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Wednesday, November 29, 2006
New Art!*smile*
Hey myo pals ^0^
Whats up? new art, please go coment and votes would be appricieated ♥
Hmm, ha, ive had so many subsituites this week, and friday, and there allways for the 2 boring classes!
Im going out tonight, to a concert with my friends xD and were going out for dinner! yesh
im excited!
Anywho. Turrah! Hope you had a good day!
Shirogane♥ Requests? Art trades?
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Sunday, November 26, 2006
Hello! Hows life on the funny farm xD Boring day today, helpped put lights up for christmas, watched LOST<3 and did hmk, tried to draw, but got to into lost xD
So, hows everyone? hope your all well! ^0^
Im going to draw FOR SURE! Tonight, after i finish le hmk xD
♥ Shirogane
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Saturday, November 25, 2006
Hey! sowwie about the delay of my posting, ive been busy with hmk and projects and test >.< I didnt achive my goal, for drawing more, but im gonna draw today! FOr Sure, ill finish Dice's Ichino and Kyra Piccy, and PhoebyJinamanegf Piccy of the cute girl in my bg! Any more requests? *smile&&girn*
muhahahha i got me the first season of Lost XD Im like, in love with it now,XD
Im gonna post up my New FIccy, its getting good i think XD
Oh! Please go to The EliteMews myo! They will love you forever! *grin* Turrah!*huggs*
¢¾ Shirogane
Mew Mew Winter Contest!
Draw Kyra with your mew, or a group of mews!
Uhh, i prefer colour, but if ya can do b&w uber good, go ahead!
Dosnt have to be in mew outfit, actually, i prefer it not being in a mew outfit, like, maybe a elf costume or something?
ANd thats it^^
You can have whateve you want for 1,2,and 3 place, your doing the art, you can have the prize you like^^
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Monday, November 20, 2006
Hello! Sorry i havnt been around, ive been drowning with hmk && tests -_- " "
But i have been drawing, not as much as i would like, but ive still been drawing! I plan to do more today too, ugh, this week hasnt been my best, for some odd reason, my bff since kidergarden is mad at me, but she called me last night to say sorry, so i guess were friends again ?
Im at home in my pjs, heehee, im staying home in the morning from school to finish up some stuff and to sleep in, cause im dead beat >o<
Oh! My stupid younger sister didnt shut down the computer properly so it wouldnt turn on>.< im sick of computer problems! But we got it fixed, the bad part is that everything got deleted TT.TT and all my ficcy i had typed up is all gone, but, i think i sent it tamaki nami so she should still have it!
Oi! Requests! Give me requests to pass the time, il do them Right away! *puppy eyes*
SO give them to meh please! *smile*
My friend was crying on the phone with me for like 4 hours, because after 9 months her BF broke up with her >.< and now she says i should die and stuff, but ill cheer her up when i go to school in a couple of hours >.<
SOwwie for me havnt posting >.< i wanted to, but hmk, so sowwie! '.'
I suddenly have a strong urge to draw Ichino...and cherri...and Kyra..and Royoko so maybe ill make a piccy of them all together XD And i wanna draw my KH Oc, and...My Naruto, and...some other stuff, so once again, GIVE ME REQUESTS! Even if you dont even want something, just give me SOMETHING to draw XD
Turrah! Toodles! :D
¢¨ú Shirogane
Oh, im gonna change meh theme, what, idk, so help mee!
PS- DICEY! IM A COOLER LOSER THEN YOU!*throws a super lemon* xD
Mew Mew Winter Contest!
Draw Kyra with your mew, or a group of mews!
Uhh, i prefer colour, but if ya can do b&w uber good, go ahead!
Dosnt have to be in mew outfit, actually, i prefer it not being in a mew outfit, like, maybe a elf costume or something?
ANd thats it^^
You can have whateve you want for 1,2,and 3 place, your doing the art, you can have the prize you like^^
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Sunday, November 12, 2006
My birthday was good^^ I had fun, i got money, manga drawing kit with all these fancy markers that im dying to use, manga, clothes, these cute little pjs with puppies on them, inuyasha movie 4 and my little younger brother and sister made me bunny toys! There soo cute! Im gonna buy the first season of LOST with my money, its my all time fav show, maybe even more than anime...JK!
Im really obsessed with this one guy, dicey knows all about it, cause im talking about him 24.7 xD His name is Dominic Monaghan, he plays Charlie Pace on LOST and he played some hobbit in Lord of the Rings!

Im gonna hopefully draw today, i have been on hiatus with drawing, i dont know why, and its bugging me >.< SO give me requests! so i have a excuss, and i can use my new snazzy markers!
*smile* Have a great day!
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Saturday, November 11, 2006
What day is it? MY BIRTHDAY!
Ello! SOrry about the long delay of posting!
TOday is official my b-day^^ I think were going out for dinner, but idk, im gonna buy manga! tons and tons! and im gonna hopefully finish kiichi's request! Anymore? as a birthday presnet?
wednesday was the Royal Winter Fair, i competed, and won 2 firsts and a second! Im so proud of my horse, coco-chan! And that was the highlight of my day!
