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Sunday, February 18, 2007
Hey Guys, whats up :3
The Valentine dance was pretty fun. except people came DRUNK.. which is REALLY stupid thing to do.. and i guess this guy in my class got passed the security and he threw up all over the floor. then, some other people threw up because of the throw up. pretty gross.
Before that, after school, i went to my friend keelys house. and her room, is like, an anime STORE! XD she has freaking costumes for conventions everywhere XD its funny.
she decided, i was going to be her doll.. and she did my hair and make up XD
But, at the dance i was feeling sick. so i wasnt as hyper as i usually am at dances :[
This Friday is Keelys Concert :D IM SO EXCITED! :3
her myspace is www.myspace.com/keelyvalentine if i was you, i would go on it XD listen to her songs. she sings REALLY good.
So she might get signed to a recording contract :3 she allready promised me to go travelling with her XD
Anyways. i attempted to draw this weekend. and all i got done was a collage of sora pics that i have to scan XD

love you :3 Kyra
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Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Happy Valentines Day everyone. hope your having a good one.
i dont really like valentines day all that much. so, im not gonna talk about it :)
I didnt go to school yesturday. ive been having REALLY bad headaches and getting dizzy. and then my mum was debating whether to take me or not, because we were supposed to get tons of snow. but, we went anyways. and waited for like 2 hours. then we were only in the doctors office for five minutes tops! my mum was pretty angry. the doctor said i should take advil >.< yeah. fun.
then my mum decided i can stay home for the rest of the day.. TOO SHOVEL!
then, we got word of a snow day today :) so i had 2 days off. but.. lemme tell you... the snow.. WAS FREAKING HIGH! we were like, jammmed in xD then.. pretty much all day i have been shoveling. my arms hurt too..
I hope you all have a good day :] and hopefully
it will snow more :] id rather shovel then go to school :]
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Saturday, February 10, 2007
I have some ragging to do. so. no need to coment.
im sick and tired of some users on myotaku. they think there WAY ABOVE EVERYONE ELSE, they think everyone else is under and below them. and im getting sick and tired of it. im sick of all these little n00bs too. that go around and try to please these "Higher Ups". its sickening to me. and this may seem like im being a bitch. but i dont really care what you think. cause its the TRUTH! I can really only trust some people on this site anymore. and if your not on my Besties thing in my profile. i do not trust you.
Another thing im pissed about. are these fanmews. there like.. eating us alive. its okay for someone to have like. 1 or 2. BUT 7 FREAKING MEWS! DO YOU REALLY NEED THAT MUCH! jeebus. and theres some more. :]
DONT COPY PEOPLES MEWS! YOU CANT go around and just pick what ever animal you want for your mew. YOU MUST DO RESEARCH
thanks for reading me rag :] some people here. just tick me off.
in other news. i have come to a conclusion. i HATE valentines day. the only reason they have it. is to make people that arnt with others, feel horrible >.<
im gonna be drawing alot today. my mum is out and my dad is on like a business trip. so its all good :]
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Tuesday, February 6, 2007
Lots of stuff happened today...
Well, Math was fine, i acutally like my teacher xD usually i despise math teachers xD and math is my worst subject, and im doing well ^-^
Gym.. we did with the guys O-O and we had to buy our gym unifrom xD funn!
Then, i had to go to the library to type out my english report.. and my friend Laura who is in my gym class says " Look threw your bag! Someone stole money out of my purse when it was in the change room!"
And i did..
and someone.. stole my WALLET!
And my friends IPOD! I was crying and shiz.. cause, that wallet, had EVEYTHING IN IT! My debit card, my health card. ect.
So then we went to the gym, and my math teacher, who also teaches gym, says " Kelsey! Whats the matter!" ANd i tell her what happened.
So we go to the principals office, and all he does is say "Theres not much we can do" =_= so, me, being the "nice" person that i am, me and my freinds leave yelling and saying how much we hate this school xD
We have cameras at our school, and the principle says, "They arnt working right now!" WTF! WHATS THE POINT OF HAVING CAMERAS!!
