Yet more evidence why I should become a botanist. MUN was fun, we did broken squares. V. fun. In english there was a substitute. I listend to my cd player (Reel Big Fish) and did the activity she planned for us. Spanish was kinda retarded. I took a test. Pretty easy. I messed up on one part because I was being stupid. Oh well. PE was okay. We didn't run. Yay. Geometry was great. We just sat around and did nothing. (Like every other day)
After school my dad picked me up and was a tad mad at me, I really don't feel like going into it right now.
I really like my new cd's. My favorite would have to be the Dead Kennedys live at the Deaf Club. Its pretty fun to sing along to. I have had it in my cd player while I walk home. But I get funny looks when I start singing "Kill the poor" at the top of my lungs. The version of kill the poor on this cd makes me want to get up and dance. Its really nice and bouncy with the bass part in the beginning.
I really want to go to another show. They're great fun. I just don't want to go by myself. They're much more fun with other people. None of my friends are too fond of the music I like though. "The punks scare them." Oh well. I'll just have to wait for a while I guess.
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Thursday, November 11, 2004
We are sick we are sick we are sick sick sick
Grr. Arg. I am sick.
I cannot breath.
I cannot swallow.
It is not pleasant.
I need some tissues.
And mabey some orange juice.
Or lemon tea with honey.
Mmmmm. Lemon tea with honey.
I don't want to get up and go outside and go to the main house though. It's too cold out there.
And of course I'm sick on a long weekend. Why couldn't I have gotten sick during a school week?
I need a nap.
But I probably won't nap.
Somebody IM me.
I'm bored as hell.
Oh yeah, If you can guess what musical my subject line comes from, you get uh.... 10 points.
Points for what?
Frankly I have no flipping idea.
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Tuesday, October 26, 2004
I'd do the whole update thing, but I have alot of homework, I'm tired and frankly, I'm way to lazy to write a nice post, so I'll just give you highlits of my day.
-Orchestra Mozart piece for Carnegie, lots of screwing up, lots of fun.
-Science Teacher gone = No test = Happy Kathryn
-MUN New packet, need to memorize facts about the UN, not so happy Kathryn
-English, We killed mocking birds and took vocab quizzes of doom
-Break salsa dance competition for homecoming week. I could own all of them at salsa dancing.
-Spanish Estoy muy...[pick one: Cansado/a, triste, feliz, deprimido/a etc. etc]
-PE Fucking mile. 9:24 woot!
-Algebra Group quiz triangles of doom. Did well (?) Have a low A, very low A 89.8%
-Violin lesson Teh fun, more Mozart, Telemann Cannonic Sonata, Bach double. I had practiced-ey goodness. Still need to practice more.
Homework time
Bjork - Some song that I don't know the name of from the album Medulla
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Saturday, October 23, 2004
All of a sudden, it's gotten cold here. Really really cold.
Like 50's in the morning when I get up.
This would be just lovely if I had decent cold weather clothes. But I don't, all I have is light fabric and cool clothes.
I need to go shopping.
For the cold, yeah.... that's it...
So anyways, today during orchestra we played through several peices. We need to work on Las Posadas. We suck at it. It's that darn key change.
Science was lovely, we went over the notes for science to study....which I now realize I left in my binder....damn it. I really need to study to maintain my 90% A. If I do better than 85% on my test, I'll bring my grade up.
MUN was lovely, I finished my DJ's for english and went over the first couple of pages in a new UN packet. Its about the six major organs of the UN. Woo.
Yesterday, I got my assignment for the Hi-Tech MUN conference. I am doing UNEP, United Nations Enviornment Programme. The topics are endangered species and energy conservation. Wooo. This means I need to start researching.
English was lovely, we took a quiz on To Kill A Mockingbird. I think I did well on it. I hope I did anyways, I only have a B in that class and I really want to bring it up to an A. Because a 4.0 = mucho dinero.
In Spanish we had a sub. We did work from the book, listened to a listening activity and watched a cultural video. We finished in 15 minutes. So for the rest of the class, we sat around. I went and sat with Kate and we talked about our classes and stuff.
PE was...bleh-ish. We did exercises in the mat room again. It was pretty easy, but I liked sprinting more.
Geometry was great again. We went over new postulates and stuff. We finished early again, so we just sat around.
Anime club was lovely. We watched Lain and another anime that I cannot remember right now. Lain was so freaky and weird, but I want to see the rest. So much. The other anime was...odd. But cool, its the first anime that we're going to watch all the way through.
We voted today. We don't know how to vote. We act like total retards. But it was great anyways.
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Wednesday, October 20, 2004
Liver will eat your soul.
It was another lovely rainy day. Three days in a row! How lucky can I get? It's supposed to rain tomorrow too! Yay!
I slept in today. And when I say I slept in, I mean I slept in. I got out of bed at 6:24, zero period starts at 6:45. I rushed around this morning. I was out the door at 6:35, I think I did well. I just grabbed clothes and threw on some eyeliner this morning. I took my shoes and put them on in the car.
I was not late. Thank god. I ran into the theater just as the bell was ringing, so I was not late. Woo. The cellos messed up again today, but not as much. I think we're doing better. Tomorrow Darlene is supposed to come and give us a sectional. Woo.
We did a lab in science. We had to do stuff with raw liver and everybody was freaking out. Over raw liver. I'll admit, it does look like a big red amorphous booger from hell, but come on, it's not going to eat you, so get over it.
It dosen't look like I'm going to be able to go to the aquarium on thursday. Oh well. School's not that bad.
MUN was average, Mrs. Kroll went over how to caucuss and how to write resolutions and tomorrow she's going to go over how we are supposed to make comments on substantive debate speeches. Fun fun fun.
English was english. We did DLS and we read from To Kill a Mockingbird. Dialectical journal thingies are due on friday.
Spanish was normal. We watched the second part on the little telenovela thing. It was retarded, but what can you expect of a Spanish class soap opera thing.
PE was cool. We went into the gym with the other class to do sprints. Oh my god. They were so easy, I would kill to be in that PE class. Sprints are so much easier than the shit my class is doing.
It felt really good to just let loose and sprint too. For our class, we have been doing long distance, so I have to conserve my energy. But with this, I could just dig in and go as fast as I please. It rocked.
After we did about 15 minutes of on-off sprinting, we had the option of playing basketball or sitting against the wall. I sat against the wall with my friend, Heather. We sat around and talked a bit and watched people play basketball.
When I came out from the gym, it was sprinkling. And it continued like this through lunch.
Geometry was cool again. I bought gummy bears from Gabby. I licked one and stuck it on my forehead. I kept it there through the entire class. It was bright red too. Mr. Hatch just gave us worksheets and told us to do them. So we did, and finished early too. We just messed around for the entire class again.
After geometry, it was still raining and my dad came to pick me up. Thank goodness. I would have gotten drenched and my books would have gotten soaked since I use my duct tape bag and it dosen't have a top, so it leaves my books open to the elements.
I came home and actually got to work on my homework. I have my spanish CPR done. It was so easy to do. Just a simple map of Spain.
So here I am, with my homework done! Mabey I should do this more often...
But I still need to practice. Arg >_<
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