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myOtaku.com: instantramen14

Wednesday, June 16, 2004

Today starts the best years of my life.
Music: First Straw-311

School is out for the summer. Well kinda anyways. Everyone was all teary eyed and sad today because this was the last time many of us would see each other. Most of my friends are going to a different high school than me. I was kinda sad. But not really. I hate to sound like an emotionless bitch, but I was just standing there while everyone around me was crying. Maybe its because I don’t have any real close friends. I have friends, but I never get really close with anyone. During high school, I want to get closer with people. I think I need that.


About yesterday’s promotion ceremony. It was cool. There was a lot of standing around and just chilling. Lots of stand up sit down stuff. And lots of speeches. Two girls sang. They were kinda off key. One of the ladies that I had to shake hands with had really really bad teeth. I walked up and was just like “WOAH.” After we all got our “certificates” (they didn’t pass the real ones out till today) we all left. On our way out, the head magnet teacher gave all the 8th grade magnet students a disc with a bunch of photos from all three years of magnet on it. 924 pictures to be exact. Maybe I’ll be able to find a decent picture of myself to put up. ^_^

Afterwards, my mom, dad and I went to Nieuport 17 for dinner. It is a really cool building, lots of ivy all over it. Inside its really cool. They have a lot of airplane and airport memorabilia all over the walls in one room and hunting stuff in another room. That’s only from the two rooms that I saw. There is probably three other rooms that I didn’t go in. Its really fancy and formal there. They even had fresh ground pepper. ^-^ I havent eaten anywhere this fancy since I went to Europe. They had some of the best food I’ve ever had too, I got tournedos of beef. They’re filet mingion with mushrooms and béarnaise sauce. It came with glazed carrots and broccoli. When the bill came, I nearly fell off my chair. It was $100 dollars for the three of us. Without tip. It was a good thing my sister didn’t come.


Tomrrow I’m going to get a new violin. I’m so excited. I’m ready to have *my own* violin again. Were probably going to bring a few home to try out. I can’t wait

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