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myOtaku.com: instantramen14

Thursday, October 14, 2004

I am sick!

Yes, I am. Really. It sucks. Alot. I've had a headache/been unable to breath properly for the past four days. It isn't very pleasant. I even took medicine. I don't usually take medicine, I just wait until it blows over. But it didn't blow over, so I took medicine.

So anyways, Monday was an orchestra filled day. My zero period class, my violin lesson and the three hour orchestra rehersal from six to nine. Five hours of playing on Monday. I actually liked it quite a bit.

The evening rehersal was lots of fun. I got a citrus squeeze smoothie from Jamba Juice on the way there and when I got into rehersals, all of the seconds mooched off of me. It was the communal smoothie.

The rehersal its self was pretty good. We went over most of our christmas music. We did very well in the regular rehersal part of it, but when the parents came in and the video camera went on, we started to mess up a bit. No big deal though.

Over the past couple of days in my classes...

I got a project in science which is due when we get back from winter break. I predict that I will procrastinate on this project. A der.

We're doing this whole "History of the Earth" thing on the industrial school papertowels. We're marking off major events in the evolution of the earth. It's pretty easy. We went out to the stadiums to work on it today and Mr. Reta brought out his radio/cd player thing and he played Now 16. Ick.

Coincidentally, my group has all of the Cure/80's Music/New Wave/The Smiths/Morrissey fans in it and we were situated right in front of the radio. We were complaining the whole time and while we cut out our little lables, we were discussing how much this music sucked and how we would rather have some decent music. I think the plan is we're bringing some of our cd's and forcing them upon Mr. Reta.

In MUN, we have been learning the history of the United Nations. It is quite interesting. There were 51 original members of the UN in 1945 and now, there are 191 members of the UN. There is a test on a packet we got with a bunch of UN info in it on friday. I hope I do well.

English has been lovely, today we did a mock socratic seminar on this short story thing that we read in class. I was sitting on the outside, but once the thing got rolling, I wished I was actually in the discussion. Socratic seminars are actually quite easy.

In spanish on Monday, one of the kids who sit at my table, Aaron, asked me why I always wear black. My reply was "Because all of my other clothes are dirty." But the questions didn't stop there. It went on to "What bands do you like?" And I went on to name a bunch of bands that neither people at my table knew. What can you expect of little psuedo gangbangers though?

We took a test on the verb gustar today, it was a group test for the people who did all of the homework. One of the people didn't do a homework assignment, so it was just two of us taking the test together. I was so happy that Kevin, the other delinquent at my table, didn't copy all of my awnsers. He did most of the test on his own and asked me about the ones he didn't understand or he wasn't sure about, which was only like two.

PE has been lovely, on monday, the people who ran a half a mile under standard got to play softball (girls) or football (boys). I made it under standard, again, so I played softball today. It was lovely. I was playing third base. The girls in the outfield were kinda sucky though. They watched the ball roll by them. Oh well, it's just pe sports.

Geometry has been great! I love this class. Since it's so small, and it's an honors class, we get things done really fast and we get to mess around. Today was great, because Mrs. Albright just let us do everything on our own. I love honors classes.

After school today, I went to the orthodontist. I got rubberbands. But next time I go, I get my braces off! Hahaha suck on that you damn metal orthodontic appliances! Wooo. I have to wear the rubberbands 22 hours a day though. So that kinda sucks. But it's good that I only have six weeks of that.

Once I got home, I put on my launch radio, curled up on my bed and took a nap until 6:30, when my dad brought me dinner. When he came in I actually thought it was morning or somthing. I think I might need more sleep. But I can sleep when I'm dead.

Music: New Order - True Faith-94

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