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myOtaku.com: instantramen14

Sunday, June 13, 2004

Music: ‘Merican - The Descendents

Since nothing happened today or is going to happen today, I’m going complain about stuff. My dad, to be precise. My father just pisses me off most of the time. Whenever we drive anywhere, my father just has to make a comment about everything. “Look at those stupid skateboard punks” “What a funky (said in a derogatory way) car” “Stupid old bitch, learn how to drive!!” “Har har look at that stupid old lady walking her yappy dog.” Whenever I ask him to stop, he gets really pissed off and tells me to learn how to speak to him. He is such a hypocrite. He also rants and raves that the house is *never* clean and how it is all my moms, my sister’s and my fault. Yet, he always leaves shit all over the place. And when he yells about something, right after he apologizes… TO THE FUCKING DOG. He’ll yell and scream and cuss, then he turns around and apologizes to the dog and the dog only. Never to us. Ever. He and my mom are going to a shrink. I’m not sure if its marriage counseling or what. But they’re going. I personally think that a divorce would be a good thing for them. They never talk nice to another or do any romantic things. Hell, they don’t even sleep in the same bed and haven’t since before I can remember. I can’t wait until I can move out and away from my father. I’d miss my mom, but that’s about it.

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