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Sunday, October 17, 2004

Last night was the first time it has rained since I moved out to the guest house.

I was on the phone and I noticed a dripping sound like I left the faucet on. I looked over my shoulder at the sink, but the sound was not coming from there. I then turned to the window. I could hear the water rolling off the roof and the steady drip drip drip of the rain.

I squealed a bit and ran outside, with my phone still in my hand. I quicklly dashed out on to the lawn and danced around. I ran back to the house and announced to the people I was talking to, "It's raining."

The rain kept on through the entire convesation, and when we said our good byes and hung up, it was still falling from the sky. I went off and did other things, not paying attention, but whenever there was a lull in the music, a pause on the tv, I could hear it.

After a while, I could even smell it. The clean, fresh scent of rain. Nothing more simple or pure. The scent of rain is the scent of calm. I love it so much.

When I went to sleep, the rain sang me a lullaby, coaxing me into dream land.

When I woke up, the rain dripped off the roof and fell onto the lawn outside, but it was a gentle drizzle. It let up a little, so I went in to get breakfast. I went back out to my house, and nothing fell from the sky.

When I got settled in my bed with a blanket and a cup of tea, the gentle dripping started again. It went from gentle dripping to heavy drops plopping on the roof, then back to light drops, like it is now.

Eventually, it will completely fade away, leaving only puddles and waterspots on cars as a reminder. So I will savor the rain as much as I can, because who knows when this magic will return.

AFI - Days of the Phoenix

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Saturday, October 16, 2004

Kids, remember to drink responsibly
Well, I was going to make a nice large two day post last night, but I was just to tired/not motivated enough to do so, so I put it off until today. But now I can't remember what happend on thursday at all.... I think... Well whatever.

Yesterday in Orchestra was nice. All of the small ensamble people got together and the regular people went off into the random rooms and practiced. We got a bunch of new (easy) music for small ensamble, but the cello player kept messing up. But he fixed that.

So anyways, Michelle and I went up to where the science building is and we went into the area infront of these classrooms are and some crotchety old man was yelling at us to get out of the area. The area around the science building is surrounded by out of bounds lines, so I assumed he wanted us out of the area for that reason. So we walked out and stood just behind the red lines. Then the bell rang, so a bunch of us went twoards the building. Then I noticed my science teacher shooing people out of the area too. So I went over there to see what was happening.

I met my friend, Jessica, who was over there too with one of her friends. Mr. Reta wouldn't tell us what was happening so we were all coming up with theories. Jessica said it might be that the band-o's are practicing. And I said that that made no sense because they could easily practice in the halls while we were in the classrooms. I jokingly add "Mabey it's a bomb."

After a few minutes of standing around, coming up with theories and just hanging out, they told all classes to go to their classrooms, except for the science classes who were to report to the cafeteria. The whole school was out in the halls, so it was like a stamped (well, a moseying stampeed) of people going to their classes/cafeteria.

We spent nearly the whole period in the cafeteria screwing around. Alot of people brought out their cd players, myself included, and listened to music. It was great. We sat around and talked, then Jessica drew on my hand in eyeliner. The class was basically just a bunch of fun nothing-ness. I love science class.

With ten minutes left in the class, Mr. Reta took us back to the classroom to take some notes. And he told us what happened.

The school got a call from some kids saying that there was a bomb, in the science building, in a particular room. They were laughing in the background, so it was obviously a prank, but they still had to take it seriously, so they had 6 police officers checking every cabinet in all of the science rooms for a "bomb."

Crazy little idiots. I hope they get caught, although, it was nice to have first period off.

The rest of the day was pretty average.

In MUN I had a history of the UN test. It was pretty easy. I think I did well on it, but we'll see on monday how well I did.

In english, we finished our "Maps of Maycomb." It was an interesting project to do, but it was a tad tedious. Someone got a cheater map off of the internet, but it wasnt accurate as it had Miss Rachel's house and a Haverford house. Note that Miss Rachel Haverford is one person.