Today,well, actually now its yesturday, its 2am rigth now xD i went to a convenience store with some friends and they bought me a energy drink called Jolt, lemme tell you this, it was the BEST DRINK EVER! I was sooo hyper afterwards, i was so excited i ran down the halls, it was fun!
Then last night, i went to a friends house for a party and we watched the breakup and sang and stuff XD It was funn!
Any requests?
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Monday, November 6, 2006
Ello! This is going to be a short post, cause i dont want to keep you guys bored !XD
On wednesday, im going to this event called the "Royal" Where its all like agriculture and stuff, but im going for the horse show xD ANd im gonna be in it!@ yay! I hope i get a good place, either a 1stplace-5place is good for meh and coco(my horsey)
Anyways, i drew this cute comic, but i dunno where to put it, in the new fan manga section, or in fanart >.< cause it isnt a my manga, its just a side comic xD
Well, i dont have a lot of hmk, but i have a project in science due by next week, and the time shes giving us to work on it, i wont be there! So great for me..>.>
Have a asumefull day! *smile*
Birthday On saturday^^ i cant wait ^//^
~Shirogane ¢¨ú
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Saturday, November 4, 2006
Fan Art! xD
I posted 2 new fanart, and planning to post upp more, so please go check them out^^ I would be forever grateful^^ No one on my friends list has posted yet, so i have no where to go xD so i decided i shall post^^ Something to do >.>
ehm, nothing really going on today, prob some drawing and reading tmm manga over and over again, its what i do xD Oh! My family from England are here, prob gonna come over to our house and chat, i see them like twice a year^^
OMFG! My birthday is in 7 days! A week from today! I want more manga, and maybe a new book shelf to put the new manga on, cause i have no more room xP
Any requests/art trades? Im bored xD i need stuff to draw xD
*huggs* ~Shirogane
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Friday, November 3, 2006
Cagalli Yamato ♥
Thanks cagalli for ALWAYS COming to visit and comenting on my daily posts, even if i dont visit you all the time, sorry bout that >.< So i just wanted to say thankies! and i love you! *huggs*
Anyways, I love strawberryparfaits piccys! There so cute^^ I just wanna eat them up! Im putting up Chappie 13 of my ficcy, the New Mew! Yay! So please read it, its long but its good! And interesting xD
*huggs* Oh ya, no school today! w00t!
Recap of Chapter 12~
“Ichino, can you come here for a second, “ryou asked
The aliens somehow wanted to do something to The Oldest Cherry Blossom Tree in the world, a lot of people called it the “Lovers Lookout” and Ryou had a strong feeling they also wanted Kyra, so he had an urge to come along with Ichino and Nikki, non of the other mews.
“Yes Ryou-kun!” Ichino, still laughing at Ryou and Kyra arguing over whose older.
“Can you do me a huge favor?” Ryou asked, sort've whispering.
“Yup, anything for you” Ichino smiled sweetly, that was the smile that won Ryou over.
“Can you keep an eye out for Kyra; it’s her first big battle?” Ryou asked
“Of course!” Ichino replied
“Arigato, my sugar strawberry,” Ryou said pulling Ichino into a kiss. Ichino smiled and blushed when they pulled apart.
“AWWWWWWEEE!” Kyra screamed and giggled, at the site of her twin and her new best friend
“KYRA!” Ryou yelled “GO get to work,” Ryou smiled
“Don’t chu order me ‘round, YOUNGER BROTHER!” Kyra said, putting an emphasis on “Younger Brother”
*End of Recap*
Chapter 13~ The Capture
~”The stuff in dis swirley thing means I didn’t know the attack”~
“You and Ryou look uber kawaii together,” Kyra smiled
“Heehee, I think…. I might actually be in love..” Ichino was so happy, nothing could kill her spirit, except the site of the aliens. -_-
“ Ackage, is that them?” Kyra asked
“Yes, that stupid jerks,” Ichino replied
“Awww that little one is uber kawaii!” Kyra yelped in excitement, “I just wanna squish ‘em”
“........okay? I guess that’s the spirit?”Ichino said
They caught up to Nikki, who was freaking out at the aliens.
“Lookie here, another member of the mew mew club, how cute!” Tart chuckled
“ Yea, and this ones cute!” Kish said
“Ewww! Kyra would never go out with you!” Nikki yelled
“Squeak!”(Yeah!) Rosey …squeaked
“ What the hell are you doing to the oldest cherry tree in the world!?” Kyra yelled
“Were gonna destroy it! Too many people get enjoyment out of this damned thing!” Pie said
“People find true loved under this tree! And were not gonna let you and your alien brigade to destroy it!”
“Enough talking!” Ichino yelled, shaking her maracas and jumping onto a nearby streetlamp.
~“Ribbon Ichino Maracas!”~
~“Ribbon Sunflower Baton!”~Nikki Yelled, her baton glowing and hitting the trees to create a shield.
“Pie, Tart, this is it,” Kish said
“Ribbon Kyra Melody!” Kyra sang, while a flute appeared, with a ribbon attached on to it.
