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• instantramen14
• 1990-02-14
• California
Member Since
• 2003-08-03
• Living dead. (Highschool/college student)
Real Name
• Kathryn
• Getting out of bed each morning.
Anime Fan Since
• que?!
Favorite Anime
• Cowboy Bebop.
• sewing.
• Sleeping, breathing, violining, sewing.
• Breathing. Sleeping. AT THE SAME TIME.
| instantramen14
Sunday, June 6, 2004
If at first you do succeed, try not to look astonished.
Music: Foo Fighters- Monkey Wrench
Last night was great, I went to see the final performance of the Pacific Symphony for the season. It was really nice. They had some of the principal musicians play solos. I really liked the principal cellist's piece Variations on a Rococo Theme by Tchaikovsky. They had John Williams, the man who brought you the music for many movies such as Jaws, Harry Potter, Star Wars, Indiana Jones, E.T., Saving Private Ryan and many many other movies, as a guest concuctor for the night. So naturally they had to play a whole ass-load of his music. They played Call of the Champions (olympics theme, I belive), stuff from Schindlers List, a tuba concerto of his, Sound of the Bells, Tributes and Exultate justi with the all-american boys chorus. Little boys in red coats singing. raow Haha.
The best part of the evening was seeing my friend from camp, Maddie. It was kinda surprising. I was coming out of the bathroom and in the line that stretched 50feet into the lobby was my friend. We met up and talked for a while. Its really nice to meet up with people you thought were gone forever.
This morning I had a riding lesson. I almost overslept. But I got up just in time to get ready and go to my lesson. Jack behaved very well and didnt refuse once. I bathed him with a linament bath and wrapped him. As soon as summer starts, i'm going to go to the stable on wednesdays to help my trainer exercise her horses. Its going to help me improve alot.
Tomrrow is my spanish final and I haven't studied one friggin bit. I am so screwed. Goddamn verbs!!! Atleast its a multiple choice test. So I have a small chance of passing it.
10 days till the end of school.
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