In Spanish, we did this retarded project thing. We had to do little quizzey things, "Que _______ te gusta?" I did bebida (beverage). Uggh. It sucked. I came up with the descriptions for everything on thursday night at 11:15 while watching futurama. It was this little project thing or a test. I would have rather taken a test on this.

PE has been interesting. Softball has been erm "lovely". The other team always cheats, and I can tell they cheat, because I know the rules of softball better than anyone out there, they make false calls on our team and just are horrible sports all together. I tell my team to have integrity and not cheat back. We haven't won a game, but we have our honor.

Geometry has been good, I got a B on one test and 100% on another, so I think I'm doing pretty well. I have an 87% in that class, so If I try harder, I might get an A.

Anime club was great. We watched the first episodes of Full Metal Panic!, Lost Universe and Fruits Basket. I had seen FMP before, but it had been a while so I paid attention. It is one of my favorite animes. I had never seen nor heard of Lost Universe, but it was good, I wouldn't mind seeing more of that. I have read some of the Fruits Basket manga,a but I had never seen the anime. It's pretty much the same. It is super shojo-ey though. The main charachter's eyes take up more than half of her face.

The small ensamble gig thing was last night too. It was fun. Almost all of us got there on time. But our teacher was late. Nearly twenty minutes. Then, when he finally showed up, he realized that he forgot his music. So he had to go back to school, leaving us sitting there for another 15 or so minutes.

While he was gone, we all wandered around for a bit. It is a very intresting place. It is called Joe's Garage and it has a bunch of old cars and memerobelia, its basically a classic car museum place. We were there for the police cheif's retirement party, and we were playing while everyone wandered around for hors d'orves (how in the hell do you spell that?). It was so we could get more publicity and more money.

Mr. Kollias finally came back and we played our music. It was easy music that went by really fast, so we probably played everything twice. But it was lots of fun.

One thing I noticed during the evening was that every person that stopped and talked to us during breaks in the songs had a beer/other alcoholic beverage in his/her hand.

We had a great time.

On the way home we got Chick-fil-A, some of the best fast food ever.

When we got home, we found out that the cats got out. So we had to go out and look for them. All we really needed to do was open the door, because they all just ran right back inside.

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Thursday, October 14, 2004

I am sick!

Yes, I am. Really. It sucks. Alot. I've had a headache/been unable to breath properly for the past four days. It isn't very pleasant. I even took medicine. I don't usually take medicine, I just wait until it blows over. But it didn't blow over, so I took medicine.

So anyways, Monday was an orchestra filled day. My zero period class, my violin lesson and the three hour orchestra rehersal from six to nine. Five hours of playing on Monday. I actually liked it quite a bit.

The evening rehersal was lots of fun. I got a citrus squeeze smoothie from Jamba Juice on the way there and when I got into rehersals, all of the seconds mooched off of me. It was the communal smoothie.

The rehersal its self was pretty good. We went over most of our christmas music. We did very well in the regular rehersal part of it, but when the parents came in and the video camera went on, we started to mess up a bit. No big deal though.

Over the past couple of days in my classes...

I got a project in science which is due when we get back from winter break. I predict that I will procrastinate on this project. A der.

We're doing this whole "History of the Earth" thing on the industrial school papertowels. We're marking off major events in the evolution of the earth. It's pretty easy. We went out to the stadiums to work on it today and Mr. Reta brought out his radio/cd player thing and he played Now 16. Ick.

Coincidentally, my group has all of the Cure/80's Music/New Wave/The Smiths/Morrissey fans in it and we were situated right in front of the radio. We were complaining the whole time and while we cut out our little lables, we were discussing how much this music sucked and how we would rather have some decent music. I think the plan is we're bringing some of our cd's and forcing them upon Mr. Reta.

In MUN, we have been learning the history of the United Nations. It is quite interesting. There were 51 original members of the UN in 1945 and now, there are 191 members of the UN. There is a test on a packet we got with a bunch of UN info in it on friday. I hope I do well.

English has been lovely, today we did a mock socratic seminar on this short story thing that we read in class. I was sitting on the outside, but once the thing got rolling, I wished I was actually in the discussion. Socratic seminars are actually quite easy.

