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I have to many to say -_-
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Long time, i think since sailor moon?
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I have alot, but some are Tokyo Mew Mew Naruto Inuyasha Hamtaro Eureka 7 Full Metal Alchemist Bleach and many more ^o^
Get a carrer in anime!
Drawing,chilling w/friends, Computer
I can draw kyra in under 2 mins flat! hehee
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Monday, April 24, 2006
Hey everyone!*sighs* just got back from school...boring,as usual
I got my french project over with^.^ It wasnt that hard!^.^ And in music everyone was saying,come on kelsey just go, for my extended playing test, where you pick a song and play it with the computer, i didnt really want to go, but my music teacher said It dosnt really matter what you get, youll do well!^^
So anyways, i did My heart Will Go On, from Titanic on the clarinet! I got an A Yay! ^-^
Right now im doing a Project on Hong Kong-_- My theme is fishing, whoohoo*sarcastic* to many projects and tests!!!
Oh! And i had a test in tech class and math, i think i did well on the tech one, not so well on the math one, my worst subject *>*
Oi! I got a naruto keychain and a sakura one!^.^ and a couple of IY Buttons^^
Of course, me being the nice loving sister that i am, bought my sister more than me! I was like looking at the pile of her stuff, andlooked at mine and was like WTF? I got her-A Inuyasha Tshirt, a iy notebook, naruto keychains, and a poster! well, at least im going next week!
Yay! I posted new fanart! One of Pudding(tmm) and one of the new manag im starting! Can you go look at the pic and tell me a good title for it, i cant think of one XD And anyone can be in it, so if you have a character suited for the story, im looking for new charcters, desperatly looking for new characters XD
If anyone can make me a bg with Kyra and Ryou in it, i would greatly appreciate it! This bg is too small!XD But i luff it, so if you can make a bg with tis pic in it, i would love you dearly!
Im not gonna post the New Mew story untill after i finish my project! But dont worry it will be soon!Like tomarrow!~but if anyone has any characters, tell me if they want to be in it!
Any requests from anyone? Working on yours Blackpendant222 and Dicey!
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Sunday, April 23, 2006
Hey guys! Just got back from work^.^
Im going to a store pretty far away, that has all this anime stuff, and it isnt even an anime store XD its like a convienence store XP
Prob gonna get more pins for my sasuke backpack hehe
My sis is sad tho, cause we didnt kno we were going until after she got invited to the movies, now shes sad *looks over at pouting mew missy(her un)*
But i told her i would get her stuff!^^
I posted a new fanart! My first ever on paint hehe people said they liked it^.^ so i guess i did all right^.^
You know what i hate, people that flame other peoples things, ot happened to me often, but people arnt as talented as other people, but like theyre work, and to get told that it sucks and its crap, dosnt work well for me, ACK! *hits flamers in head* die! it makes me sad when people draw this wonderful piece of artwork, and the flamers sya bad things, just because they cant draw something as wonderful as that!
Anyways, i can sya that coments like, The head is a bit turned but still good, is a good coment, something to help the drawer to work on, but not liek, not very good it sucks stop drawing! Ok, ill stop now cause i am boring you all to death...
Yay! Has any of you guys seen Howls Moving Castle! I got it, and i love that movie!
Im gonna practice on paint somemore, i think its fun^.^ If anyone wants a request on anything on paint or drawing or a picture or banner/avi, plz coment or pm me~
Recap of Chapter 7-
Kyra eyed Ryou, he just starred at her, and nodded
This is where her father was, and she wasn’t going to chicken out now...
Chapter 8^.^
‘I wonder what his plan is…’ Kyra thought ‘Is he goning to tell everyone, or kepp this a secret..’Kyra didn’t kno what to do, either to tell Nikki, or not. Nikki was her BFF ever since they were young, and they told each other everything… ‘But, what about this, should I tell her or not, she might get mad at me too, seeing as she likes this ryou guy…’ Kyra looked at her friend. ‘Ill tell her, soonh enough, but first I need to talk to ryou again..’
Ichino sat, not partying with the others about the idea of having a vacation. Ichigo looked at her twin ‘Something must be up with Ichino, she is really distant than the rest of us are…’ Ichigo thought ‘Keiichiro, It seems were low on.... broccoli! Ya! Me and Ichino will run to the market to get some!” Ichigo said while grabbing her sister.
“But, Ichigo we don’t really NEED broccoli right now, were eating cake!?”Keiichiro replied
“Yu never no when were gonna need some broccoli!”
