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myOtaku.com: instantramen14

Thursday, July 1, 2004

Tarot Reading by me
Tarot card reading. Results eerily accurate.

Spread: Celtic Cross Spread

Deck: Lord of the Rings Tarot

1. Present: Emperor- Position of responsibility, may be in a position where you are in charge of other�s welfare.
2. Obstacles: Five of Cups- Happiness has been loss leaving me dwelling upon what has been lost and feeling miserable and my pessimism is making the problems worse than they need to be.
3. Past Influences: The Star (reversed)- My insecurity, lack of confidence and pessimism was an obstacle to appreciating the blessings in life. The star represents my eventual attainment of fulfillment and peace, although it is delayed.
4. Future Influences: Five of Swords (reversed)- I may be hurt and/or humiliated by someone acting in a spiteful way, and I may be embarrassed by personal weaknesses being exposed, with the unpleasant aspects emphasized.
5. Past Events: Nine of Coins (reversed)- Prosperity and comfort are not as secure as it would appear. Lack of independence may have led to my insecurity.
6. Future Events: The Magician- I will be confident, skillful and articulate, effectively directing my energy, creativity and imagination into practical matters. Independence, willpower and charm are indicated as well. I will make use of my capabilities and put these ideas into practice.
7. Personality: King of Swords (reversed)- I�m selfish and domineering, heedless to the feelings of others. (Great, just great. >_<)
8. Home Life: Two of Wands (reversed)- I have self doubt and worry about what lies ahead. Indecision and conflicting desires are strong. Feeling of anticlimax.
9. Hopes and Fears: Knight of Wands- I hope to be warm, generous and fun-loving, bringing lots of new friends but I also fear this at the same time.
10. Outcome: Nine of Swords (reversed)- I�m very morbid and pessimistic, this is making it difficult for me to cope and creates more problems. Help from others may be needed to bring about an improvement. I may suspect that others are hostile, behaving cruelly, or persecuting me in some way. It can be justified or it is just me being paranoid.

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