In spanish on Monday, one of the kids who sit at my table, Aaron, asked me why I always wear black. My reply was "Because all of my other clothes are dirty." But the questions didn't stop there. It went on to "What bands do you like?" And I went on to name a bunch of bands that neither people at my table knew. What can you expect of little psuedo gangbangers though?

We took a test on the verb gustar today, it was a group test for the people who did all of the homework. One of the people didn't do a homework assignment, so it was just two of us taking the test together. I was so happy that Kevin, the other delinquent at my table, didn't copy all of my awnsers. He did most of the test on his own and asked me about the ones he didn't understand or he wasn't sure about, which was only like two.

PE has been lovely, on monday, the people who ran a half a mile under standard got to play softball (girls) or football (boys). I made it under standard, again, so I played softball today. It was lovely. I was playing third base. The girls in the outfield were kinda sucky though. They watched the ball roll by them. Oh well, it's just pe sports.

Geometry has been great! I love this class. Since it's so small, and it's an honors class, we get things done really fast and we get to mess around. Today was great, because Mrs. Albright just let us do everything on our own. I love honors classes.

After school today, I went to the orthodontist. I got rubberbands. But next time I go, I get my braces off! Hahaha suck on that you damn metal orthodontic appliances! Wooo. I have to wear the rubberbands 22 hours a day though. So that kinda sucks. But it's good that I only have six weeks of that.

Once I got home, I put on my launch radio, curled up on my bed and took a nap until 6:30, when my dad brought me dinner. When he came in I actually thought it was morning or somthing. I think I might need more sleep. But I can sleep when I'm dead.

Music: New Order - True Faith-94

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Saturday, October 9, 2004

Why do I have to have titles for these things?
Last night I stayed up until 12:30-ish. That probably wasn't the smartest thing I could have done, seeing as I had a riding lesson this morning at 9:30. Thankfully, I woke up at around 7:45 so I had plenty of time to get ready.

I went inside to get some socks from the big basket of needs-to-be-matched socks basket and put on my boots. While I was putting on my boots, my dad was yelling again. It was about the house payment or somthing. He was blaming mom because he didn't know which account to pay from or somthing to that effect. Uggh. I wish he would just shut up and take the blame for somthing for once.

Well anyways, my riding lesson was great. I rode Flash, and apparently, it was his farewell ride as his owner is moving to Colarado. Woo. Also, my trainer is going back to Florida for several weeks again, so no riding lessons until the first week of November. Just great.

On the way home, we got Chick-fil-A, the best fast food ever (besides In-n-Out.) We got some for my dad, eventhough he was being an ass earlier. We bring the food home and he isn't even there. I got his fries because I didn't get any. Woo.

He came back eventually and he asked why he didn't get fries. When I said that I ate them he cursed at me.

After alot of just hanging around at home, we went to Barnes and Nobel. I got two mangas, Doll #1 and Trigun Maximum #1 and an Anne Rice novel, Tale of the Body Thief. I love Anne Rice novels and it looks very interesting. I don't know when I'm going to have time to read it, seeing as I have lots of homework and little time. But I shall manage!

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Wednesday, October 6, 2004

do do do do
Last night I took a nap at 7:30, that probably wasn't the smartest thing in the world I could have done. I got up from my nap at like 9:30 and chatted for a while. Then I took a bath and went to bed at about 10:45. I didn't fall asleep until past 12:00. I have to remember to never take a nap that late again.


Orchestra was normal.

Science was normal.

I sat around in MUN and did my homework.

I read To Kill A Mockingbird in english.

During spanish we got our quizzes back. She said "I was grading them and they were all pretty bad, so I gave up and I'm letting you guys have a second chance." This would have been great had she gone over my quiz. My quiz was un-graded so I had no clue what needed to be fixed, so the people whoes tests got corrected had an unfair advantage over those of us who didn't get their tests corrected. And that pisses me off. I got a very bad score. And I would have gotten a much better score had I known what I had done wrong. But, my horrible score was much better than the scores of the people at my table. So there is one thing to be happy about.

