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Monday, January 1, 2007
well, Happy New Year! This is my last night with my besties prettykitty1013 && sangofanforever =( we went to niagra falls, and went on this GIGANTIC ferris wheel! iwas really scared, and i thought i was gonna throw up,but it wasnt that bad! We took AMAZING pictures too! of us and the falls! it was GORGEOUS! And we wnet to the Ripleys museum toos, it was fun!
Well, i hope you all had a GREAT NEW YEARS!
Sowwie about the people that have to go to work&&school tomarrow! I dont go back until the 8th xD
I have to go to the doctors tomarrow >.< I have to have a physical AND a Shot! =[ i HATE SHOTS! and needles for that matter xD
Well, this last bit is for one of my BESTEST FRIEND! her name is DiceMaster... or Sarah... or dicey...or diceykins..what i call her -points to post title- she is AMAZING! I lurve her! She is the mmost AMAZING PERSON ZYOU WILL EVER MEET! well, this is what i wrote on myspace...so..this is it xD sarah, you mean the whole world to me! were like (yn) and i can talk to you about anything and everything, and we talk about random stuff, like irish people, and how your sister secrectly hates me! Im soo glad we met! And im glad we stayed so close threw all the agruments between either sakii&you or lauren&you, but we never get into fights! and we never will! haha. i know we wont, seeing as i JUST; spent like, 5 hourse on the phone with you, something i never do with anyone else! haha. im gonna write more when its less, 12-44 am! I FUCKING LOVE YOU SARAH ¢¾
anywho! Im gonna be posting art when i get back! So, im turrahing noww! Byeee♦ kya? KYRAA!
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Friday, December 29, 2006
byee! =)
Im going away today, to prettykitty1013 & sangofan4ever house for our new years traditon =D im excited =) i was going to post up piccys, i scaned them, but then i forgot the skin colour xD so im gonna do that! Have a great weekend and if i cant post, HAPPY NEW YEAR¢¾
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Monday, December 25, 2006
Merry Christmas
Happy Christmas!I hope you all got what you wanted =) i gots lots of stuff, but, im gonna type it all later, cause, im downloading music now <3 i was going to post up art yesturday, but i saw my computer was broken =O so, i couldnt do it, but, then, after presents, my dad some how fixed it =D so, im gonna to draw, WITH MY NEW PRISMAS<3 and post them later today or tomarrow<3 Have a awesome day i love you guys¢¨ú KyraChan

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Thursday, December 21, 2006
BREAK! ....finallyxD
Ello! My mum picked me up at french today, i DIDNT want to go, at all, so she picked me up early, and i dont have to go tomarrow cause they shortened all the periods down to 35 mins, so whats the point? I think i did well on my geography and science test^^ and i handed in my bord game for my geo summative, i think i did well ^-^ the teacher said i did ^-^
I made christmas cards! Im made one for everyone and special ones for my close friends on myo^-^
Can you guys go to my friend site? HEr Name Is KeelyKatasrope, and watch her videos, the dirty dancing with mikey mouse is hilarious xD
Yea, drawing tonight! ANd all day tomarrow so ill get everyones request up So, ill see you all later! Byeeeee<3
I will put up the others later <3 please put them on your site^^
¢¨ú KYRA!<3
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Tuesday, December 19, 2006
LOTS of homework -_-
gah, i have a tes tomarrow in geography, a summative project worth 15% of my final grade in geo toos, then i have a HUGE science test on thursday, and to top it ALL of, stupid french teacher harking down on me and my friend for a project -_- yea...last week before chirstmas break, is really getting me on edge, i just CANT wait till its all over for a couple of weeks, i will get ALL of your requests done on friday, and have them up for the holidays¢¾ Hope your having a FANTASIC week so far! ily all!
¢¾ Kyraaaaaaaa!
GOing to studdyyyyxD
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Friday, December 15, 2006
Hey Guys =] hows life! I was sick yesturday. and i didnt go to school, but.. i wish i didnt miss 2nd period, cause were doing sexual reproductuion...yea.. and she assinged parts to a play, and im...a ... *cough* sperm T.T *cough* my friend told me, this monring.! Im like, thanks for standing up for me >.< but, eh, it wasnt THAT bad xD
Yesturday, i bought paintbrushes so i could try and paint anime with it xD And then i painted the prettiest picture Of Ichino in her summer dress for Dicey, and then, my sister had to go adn spill water all over it! I was so angry! And it was like, so good! But im determined to paint another one!
