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myOtaku.com: instantramen14

Tuesday, June 22, 2004

powerpoint.... :dies:
Music: The Vengaboys - We Like to Party (well kinda…)

ARG! Today we started this PowerPoint project thing in school. I have to do mine on- “The similarities between the industrial age and the information age and where we are on the progression.” I picked the hardest one. >_< The other kids got stuff like “What is the internet?” and “Jobs on the internet” But I had to pick the hardest one. What a stupid fool am I. Its due tomorrow at the end of a four hour class. We have to demonstrate how we can change the background, put animated gifs, use word art and a whole bunch of other stuff. Then I have to present it. It would be easy enough if I didn’t have to do all this research. But the question makes it ten times harder than it should. But I’ll deal with it. I think I’ll do much better tomorrow. I work well under pressure. (-ish)

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