PE was sucky. We had to do "the miracle mile." The miracle mile is four laps with 8 sets of stadiums as you run the laps. You run the curves than you go up the stadiums on both sides of the tracks. I jogged the first lap completely, then I jogged and walked, and finally on the last lap and a half, I started to walk. But, I did all of the stadiums. Most people did the first one and then skipped the rest of the stadiums. I was the last one in. (Usually I am the first girl in when we run) But at least I did all of the stadiums. Am I the only highschooler with any morals?

Geometry was cool. We took a quiz and I only missed one question. And when we got the quizzes back and I looked at the question, the awnser was a big fat no duh. Oh well, at least I'm doing well in that class.

I used my parasol on my walk home. I got funny looks from people. Oh well. I got a mozzerella/tomato/basil sandwich from whole foods for lunch today. It was really good.

When I got home, I went and took a "nap". I didn't really sleep, I just got under the blankets and listend to music. I guess I'm still taking my nap because I'm still in bed.

See you all later.

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Tuesday, September 14, 2004

I have PE nazi for a teacher.
Music: Bauhaus – Kick in the Eye

Well, after last night, I feel much better. Thanks to everyone for your kind words.

Today was lovely. For the most part anyways.

Orchestra was good. I played well, but that’s a given with the simple music we’re playing now. But next week we’re going to start on the fun stuff.

Science was average. We watched a video and took notes on the chapter.

MUN was cool. We did a lot of just sitting around and messing around. We got our stuff for the policy report checked. Mrs. Kroll said I am doing a good job and I should keep up the good work.

In English, we got the results of our vocabulary quiz back. I only missed one point, because I didn’t spell a word correctly. But that was really good compared to most of the class. There were a lot of F’s, and this is an honors class.

Spanish was average. It turns out were having a cultural day for the Mexican Independence day. Woo. I’m going to bring forks.

Today was the worst PE class of my life. Since our class “couldn’t handle volleyball,” we had to run. But we didn’t run just one measly lap. We ran a lap, did about 10 rounds of stadiums, ran another lap and then did this weird thing were you walk the curves and run the straight aways of the track. I got around that about two and a half times. So in all, I ran at least two miles during PE today. I felt like I was going to totally keel over. I had a stitch in my side and my legs felt like jelly. I hope we can “handle volleyball” tomorrow. Because I will kill someone if I have to do that again.

Geometry was good. I got my homework done during class, so I didn’t have to lug my geometry book home. There’s a test tomorrow, but I’m not too worried about it. I understand the material pretty well, so we’ll just see what happens.

On the walk home today, I got a citrus squeeze smoothie at Jamba Juice. It was really good.

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Monday, September 13, 2004

Music: Bauhaus – Terror Couple Kill Cornel


My father went on a raving rant again. I am so fucking tired of it all. Today it was over the printer refusing to print. Other days it has been over the power going out in the kitchen, which is a common occurrence, it has been over papers being misplaced, keys lost, dishes broken. The normal mundane things that happen occasionally, nothing to go into a fit of rage over. But my father takes it up a notch. He’ll rant and yell, cuss at my mom, my sister and me. It wears one out, living with someone like that. I’m constantly on pins and needles, trying to not get him mad. But it’s nearly impossible to avoid that. The smallest thing goes wrong and he goes on a rampage. I just wish it would all stop.

I’m not only worn out emotionally, but physically. High school shall be the death of me. I’m constantly tired now. I have lots of homework, I need to practice and it just sucks. If it weren’t for the lack of sleep, it wouldn’t be so bad. Had I more energy, I could deal with all of his homework.

I have also been feeling pretty lonely too. Like nobody cares about me.


I really need a good cry now.

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Sunday, September 12, 2004

Because I am a horrible procrastinator, I have homework to do. But just not right now…
Music: None

Shopping last night was great! My mom forgot we were going to go shopping in the afternoon, so we went after dinner. My sister threw a fit because she didn’t want to go. So we left her at home. We went to goodwill, we thought it wouldn’t be open, but it was. So we went in. I got several shirts and a couple skirts and vests. My favorite find from last night is a black suede fishtail button down skirt. It is the cutest thing ever. And it was only five dollars. I can’t wait until it gets cold enough to wear it.

