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Breathing. Sleeping. AT THE SAME TIME.
| instantramen14
Tuesday, June 29, 2004
Better late than never... heh heh heh
Music: The Smashing Pumpkins - Today
Sorry I havent had a substantial post in a while. Ive been meaning to do it but I just kept on putting it off. Im such a horrible procrastinator. ^_^;;
Thursdays presentation went well; even though I had a slight lisp and I just had problems talking. When I was done, Mr. Shell said that I did a very good job and thats how a PowerPoint presentation should be done. Maybe he said that because I was after some really bad presentations and they made me look really good. XD But then again, he only spoke after two other presentations, the first person and someone who wasnt speaking loud enough.
It was amazing how bad some of the presentations were. There were all sorts of typos, misspellings and grammatical errors on peoples slides and sometimes you couldnt even see the typing up on the screen. I could barely hear a few people and I was in the front row. >_>
We started our research papers on Friday. It;Esupposed to be 7-8 pages long with 10 little footnote/endnote things. Im doing mine on euthanasia. Its an interesting topic. Quite a few websites on it too. Lots of facts and such. But I dont know if I can fill 7 pages, its going to prove difficult. Did I mention that this paper is due on Friday? But were doing it in class, so I dont have to do it at home. I get four hours a day to work on it. Hopefully Ill actually get it finished in class. ^_^;; Boy oh boy, do I have some work ahead of me.
We went out to dinner for my mothers 51st birthday, even though her birthday wasnt until yesterday. We went to Pinas Bistro, a family owned and operated Italian restaurant near our house. It is one of my favorite restaurants of all time. They make their own bread and pizza dough. All of their food is really good. I got veal marsala. It was delicious.
Saturday was my last time riding Jack, the horse I have leased for the past four years. I went down to the stable early and spent a good 20 minutes just standing there with him while he ate his breakfast. While he was eating, he came over and stood in front of me and I petted him. I was sad, but I didnt cry.
I had a good lesson though. We jumped higher than I have jumped him in a year, and we worked on lengthening and shortening his canter. I was so proud. But it was a bittersweet pride. I have many ribbons on my wall and trophies on my shelf because of him. I dont know what Im going to do. Im going to the stable on Wednesday to start helping my trainer, Ill be able to see him one last time. I think I might cry then.
Nothing happened on Sunday. Nothing at all.
Yesterday my mom went to glen ivy hot springs and spa for her birthday with my dad and some of her friends. I find it somewhat amusing that my dad likes to go to the spa. XD While my parents were at the spa, I was suffering in school. I got some work done on my paper though, so its all good.
I had a violin lesson yesterday too. I am finally on the Bach Double. It is harder than it looks. The style is pretty difficult, a lot of stops and lifts and plenty of 16th note runs. But its fun. Lots of fun. I cant wait until I get it up to speed and play it as a duet.
Last night, my pentathalon team got recognized at a school board meeting. We were on TV. (The local channel XD)
And Im pleased to announce that I finally asked my mom about meeting Shin, Sen and Karmi at Anime Expo. She said yes. Im so excited!! ^_^ I cant wait till Sunday! Woo.
Okay. I think thats enough of a post for today. See yall tomorrow.
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