“But sis!” Ichino was grabbed and pulled out the door
“Why do you need broccoli so bad, not like yu eat it at home” Ichino smirked
“Ok Enough about broccoli, whats up with you?”Ichigo sat down on a park bench, eying her sister
“Nothing! Why would you ever think that!” Ichino smiled sweetly and looked at her feet
“Just tell me now, I know something is up with you girl!” Ichigo fussed
“well, I heard, Ryou.. and Kyra, the new girl, talking about, them being…..twins!”Ichino spitted out
“WHAT?” Ichigo gasped “yeah I kno, I couldn’t belive it myself..”Ichino starred at her sister
“That’s what they were talking about for so long outside in the courtyard…”Ichigo said now starring at her feet “SO what are we gonna do about this…” Ichino asked
“Were gonna ambush Ryou and get him to tell us the truth, the whole truth..”Ichigo said running towards the café
“BUT WHAT ABOUT THE BROCCOLI!!!!”Ichino said chasing after her sister
Ichigo busted the door open, everyone sorta in shock. Ichino appered after
“hehe Did you get the broccoli girls?”Mint chuckled while pudding on the floor laughing
“Oh suddup wouldja?” Ichigo said while walking towards Ryou, and Ichino & Ichigo grabbed both of his arms and started pulling him upstairs
“What the hell are you guys doing” Ryou said trying to shake them off
“We NEEED to talk to you, alone” Ichigo turned and eyed the “crowd”
“O…kk”Ryou said nervous
Well, I need to go shopping so ill write the rest laterz!
Love ya!
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Saturday, April 22, 2006
hey everyone..i wouldve posted this morning at like 3am, but i was dont fell like it^^ Me and dice stayed up talking on msn till like 3^^ Pretty fun^^ But then i had to get up at like 10...not so fun XD
Yay! I bought volumes 2 & 3 of Kamichama Karin at chapters today!^.^ Then my lil sis was complaing that she never got any manga before and im like..fine and we ran around the store looking for "appropriate" manga if you kno what i mea, I got her Naruto vloume 1,cause she loves the show.. but while she was reading it, i saw the Sexy No Jutsu and was like...damnit if my mum finds out,ill be in trouble! But shes like its only a jutsu so im like good girl yes..only a jutsu^.^
Anyways,oi! Did you guys see the animations Dicey made for me! I Love em!(btw, the one that has the person beating the other person with clipboards, is my mew kyra and her mew Ichino!)

This is kyra^^

Umm nothing else really to say,but ill be round so pm me!
Any requests?
OI! The story ill post up laterz sorry!
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Friday, April 21, 2006
The New Mew Story Part 7~
Where we left off last..-->> “but, how can y..your last name SHIROGANE!!??!?!?!”Kyra gasped
Now on with the story*winks*…
Chapter 7
“I don’t know how you! Could be my sister?!?!?!? You don’t have a father right?” Ryou Asked confused
“No I don’t,my mother said he left one day to produce some science experiment in The Fiji Islands, then she heard news that…your boat sank,and my mother was heartbroken for a really long time, BUT SHE NEVER TOLD ME I HAD A FREAKING TWIN!!!!! ACK!” Kyra answered
“We half to find out more information about this,were going to see Mr.Akanaya Shirogane,my father”Ryou starred at the setting sun
“But, what about my mum?”Kyra asked
:Tell her your going to my house you idiot!”Ryou firmly said
“Yeah! That’s right,im going to call my mum,tell her im going to a guys house I just met and to top it all off, tell her I might just found my ferterna twin!!! That will go over well,don’t you think?”Kyra said sarcasticly
“well, tell her your going to Nikki’s, your like buddy buddy right?”Ryou said
“YEAH! Smart!” Kyra said running to grab her cell in her coat pocket inside the café
Ryou sighed, ‘For once in my life, I actually hope my guess is true, ive always wanted a sibling’ he smiled and fallowed Kyra inside.
But neither of them knew who was watching them…
“WHAT! Kyra? Realted to *sigh* Ryou? This is sooo not right! Hmm but this could work out to my advantage over the race to ryous heart…I have to beat nikki!!!” Ichino gasped & chuckled and ran into the café
“Where were you guys?”Ichigo asked
“We had some…predictaments to work out, you know, me being the newest member and all” Kyra smiled at her new team leader
“right ryou?”She asked
“…umm what? Oh ya! Predictaments that’s right!” he said, drifting off
Everyone started eating the huge cake kiichiro made for welcoming Kyra, but something wasn’t right with Ryou, and Kyra could see it.
‘hmmm maybe he isn’t telling me something….’Kyra thought
They were all having so much fun, Kyra was getting to know them all, but there was something about this Ichino girl that she couldn’t think of, maybe it was the question she asked her when they first met, If Nikki had any feelings towards Ryou, no..that cant be it, but she dose seem more quieter and not really in the conversation…like ryou…
All of a sudden Ryou piped up and announced this-
“I was thinking…”Ryou got out of his seat and started walking around the table slowly
“I think you mews need a break, maybe …. Do you guys think you need a vacation?” Ryou asked
“HELL YA!!!” They all called out
“Well, get your swimsuits on girls, cause were going to the hot & sunny beaches of the Fiji Islands!” Ryou Said in excitement
All the girls screamed and clapped and cheered. But when Ryou said Fiji Islands, she shot her head up.. ‘But that’s…where mum said..his ship … sank?’ Kyra wondered
Kyra eyed Ryou, he just starred at her, and nodded
This is where her father was, and she wasn’t going to chicken out now
I will get chapter 8 up tomarrow -_- I gotta get off cause off my brother >.<
Hope you like the new theme! Ryou and KyRA Twins!
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