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• 1990-02-14
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• Kathryn
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| instantramen14
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Tuesday, June 29, 2004
Better late than never... heh heh heh
Music: The Smashing Pumpkins - Today
Sorry I haven�t had a substantial post in a while. I�ve been meaning to do it but I just kept on putting it off. I�m such a horrible procrastinator. ^_^;;
Thursday�s presentation went well; even though I had a slight lisp and I just had problems talking. When I was done, Mr. Shell said that I did a very good job and that�s how a PowerPoint presentation should be done. Maybe he said that because I was after some really bad presentations and they made me look really good. XD But then again, he only spoke after two other presentations, the first person and someone who wasn�t speaking loud enough.
It was amazing how bad some of the presentations were. There were all sorts of typos, misspellings and grammatical errors on peoples slides and sometimes you couldn�t even see the typing up on the screen. I could barely hear a few people and I was in the front row. >_>
We started our research papers on Friday. It;�Esupposed to be 7-8 pages long with 10 little footnote/endnote things. I�m doing mine on euthanasia. It�s an interesting topic. Quite a few websites on it too. Lots of facts and such. But I don�t know if I can fill 7 pages, it�s going to prove difficult. Did I mention that this paper is due on Friday? But we�re doing it in class, so I don�t have to do it at home. I get four hours a day to work on it. Hopefully I�ll actually get it finished in class. ^_^;; Boy oh boy, do I have some work ahead of me.
We went out to dinner for my mother�s 51st birthday, even though her birthday wasn�t until yesterday. We went to Pina�s Bistro, a family owned and operated Italian restaurant near our house. It is one of my favorite restaurants of all time. They make their own bread and pizza dough. All of their food is really good. I got veal marsala. It was delicious.
Saturday was my last time riding Jack, the horse I have leased for the past four years. I went down to the stable early and spent a good 20 minutes just standing there with him while he ate his breakfast. While he was eating, he came over and stood in front of me and I petted him. I was sad, but I didn�t cry.
I had a good lesson though. We jumped higher than I have jumped him in a year, and we worked on lengthening and shortening his canter. I was so proud. But it was a bittersweet pride. I have many ribbons on my wall and trophies on my shelf because of him. I don�t know what I�m going to do. I�m going to the stable on Wednesday to start helping my trainer, I�ll be able to see him one last time. I think I might cry then.
Nothing happened on Sunday. Nothing at all.
Yesterday my mom went to glen ivy hot springs and spa for her birthday with my dad and some of her friends. I find it somewhat amusing that my dad likes to go to the spa. XD While my parents were at the spa, I was suffering in school. I got some work done on my paper though, so it�s all good.
I had a violin lesson yesterday too. I am finally on the Bach Double. It is harder than it looks. The style is pretty difficult, a lot of stops and lifts and plenty of 16th note runs. But its fun. Lots of fun. I can�t wait until I get it up to speed and play it as a duet.
Last night, my pentathalon team got recognized at a school board meeting. We were on TV. (The local channel XD)
And I�m pleased to announce that I finally asked my mom about meeting Shin, Sen and Karmi at Anime Expo. She said yes. I�m so excited!! ^_^ I can�t wait �till Sunday! Woo.
Okay. I think that�s enough of a post for today. See y�all tomorrow.
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Sunday, June 27, 2004
Watch me type with different parts of my body ^_^
I'm working on a real post right now. It's going to be kinda long... So in the meantime...
Type your username with:
nose: instantramen14
elbow: instanteramen14
tongue: instantramen14
chin: kijm n sxtgrazn bgfdz mns ^_^;;
feet: instaanm,tygrrfam,tedrnm 1455
eyes closed and one finger:indtrmtrxmtr14
back of my hand: ionstanjtramen 14
palm: inwsxtantrsamen
mouse: instantramen14
wrist: indsqtantyrsamjrenm14
I am such a freak
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Wednesday, June 23, 2004
Orthodontia >_
Music: The Strokes - Last Nite
I got my braces tightened today. I got a bunch of stuff put in and tightened. I got a palatal bar put back in and detail on the top and bottom wires. I thought I was done with that stupid palatal bar, but apparently not. I thought I was going to be done soon. But I have several months left. It hurts a little now, but tomorrow it�s going to hurt. And the palatal bar makes me talk with a slight lisp. At least I will have nice straight teeth after all of this.
I finished my project. I am so happy. Tomorrow I have to present. With my lisp. >_<
Regarding to Female Outlaw�s guest book entry.
Me deep? Are you sure you signed the right guest book? xD
Not much of a post today. It's probably going to be like that for a while. Mabey I should start ranting about stuff...