Mewmewlover55 is it okay if i draw Nikki&&Kyra in paint? i dont know what you wanted done xD
Well..wait! Theres more! So, the guy i like, his name is Jason, i was talking to him on msn and it said on his msn name :(2days, and i asked him why and he said because my brother is in the hospital and hes gonna die in 2 days, so here you have me freaking out feeling terrible for him, and i kept on saying how im gonna hug him so much the next day, they, you have him, BEING A FREAKING LIER! >.< it was all a joke! So now, i hate him, i never wanna see him again. then he started talking to me, and im like, i dont wanna see you ever again, and i walked away :S when i dont like someone, i REALLY dont like them xD
Then my friend lied about having cancer! She told me and my friends like a couple of months ago, and then shes like, oh, the doctors got the files mixed up! wtf! Shes so stupid! So..yea xD
ANywho, requests? Art trades? I have Diceys to do, well, its allready done, i havnt scanned it yets tho xD And Strawberryparfaits, and mml55^^ and im gonna be BORED over the weekend, ^.^ erm, i should type my new ficcy xD ¢¾ Shirogane!
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Saturday, December 9, 2006
new theme
hello! new theme! its like, black&whiteish winter theme xD i like it, alot xD
erm,yesturday there was no school, which i was glad about! So me and my friends decided we would go shopping, and i bought some clothes, that i needed BADLY! but then my mum said they were too tight, she needs to get out of the flipping dark ages and see that everybody wears tight clothes nowadays, but, i decieded they were a bit too tight, and were going to take them back today ^^
Thats all that happened... SARAH was supposed to call meh last night, but she forgots xD and she was so scarred to call.. i found it too cute <3
Anywho, ive been drawing a bit, drew my new mew, Rimu, and she looks sooo cute! Ill post her in a bit!
Byeee! Requests? Art Trades?
¢¾ Shirogane
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Thursday, December 7, 2006
new theme
Hey everyone! New theme! I hope you all like it! I like it, its different! I finished Dicey's request, and im working on strawberryparfaits now^^ If you want a request, just say in the comment or PM me!
Theres no school tomarrow, so i will have lots of time to draw! yay! ill tell you more about the last couple of days later, i gotta go! Byee &hearts
OH YA! I made a new mew! Mew Rimu!
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Tuesday, December 5, 2006
hey, guys! haha. convention on saturday was pretty sweet. went as sakura, again, got glomped, pretty fun xD i was outside, waiting in line to get food, and it was SO COLD! seeing as im in a dress and all >.< so i was jumping up and down...then i asked Koinu11 if i can get my strawberry sweater out of my bag, and im lucky i did cause thats how DiceMaster spotted me xD she was soo cute doing it too, my back was to her, and she walks up *poke poke* are you kelsey? IT WAS SOO CUTE! Im like sarah! *huggles*
it was fun...we saw this creepy guy, that i said hi to, and he started showing me stuff on his digital camera, im like o.O haha. sarah's like, do you know him? xD then i got NARUTO'S SLEEPY HAT<3 xD
Anywho, it was fun, and shes going to the one in march too, im making her xD
I drew this uber cool piccy of kyra && ichino in winter xD i just gotta colour xD
Can you give me requests. cause im bored,xD
*huggles* Send me PM's ill pm chu backks
♥ Shirogane
Mew Mew Winter Contest!
Draw Kyra with your mew, or a group of mews!
has to do with winter/ winter themed
Uhh, i prefer colour, but if ya can do b&w uber good, go ahead!
Dosnt have to be in mew outfit, actually, i prefer it not being in a mew outfit, like, maybe a elf costume or something?
ANd thats it^^
You can have whateve you want for 1,2,and 3 place, your doing the art, you can have the prize you like^^
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Saturday, December 2, 2006
new theme...im gonna change it, cause i dont like it as much as my last one...
ugh...i think i wanna go Hiatus for a bit, like, leave for a couple of weeks, cause all the agruing is...ripping me apart inside...and i dont know if i can take it much longer...so, i might, iunno yet..
on better news, the concert was SO GOOD! Im still a bit blind, the lazers and strobe lights killed my eyes xD and the music was amazing!
Ugh, then yesturday, i was out until 10 and i forgot to call my mum at 7, so she is really angry at me, so iunno if i can go to the convention tomarrow, but im gonna go no matter what! ^-^ Im going to go as Sakura from Naruto again, it takes too much time to make a costume, and my friend as Hinata, sadly, i dont think My sis, Mew Missy can go, shes going to the Santa Clause Parade -_- but if she was going, she would be going as TenTen xD Oh! ANd im metting up with Sarah! So im excited!
Baby sitting tonight, more money for the convo xD
Bye Bye!
Shirogane ♥
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