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myOtaku.com: instantramen14

Tuesday, June 15, 2004

Music: Dancing Through Sunday - A.F.I.

Today was just… lovely. I guess. We had more promotion practice today. Its been going faster. The actual ceremony is tomorrow. I cant wait. >_> If it was up to me, I’d just not go. Its not like we get the certificates then, we get them on Wednesday. But I’m going to go. Just for my family.

After the morning break, our school had a yearbook signing party. Since I didn’t buy a yearbook at the beginning of the year, my mom said I could take my sisters. So I go there to get the thing to sign, and they said that I couldn’t take it. It had to be my sister. I didn’t feel like hunting down my sister, taking her out of class and making her sign for the damn thing. So I just went without. I signed peoples yearbooks and wandered around. It was a minimum day, so we got out at 12:15. Tomorrow and Wednesday are minimum days too. Then I’m free of middle school. ^^

Tonight was the magnet class bowling party. We went to Tustin lanes and hung out. A couple of friends and I didn’t bowl. We sat at a table and watched the guys bowl. When it wasn’t their turn, they’d come up to the table and hang out. We had some rather erm… interesting conversations. They would change each others names on the digital score sheet thing to weird things. Someone wound up as microwang at one point. XD I have some weird friends.

I can’t wait for Anime Expo. I have no clue what day I’m going but I’m hoping for the fourth. My dad isn’t too thrilled with that date. He wants to go out on the boat. >_<

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