Kyra played the flute beautifully, and it caused pain to the alien’s ears. Then she whipped out the ribbon and twirled it around, while the aliens were in pain, she whipped them, then, that’s when it happened…
Kish grabbed the ribbon and pulled Kyra into an orb like thing.
“AghhhhHHhhhhhh!” Kyra screamed and then passed out after she got into the orb.
“Kyra!” Ryou suddenly appeared.
“He, don’t need this stupid thing,” Kish said, throwing Rosey from high in the sky.
“I gotcha” Ryou caught Rosey in mid-air, “Give me back my sister you creep!” Ryou yelled
“Sorry, but we need her to do some tests, and maybe just trim off a bit of those gorgeous ears,” Kish said, petting her ears
“Get your damned hands off of her!” Ryou was really pissed off now
“Oh ya, we will be taking your little girlfriend too,” Kish said
Pie suddenly appeared and attacked Ichino from behind
“Let her GO!” Ryou screamed, running towards Ichino to get her away from him, but Pie flew away, Ichino struggling in his arms.
“Maybe I should just kiss these strawberry colored lips,” Pie said, smirking
“No! The only person who can kiss me is Ryou-kun!”Ichino, still couldn’t get free
“If you dare lay one finger on either of them ill…… …ill…” Suddenly, Ryou was shimmering a gold colour. And he looked a lot like the blue knight, but black with red trim.
He took out his sword and jumped towards Ichino’s kidnapper and hit Pie in the arm
“Agh!” Pie said, dropping Ichino
“Ichino!” Ryou screamed as he swooped down and caught Ichino.
“Kish! Lets get out of here!” Pie said, grasping the gaping cut in his arm.
*Kyra point of view*
“mhm…… what happened,” Kyra awoke to see an orb like ball, and she was sitting in it! ‘Ryou? OMFG! He looks so cool! Is he a mew mew? Wait…WTF AM I!?!?!?!?!?!?!’ Kyra looked down and she saw the ground, Kyra+Heights=NO!
“RYOU!!!” Kyra pounded on the walls of the orb
“Kyra!” The ‘new’ Ryou was going to slice threw the orb, but it was too late. The aliens started to fly away…with Kyra!
“Thanks for the present!” Kish smirked
“RYOU! Please! Come and save meeeeeee!!!” Kyra yelled, still poundind on the orb, the last image he saw of his sister :’(
“Kyra!” Nikki and Ichino tried to get her back, but they didn’t know where to go….
“Nikki, please go back to the café and get everyone,” Ryou ordered as he returned to his original state.
“Yes, of course”
Ryou and Ichino sat in silent for a minute, with Ryou looking at the ground, grasping his head,
“Ryou-kun?” Ichino asked, poking his shoulder.
Ryou looked up, and Ichino was shocked to see tears swelling from hos eyes
“Ryou! What is the matter! You did all you could!”Ichino was holding on to Ryou’s hands very tightly
“*sniff* It was….her ...first...battle! I was…. Su...supposed to protect her!..Im her elder …brother!” Ryou said, now breaking out in tears in Ichino arms.
“Its’ okay we will find her!” Ichino calmly said
“What ...if they hurt her!” Ryou suddenly got tense
“They wont, she WILL NOT let them, she has too strong of a will, and she got to spend time with her new brother,” Ichino smiled
Ryou smiled back, “Your right and it’s our job to save her,”
“So where are we looking first?” Ichino asked
“Well, first, let’s call for some help,” Ryou smiled and chuckled
“…you don’t mean?”
“Yes, Ichika is coming to meet my new little sister!” Ryou laughed
So what did you all think, to much “fluff”(ive seen worse!) but don’t worry, more dramatic scenes and A LOT more fighting! I wanted to see more RyouxIchino stuff, I think there a great couple! So kawaii! And I can’t wait to post up what happens to Kyra! DRAMA, DRAMA, DRAMA! And theres gonna be a lot of Ryou and Kyra-ish stuff,touchy moments^^ I think im gonna add more mews, besides Ichika, Maybe I need some Cherri-ness, if dats kay wif you cherryshock?And I HAVE to add in Kiichi-chan!lubb you! Im gonna add my little sisters mew too, and Mint21’s! Anyways Hope you all liked!
Whats Gonna Happen to Kyra? Who is Ichika?(if you don’t, I pity you!) Is Ryou’s & Ichino’s love going to blossom? Why do the aliens want Kyra? Why did they want Ichino? Where can I buy some SunCHips? All these questions are going to be answered(maybe not the last one ^.~ ) in the 14 Chapter Of The New Mew- New Love For Nikki!
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Wednesday, November 1, 2006
New Theme!
Hey! Changed my theme! to Nekos! Yay! Me, sakii&&dicey are gonna do a joint theme, we dont know yet tho xD
Last night was so much fun! I took so many b&w picys with my friends, ill show you guys some when they send them to me!
Umm, we did kareoke too, and dancing xD and hide and go seek in the dark, and i tripped over something and fell on top of someone, so at least i found them^^ It was pitch black when you turned the lights off, it was fun xD
My birthday is in exactly 10 days! ANd i dont even know what i want yet xD Can someone PLEASE give me a request, im uber bored, i havnt drawn in awhile xD
~Kyra...loves you!
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