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Tuesday, June 22, 2004
powerpoint.... :dies:
Music: The Vengaboys - We Like to Party (well kinda�)
ARG! Today we started this PowerPoint project thing in school. I have to do mine on- �The similarities between the industrial age and the information age and where we are on the progression.� I picked the hardest one. >_< The other kids got stuff like �What is the internet?� and �Jobs on the internet� But I had to pick the hardest one. What a stupid fool am I. Its due tomorrow at the end of a four hour class. We have to demonstrate how we can change the background, put animated gifs, use word art and a whole bunch of other stuff. Then I have to present it. It would be easy enough if I didn�t have to do all this research. But the question makes it ten times harder than it should. But I�ll deal with it. I think I�ll do much better tomorrow. I work well under pressure. (-ish)
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Monday, June 21, 2004
Music: Flogging Molly- To Youth ( My Sweet Roisin Dubh)
Well today sucked. I had *summer school*. I got up at 5:45 and got ready for school. I had to be there by 7:30, class started at 7:45. I�m taking research and technology because I can�t take it next year because I�m going to be in MUN, so there�s no time during the school year for R&T. Its pretty easy. But we�re going to have to write a research paper and do a PowerPoint presentation and make a website. Did I mention were going to do this all in two weeks? Class is 4 hours long though. So the teachers cram a lot in. But class isn�t all that bad. Its actually quite fun. We did powerpoint today. ^^ I learned how to make my own clip art. It was really cool. Tomorrow we�re going to start our actual PowerPoint projects. I cant wait.
My violin lesson today was cool. I sound so much better with my new violin. It just makes playing more fun. ^_^ Still playing that Vivaldi concerto. But I�m almost done. Next is the Bach double. ^___^ I cant wait.
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Busy busy busy
Music: Anti-Flag - Rank-N-File
I�ve had a really busy couple of days. It wasn�t supposed to be, but it was.
I was really bored on Friday, so my mom dropped my off at the mall around noon. I wandered around the mall quite a bit and went into some shops and got a manga (Saiyuki volume 1).
My original plan was to go to the mall and try on clothes and then have my mom come and pay for them. I went into several stores and I couldn�t think of what I wanted to try on. I confused myself. XD So I called my mom and had her some and help me shop. Five hours later, I had a rather large amount of new clothes. Most of them pink and green, very very different from most of my previous wardrobe of blacks, reds and grays. We were there until 10 pm.
My horse hurt his leg, so I couldn�t ride him. So I rode my trainers horse, Gulfy, instead. He was very different from Jack. After I rode, I had to rinse Jack�s leg for 15 minutes, put mineral ice on it then wrap him.
After I got home, I had to get ready to go to Escondido for this pot luck dinner with our camping group thing. Out of our whole group, my family are the youngest people there. Horrible traffic all the way down there. It was all stop-go-stop-go-stop-go. We got there and sat around for an hour. Then we had dinner. A lot of good food, old people sure can cook. ^_^ We �visited� more and then went home. 10:30 on that one.
This morning I got up and went to go get a cd tower. I ended up with a cd tower, a new cd (warped tour compilation) and a book (Eats, Shoots & Leaves). Eats, Shoots & Leaves is an interesting book. Its about how punctuation use is desecrating in the world. I got it because I need serious help in that area. XD Its actually pretty interesting. Go pick it up.
I made dinner for my dad. Macaroni salad, corn, broccoli salad and ribs. (My dad made the ribs.) It was really good, if I do say so myself.
So, happy father�s day. Blah blah blah blah.
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Thursday, June 17, 2004
I got my violin. ^_^
Music: Beastie Boys-Girls
I got my violin today. We met my violin teacher at Fosters Violin Shop, it�s a really nice family owned and operated shop in someone�s house in Orange. We went into their back room and the lady that came to help us got down four violins in our initial price range. My teacher and I tried them out. They weren�t that good so my dad upped the price range. The lady got us down two more violins. I tried these two. They were wonderful. They had just the greatest sound and felt just right. I had a really difficult time choosing between the two. One had a more mellow sound with a lot of wonderful overtones and the other had a really nice bright powerful sound. I got the second one. Its just so pretty too. It�s a nice dark wood and it has a rosewood chinrest, tailpiece and pegs. While we were trying out violins, my teacher noticed that my bow was wobbling a lot and was just not behaving like it should. It turns out I outgrew it. So the lady took out some bows. I got a really nice bow. With the new bow, I just sounded even better. I also got a new music stand. I went home and practiced for an hour and a half. All this new stuff just makes me want to play all day. ^-^
I guess that�s all that happened today. Now that school is out, I�m going to have a lot of days filled with nothing. Ah well. I think I�ll just deal with it.