So then, i decide to call my mum, and shes SO FURIOUS AT THE SCHOOL! SHes calling them tomarrow xD She told me to find a phone and call the bank and tell them to stop anyone from trying to use it, in otherwords. delete it
then i went to tech, which is auto body, fun xD nothing really happened
But, after the theif incident, i didnt have time to finish my english! So he yelled at me, and i yelled back ^_~ SOMEONE STOLE MY WALLET GOD XD
Then, i come home, and the phone rings. Its the school, They Found my wallet, in the washroom with all the cards all along the ground.. 0_0
So, it just makes me wonder.. what kind of world do we live in now..where people steal from people when there in teh gym.. its really bad!
Well, theres my story!
ttyl! <3
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Thursday, February 1, 2007
Hey Guys :3
Me and DiceMaster FINALLY Did a joint theme, after like, a couple months of post poning it :3
So yeah!
No school for my sister and me, so, Were gonna have a party :3 and draw and stuff! fun fun fun<3
Start Semester 2 next monday, i have Math, Gym, Lunch , Tech and then english, allright xD
Requests or art trades !
Turrahh! <3
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Sunday, January 28, 2007
My Exams went REALLY well :] My science, went REALLY well, geo was a bit harder but french was the hardest, but, it was still easy :) so i am very happy with that! ^-^ and we get ALL NEXT WEEK OFF! cause theres like, the grade 10s threw 12 stil have to do theres
i think the teachers exagerated it a bit much ^^"
So, ALL THIS WEEK! Will be me, sitting in a room, working on requests xD So, if you want one, request now xDD
Ill turraahh for now ! turrah! :]
PM ME someone..im bored
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Saturday, January 27, 2007
My Quizz!
Well, ill post later about my exmas!
i gotta go babysitting! turrahh!
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Tuesday, January 23, 2007
At school ^^
Hey! Im at school working on my HUGE art summative thats due tomarrow, just printing out some paintings and such. Im posting now, cause i prob wont be able to post later, cause, i have 3 exams :0 when mostly everyone else either has 1 or 2 >.< And, i HATE studying so MUCH! Well, my worst subject academicly im in right now is french. but today we got our summative back for it, and i did really well! An A! So that should bring up my mark for the exam ^-^
So, thurday at 8:10 am i have a science exam. then at noon i have a geography exam and then the next day i have my french.so, wish me luck ^^
If i dont do well on the exam. i dont go on the computer for a whole year >.< so ive been studying my hardest :]
Art, shall be up after the exams :] cause i get a week and a half off :) lots of time to draw :]
¢¾ Kyra
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Tuesday, January 16, 2007
well, hello, hows everyones week been going, sorry about not posting in SO LONG, ive been -cough- exam studying, yes of course xD well, wasnt feeling that great at all today at school, and then drama happened on teh comp -_- oh! valentines dance is coming up, and our school has this, Compaitibility Test, to find your "true love" xD so me and my friend. decided were gonna do it xDD hopefully! -prays- i get a GUY that actually LIKES anime, cause, ive only met like 2 guys before, and, yeah.. there a little,...uck... so thats happening tomarrow :)
so,...erm, ya.. yesturday, bought new paint :) so i painted a piccy for someone, iunno if im gonna post it yet tho..
requests shall be up
sorry for the short post too
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Saturday, January 6, 2007
elloo!! Sorry i havnted posted... 2007 hasnt been so kind..to anyone >.< My nieghbours grandpa died on New Years day... sitting at his kitchen table with his son and 2 grandkids.. and he had a heartattack, just rght there, and that was it >.< and then, on the same say, a little boy i know. who had brain cancer when he was 2, got rid of it, then got it back last summer, so we had to go say goodbye and everything on dec 28 >.< it was soo sad.. and then he died on New Years day also,...
So, on thrusday, i went to the funeral of the grandfather, and it was a open casket, which, was really really really depressing, i was crying for like, 2 hours.. and today is the little boys funeral, who i am going with my friend and her family, cause her family and i,were really close to him, so were going to that today >.<
2007 hasnt been that good of a year, if you ask me >.<
Anyways, im gonna draw a dedication piccy for them both, people write poetry or songs when there sad, i draw, to express myself, like when the little girl i babysit's mum died, of cancer too, i drew a piccy for her too, and, it really did make me feel alot better!
So if you can, please coment and vote! i would be really greatful!
¢¨ú Kyraa!
RIP GRANDPA RITCHIE! ¢¨ú i am slowly missing when you took my nose :)
RIP MATTHEW! i can still hear your laugh, and your smile still brightens my day :)

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