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Long time, i think since sailor moon?
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I have alot, but some are Tokyo Mew Mew Naruto Inuyasha Hamtaro Eureka 7 Full Metal Alchemist Bleach and many more ^o^
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I can draw kyra in under 2 mins flat! hehee
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Sunday, June 3, 2007
i am SO SORRY guys.
ive been uberly busy, keeping up with summatives, exams, and ALL THE DRAMA that everyone is thrusting upon me.
i apologizeee!
hope you all can forgive me!
i hope you have all been well,
ive been feeling really sick the past couple of weeks.
but, really happy at the same time :)
ill have to tell you guys tmrw about it, cause i gtg,
sorry >.<
kyra.,! (L)
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Wednesday, April 18, 2007
emoranger actually has to die.
he needs to just shut his yap instead of flamming people. which is excatly what he did to cherri-chan. and she dosnt deserve that.
she is reallynice. and that guy is just a piece of shiz,
so, cherri, dont even worry about useless spects of dust like him. he isnt even worth your time.
hows everyone :)
no school for me today ! or tmrw ! :3
so, ima draw like crazy !
nothing else really happend..
so, whats new for everyone else?
{♥} Kyra
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Sunday, April 15, 2007
 He Gave Me His Jacket,! | Hosted By
new artiess !
please go coment :)
my weekend was fun,
friday i went to my friend keely's house, and we ran around singing Koda Kumi ;] then we went out for dinner, cause we were bored, xD
saturday, i hung out with my friend kim for the day, while we took pictures (its what we do when were together ;) ) then, we went and saw DISTURBIA, it was my first scary movie in a theater, and lemme tell you, IT WAS SCARY! XD i was like, before the movie even started, im like "I DONT WANNA SEE THIS MOVIE ANYMORE!" xD
im not gonna spoil it for yall, xD
then we went to starbucks for like 2 hours, while my friend torie was yelling at this guy that was her best guy friend, then he went and cheated on her best friend, drama drama drama :3
then today, i drew xD
and stayed in meh pj's all day ^^=
woo ness
so, PM Me
i feel like chatting the night away xD
and also,
does any of you have myspace? i doo :D
:EDIT! also, i need to fix my site around, so, stay with me on that xD
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Tuesday, April 10, 2007
about not being here much !
drama drama drama has been happening ! ;0
people are being raciest to my friend,
which is really horrible.
so, i was yelling at children today in my englsih class, well, they are in grade 9, but they act like theyre 2 !
gah. i hate it, just cause people are a different colour, dosnt give ANYONE a right to treat them differently.
and now i think shes scared to come to school, but, she has a lot of good friends,
we will stand up for her :)
sorry, for the delaying of art
i drew this cute picture of wilber from charlottes web, which i got for easter xD and my mum adoreees it, xD
so i might scan that,
kenjeh's art is in need of finishing,
im open ;)
so, how was everyones easter?
mine was great ! i ate alot of chocolate, and now im sick of it XD
turah ! <3 hope your all well !
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Tuesday, April 3, 2007
ahaha, happy birthday my bestie (: i love youu!
anyways, sorry, for the REALLY LONG delay of posting. ive had a busy month.
easter is this weekend :] so i get a 4 day weekend. pretty sweet.
hope your all well (:
byee <3
GO TO milkshakess site. its sarah, aka, dicemaster. <
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Tuesday, March 13, 2007
ello :]
hey guys.
hows life?
thats good :]
i finished creamys picture last night with pastels. and i gotta say, it looks pretty sweet :D
im glad no ones fighting anymore, it makes me smile (: and im glad me and chibi are pals again.
i painted this sweet picture of makenjii for something random (not part of are art trade) but she looks really cool :] just have to add a few more touches and it will be done ! then i have to finish the actually art trade itself xD
so, the contest is a go im assuming?
Make An Kingdom Hearts OC For Kyraa!
make it so she looks good with roxas please xD :D
and you can have whatever you want as prizes xD
So far, my march break has been crap >.< i havnt done nothing really. ive shoveled snow.. and drew.. painted.. watched anime, read manga, but thats about it xD everyone is gone or away >.>
but on saturday&sunday is teh convention :D-squee- so im excited for that. hopefully sarah can make it.. i want my sister to meet her :P
Anywho, ive been really obsessed with this song called "Cutie Honey" by Koda Kumi, its good :3
anyways, PM me, we will chat :]
art trades requests?
kyra <3
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Monday, March 12, 2007
woo ness...
march break sweets ;] im at home.. while my mother and siblings shop. well, i think my sister is upstairs somewhere ;]
blah. more drama ;] i just wanna say sorry to chibi for picking a fight.. i feel horrible >.<;;
hopefully you forgive me, cause i finished your art trade ;]
ive been drawing tons lately. i have a piccy of creameh i have to submit soon. and a random sora one. but i have a small problem.. i am in need of a Kingdom Hearts OC! So, if i have a contest for you guys to make one up, would you guys enter? ;3 she likes roxas.. well, in teh ficcy she will eventually like roxas, so i want her to sortve look like they would be a good pair :] and as a prize you can have whatever you want XD
anywhos. PM me, we shall chat till we... yeah xD
turah <3 kyra.
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Thursday, March 8, 2007
new theme :]
blah. this theme, is REALLY messy, its just there until tomarrow when i have time.
march break starts..... NOW : D
im gonna draw meh heart out.
haha. me and my friends started a mosh pit during the battle of the bands. it was quite fun :]
blah. i must be off. its din dins time
art trades/requests?
add meh on myspace fools :]
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Wednesday, March 7, 2007
ello all :]
hey! im happy tonight. LOST is on :3
march break is allmost here :] and we get firday off. dont ask why. no clue.
its been terribly cold lately. and i dislike walking to and from school in it >.<;
i havnt had many tests lately. :] oh! yesturday, was some Multi cultural fest at or school. meh asian friends dressed up in kimonos for the fashion show. THEY LOOKS SO PRETTY :]
and tomarrow is the battle of the bands. ME AND MY FRIENDS ARE GONNA START A MOSH PIT >D
ive been drawing ALOT of KH randomness lately. im gonna post some :3
any ideas for new theme? i forgot ALL about it :]
art trades/requests..ect?
i love you all :3 KYA? Kyra :]
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Friday, March 2, 2007
sorry i havnt posted in a bagillion years. alot of drama happening.. which, im gonna leave out of this post. ill save you from excitement ._. :]
i got a new cell phone today : D and DIDDY KONG RACING FOR DS :D it made me happy :)
it snowed.. alot.. and it was frezzing rain.. and i had to shovel.. wasnt fun :(
anyways. PM ME, im bored (:
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