Birthday 1993-02-21 Gender
Female Member Since 2004-09-04 inu-neko-yasha
Monday, April 4, 2005
Glue in The Alarm Clock(o.o)
Hi....what do I post?....Hey wait im posting now who knew? Oh wait I did...yeah me...hmm id post some kind of spoof but I cant think of anything.And I just thought of posting some kind of Parody of fear factor of something(I have no clue what) hmm I'll do it if people want me too and I cant think of an anime or something so if you ant me to do it tell mean anime or something to ^^ then I'll post it and stuff yup...and now I shall say....melons! And....thats about it I put loots of periods in this create dramatic something! Yeah something and now I end my ranting ^^