I actually got up and played my violin today. I am so proud of myself.

This afternoon I read this. It’s a very entertaining read.

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Saturday, September 11, 2004

Music: The Yoko Theory – Maniacal

School has been very very busy. Goddamn assignments. So much work. Too little sleep. I have absolutely *no* energy anymore. I’m constantly tired. But the weekend is here, so I can sleep in and try to make up for the sleep I lost over the week.

I have a bit of homework but nothing much. Just some science, English and researching for MUN.

I got the committee I wanted for MUN, Cyber terrorism and I am representing France. I hope I do well.

Later today I’m going shopping. Goodwill here I come! We’re also going to the mall; my sister doesn’t like goodwill all that much. I need to go to the mall too though. I need a black cami and a new pair of fishnets. I need some shoes too…

I am going to make several skirts too. I have a bunch of design ideas. All I need is the fabric and I’m set.

More on my shopping escapades later.

See you all then.

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Sunday, September 5, 2004

Back to School!
Right now I am coming to you from my backyard. My dad got us a wireless network for the house and I can use the laptops outside and anywhere on our property. My dad also got me a new laptop. It’s a very nice Toshiba, with a wide screen (15.4”) and a little control thingy on the outside to control the windows media player so I don’t have to use the mouse to control the music. All I have to do is hit a button on the outside.

Life out in my house is great. We finally got the bathroom fixed last weekend, so I have been taking showers in there all week. We got this really funky shower curtain with bubbles all over it.

I have been in high school for a week. It’s great. High school is just so big and there are so many people. So diverse. The people are different, unlike in middle school, where many people were similar. We also have a good mix of different subcultures. Quite a few punk-ey type people. Piercing, bondage pants and ass flaps a-plenty.

All of my teachers are very nice. But I have so much homework this weekend. I have to answer questions for science, do a brochure thing for English and a newspaper project for MUN. At least it is a three day weekend, so I have plenty of time to get everything done… if I don’t procrastinate.

Orchestra has been cool so far, we are going to start playing on Tuesday. I need to practice so I can get placed in as high of a chair as I can possibly manage. I want to get first, but I probably won’t. There are quite a few people who are probably better than me, but you never know.

Science is great. My teacher is funny; he has a very good sense of humor about everything. He’s always smiling and joking around. Science is going to be great fun this year.

My MUN teacher is very nice, she jokes around a lot as well. MUN is going to be a lot of fun; I can’t wait until I get to go to my first conference in October. I’m going to find out what council thing I’m on and what country I’m going to represent. We’re going to find out on Tuesday though. So that’s good.

My English class is very very small. Only about 20-something students. The teacher is very nice, but we’re doing a lot of work already. We did an essay on Friday and she assigned us this weird little project thing. A personal brochure thingy. We’re supposed to write about ourselves on this thing that looks like a travel brochure. What fun.

Spanish is interesting. My Spanish teacher speaks to us mostly in Spanish. That’s not all that bad, it’s for immersion and stuff like that. But the people in class are just retarded for the most part. They always screw around during class and act like idiots. But that makes for good entertainment.

PE is my next class in the day, my teacher is the typical PE teacher, do it or run a lap, misbehave and run stadiums ect. ect. But he’s nice to the people who try. So, I’m going to try.

Finally, I have Geometry. My geometry teacher is the best teacher I have all day. She is very nice and her class is very casual. She lets us have unlimited hall passes and her class is very easy. We read and take notes on the section that we will be working on, than she goes over it with us and explains it very well. Homework isn’t bad at all, only about 20 problems. This class is small as well. Only about 20 kids. Smaller classes are better.

The bad thing about the day is that I have to walk home. It is two miles from school to home and it is about an hour walk. I stop for lunch at Whole Foods and get something to eat, either there or while I walk. So it’s alright.

That’s my school day; I leave my house at 6:30 for zero period and get home at about 3:30. It’s long, but I like school, I love to learn.

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