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myOtaku.com: instantramen14

Thursday, June 17, 2004

I got my violin. ^_^
Music: Beastie Boys-Girls

I got my violin today. We met my violin teacher at Fosters Violin Shop, it’s a really nice family owned and operated shop in someone’s house in Orange. We went into their back room and the lady that came to help us got down four violins in our initial price range. My teacher and I tried them out. They weren’t that good so my dad upped the price range. The lady got us down two more violins. I tried these two. They were wonderful. They had just the greatest sound and felt just right. I had a really difficult time choosing between the two. One had a more mellow sound with a lot of wonderful overtones and the other had a really nice bright powerful sound. I got the second one. Its just so pretty too. It’s a nice dark wood and it has a rosewood chinrest, tailpiece and pegs. While we were trying out violins, my teacher noticed that my bow was wobbling a lot and was just not behaving like it should. It turns out I outgrew it. So the lady took out some bows. I got a really nice bow. With the new bow, I just sounded even better. I also got a new music stand. I went home and practiced for an hour and a half. All this new stuff just makes me want to play all day. ^-^

I guess that’s all that happened today. Now that school is out, I’m going to have a lot of days filled with nothing. Ah well. I think I’ll just deal with it.

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