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Wednesday, June 16, 2004
Today starts the best years of my life.
Music: First Straw-311
School is out for the summer. Well kinda anyways. Everyone was all teary eyed and sad today because this was the last time many of us would see each other. Most of my friends are going to a different high school than me. I was kinda sad. But not really. I hate to sound like an emotionless bitch, but I was just standing there while everyone around me was crying. Maybe its because I don�t have any real close friends. I have friends, but I never get really close with anyone. During high school, I want to get closer with people. I think I need that.
About yesterday�s promotion ceremony. It was cool. There was a lot of standing around and just chilling. Lots of stand up sit down stuff. And lots of speeches. Two girls sang. They were kinda off key. One of the ladies that I had to shake hands with had really really bad teeth. I walked up and was just like �WOAH.� After we all got our �certificates� (they didn�t pass the real ones out till today) we all left. On our way out, the head magnet teacher gave all the 8th grade magnet students a disc with a bunch of photos from all three years of magnet on it. 924 pictures to be exact. Maybe I�ll be able to find a decent picture of myself to put up. ^_^
Afterwards, my mom, dad and I went to Nieuport 17 for dinner. It is a really cool building, lots of ivy all over it. Inside its really cool. They have a lot of airplane and airport memorabilia all over the walls in one room and hunting stuff in another room. That�s only from the two rooms that I saw. There is probably three other rooms that I didn�t go in. Its really fancy and formal there. They even had fresh ground pepper. ^-^ I havent eaten anywhere this fancy since I went to Europe. They had some of the best food I�ve ever had too, I got tournedos of beef. They�re filet mingion with mushrooms and b�arnaise sauce. It came with glazed carrots and broccoli. When the bill came, I nearly fell off my chair. It was $100 dollars for the three of us. Without tip. It was a good thing my sister didn�t come.
Tomrrow I�m going to get a new violin. I�m so excited. I�m ready to have *my own* violin again. Were probably going to bring a few home to try out. I can�t wait
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Tuesday, June 15, 2004
Music: Dancing Through Sunday - A.F.I.
Today was just� lovely. I guess. We had more promotion practice today. Its been going faster. The actual ceremony is tomorrow. I cant wait. >_> If it was up to me, I�d just not go. Its not like we get the certificates then, we get them on Wednesday. But I�m going to go. Just for my family.
After the morning break, our school had a yearbook signing party. Since I didn�t buy a yearbook at the beginning of the year, my mom said I could take my sisters. So I go there to get the thing to sign, and they said that I couldn�t take it. It had to be my sister. I didn�t feel like hunting down my sister, taking her out of class and making her sign for the damn thing. So I just went without. I signed peoples yearbooks and wandered around. It was a minimum day, so we got out at 12:15. Tomorrow and Wednesday are minimum days too. Then I�m free of middle school. ^^
Tonight was the magnet class bowling party. We went to Tustin lanes and hung out. A couple of friends and I didn�t bowl. We sat at a table and watched the guys bowl. When it wasn�t their turn, they�d come up to the table and hang out. We had some rather erm� interesting conversations. They would change each others names on the digital score sheet thing to weird things. Someone wound up as microwang at one point. XD I have some weird friends.
I can�t wait for Anime Expo. I have no clue what day I�m going but I�m hoping for the fourth. My dad isn�t too thrilled with that date. He wants to go out on the boat. >_<
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Sunday, June 13, 2004
Music: �Merican - The Descendents
Since nothing happened today or is going to happen today, I�m going complain about stuff. My dad, to be precise. My father just pisses me off most of the time. Whenever we drive anywhere, my father just has to make a comment about everything. �Look at those stupid skateboard punks� �What a funky (said in a derogatory way) car� �Stupid old bitch, learn how to drive!!� �Har har look at that stupid old lady walking her yappy dog.� Whenever I ask him to stop, he gets really pissed off and tells me to learn how to speak to him. He is such a hypocrite. He also rants and raves that the house is *never* clean and how it is all my moms, my sister�s and my fault. Yet, he always leaves shit all over the place. And when he yells about something, right after he apologizes� TO THE FUCKING DOG. He�ll yell and scream and cuss, then he turns around and apologizes to the dog and the dog only. Never to us. Ever. He and my mom are going to a shrink. I�m not sure if its marriage counseling or what. But they�re going. I personally think that a divorce would be a good thing for them. They never talk nice to another or do any romantic things. Hell, they don�t even sleep in the same bed and haven�t since before I can remember. I can�t wait until I can move out and away from my father. I�d miss my mom, but that�s about it.
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