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Thursday, September 25, 2003

What Anime Bad Girl Are You?
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Bored Bored Bored. Tomrrow is the first school dance of the year. Big friggin deal. Dances suck. Doing math homework. That sucks too. Hey, alot of things suck. :rolls eyes:
Yesterday we had the most psycotic of substitutes. He wouldnt let the people who needed to go to cross country go to cross country. He was all, "The rovolution starts here!!" And creepy crap like that. Since he wouldnt let them out one kid called the office and they had someone come and tell the teacher to let them go. Crazy psycopath...
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Wednesday, September 24, 2003
Anyone out there good at Polynomial Long Division?
Music: None
I HATE MATH!!!!!! im doing my math homework now and its really hard. I hate you polynomial long division!!!!!
Nothing else happend today, quite depressing really. Ill tell you when somthing intresting happens.
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Sunday, September 21, 2003
Hi hi hi hi
Music: None
Ohhhhhhhh the bored-ness. Last nite i watched miss america. That was so unlike me. I hate how that beauty-pagent crap works. Oh boy im pretty in a swimsuit/evening gown/steet wear, i can sing a stupid song and i say "world peace" and i get a crown. OH FRIGGIN BOY.
I should be working on my science project but i don't feel like it. So there. :P Must go now.
oh if youre a big miss america rocks/i wanna be miss america person. Please flame me so i can laugh at you.
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Friday, September 19, 2003
I hate school. I hate it, especially math. But i am happy because today was a minimum day. yay. not. I have to go to san diego to go camping. Its the hydroplane races this weekend, its going to be as crowded as disneyland in a saturday douing christmas. And i have a cold but i have to go anyways. Grr. Oh i also have a project to do that is due on tuesday. This is going to be aa helluva weekend.
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Wednesday, September 10, 2003
 You're Hyatt! You are Lord Ilpalazzo's favorite minion. You are dedicated to his mission of world conquest and to Ilpalazzo himself. Welcome to ACROSS!
(Excel Saga) Should you join ACROSS? Ilpalazzo needs new minions! brought to you by Quizilla
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Tuesday, September 2, 2003
Ahhhhh no its right behind you!!!!!!
Music: None
Hello peeps! I go back to school tomrrow.
:( I dont wanna go back!!!!!
In other news, i am doing fairly well in my quest th learn japanese. (Oha yo gozaimoau. Toire wa doko desu ka?) Lol (i just said good morning. and where is the toilet :)) Im really tired, i also need to finish my summer homerwork, i have ten pages of math left.... :cough:procrastinator:cough:
I took another quiz:

What Anime Stereotype Are You?
Im evil, you better watch out!!!! Lol
Yesterday i bought excel saga vol. 1. It is the funniest anime ever!!!! If you havent seen it, you should! (Pooochooo)
I have to go now! Bye bye
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Sunday, August 31, 2003
What cosplay type are you?
Im a school girl

What Cosplay Type Are You?
So yeah...
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Back From camp (again)
I am sooo tired cuz i just got back from music camp
One time at band camp...
Just Kidding!!
We played some really cool musicbut its going to be depressing going back to school and playing really dull music :sigh: I should go to bed but i need to un-pack
Ta ta for now!
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Monday, August 18, 2003
2 more weeks till i go back to hell
Music: None
Hello in in roughly 2 weeks im going back to hell er... school. But on thursday im going to camp... again. And coming back 3 days before school starts again... great. Im kinda bored so will someone please like im me or somthing :bored:
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