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Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Happy Halloween!
Happy Halloween everyone! I hope everyone has a great one! *gives pounds of chocolate to everyone* yay! As for meh, i dont even know what im going as yet xD either a fairy, princess or a football player! XD Im going to my friends house with a HUGE group of people! So were all gonna party, no parents! xD
Im gonna do a Neko theme for november, and then a winter theme for december! xD Im excited about the nekos, seeing as its one of my favs and its my birthday month^^ yay! My birthday is November 11! I cant wait, idk want i even want yet xD
*huggs* *gives mroe candy*
!~Shirogane loves you@
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Monday, October 30, 2006
Tomarrow Is Halloween! I cant wait! Im going as a hula girl i think xD Either that or sakura, but no one will know who i am, except anime lubbers xD
or i might go to my friends house to scare the little kiddies xD but idk, i love the candy!
Uhh, i had to do my geo hmk last night, so i didnt updated! I wanted to though! Im getting drowned in hmk!
Yay! my banner is too big so i have to resize it, but still join the NO COPYING CLUBBY^^ Please join, even if you dont like tmm or read it! Just get the word out^^
I wanna change my theme! WHat shall i change it too, any suggestions?
uhhh, have a great day! *huggs*
~Kyra ¢¾
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Friday, October 27, 2006
Dance xD
Hey^^ The halloween dance was last night xD it was fun ^-^ I had fun dancing with my friend katherine, she is a fantastic dancer! Well, today i broke up with my clingy bf, he didnt really seem to care, so i was like fine!
Well, im going to help out at my churches halloween party, great little kids woot*sarcastic* I think i have to dress up, but idk
I hoope you like my new theme! I like teh pumpkins! xD
~Kyra ¢¾
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Wednesday, October 25, 2006
*waves* Hows everyone today? Im preety good, besides the fact im terrible confuzzled xD the guy im going out wif, is REALLY clingy, so i wanna break up with him, but i dont want to hurt him, cause im that kind of person, but idk what to do! Advice would be gladly helpfull^^ Thanks tamaki nami for some! *huggs*
*yawn* I went to bed SUPER early so i could hae time to straighten my hair, but im still tired! i dont like feely tired too!
Hmmm, oh! Im in mourning, me and dice, were both really sad cause some one on naruto *cough* fattie*cough* dies! and all because of sasuke! *hits sauske with geo textbook, sends sasuke flying* Kelsey-*IM SO SORRY SASUKE* *goes and saves sasuke* ANYWAYS! so im sadfull, he was my fav little fattie that eats potato chips xD
Well, now i know why gaara has eyeliner! it's not fancy make up to make him look evil. It is because of the Shukaku sealed inside him. Ever since he was born, he hasn't been able to sleep, for the fear of letting Shukaku take control! i found that sad!
Well, i guess ill go! Thanks to everyone who answered the questions yesturday! *hugs* heres somemore!
1- DO you like pocky? I like pocky!
2- Any pets? *im really bored, sorry bout the randomness*
3- Anyone play Kingdom Hearts?
*huggs* CHerri! I luff you! Dont worry bout your gradparents! They will get better! *huggsforcherri*
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Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Hey^^ Im gonna change my theme again, to halloween-ish stuff^^ What, i do not know ^^
Well, i got my science test back today, it wasnt that great =.= but i can make it up ^^
Hmm, Oh! I drew this cute picy of kyra,ichino and sakie! Yay! Ill scan it soon! Well, nothing much to say! SO ill ask questions!
1. Whats your fav season, why?
2.Fav anime charry...OR anime person your in luff with! (i have ALOT!)
3. Where you live is it cold, cause right now, im FREEZING!
4. hmm, fav manga..NOT ANime^^
*huggs* SEE MY ART! *smile*
PS- Join my club! STOP THE COPYING! More info soon!
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Sunday, October 22, 2006
Ello ^^
Hey ^^ I found this barn that me and my friend want to go to, perrty horsies there too ^^
I gotta go get meh pirate costume soon, cause the halloween dance is on thursday ^^ My first one at a high school, but ive been to loads of dances before, so this one will be no problem ^^
*yawn* I had work this morning, so im tired, ive been tired lately, ever since the party where i stayed up all night, went to bed the folloing day, and i ont like being tired i always yawn too much ! ^0^
Hmmm, Oh! REQUESTS! I really want requests! SO please, give them to me! Yours is almost done strawberryparfait!
The date for meh contest deadline, i want it to be my birthday! November 11! I cant wait to see Koneko-chans! ANd diceys and Tamaki nami(sakuya)!
All you gotta do is draw Kyra and your mew, i think, OR Draw kyra in a kawaii halloween outift^^ Or Both! You guys can choose the prizes, cause you guys do the art, you shall choose what ya want^^
Have a splendidilyumious dayy!
*huggs* ~Shirogane ¢¨ú
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Saturday, October 21, 2006
Hey ^.^ I was too busy last night talking to Sakuya on msn, i talked right threw naruto! So i stayed up till 2am to watch it xD
Um, Yesturday, Ew! Okay, well, im all for PETA- and my sci teacher wanted us to do an experiment involving Rabbit Fur, i refused to, being my Anti cruelty self, and shes said "Im gonna call your mum, and i was like fine" so she did and my mum, who is also anti cruelty too, took my side ^^ So i was like Go Mum!
Sakuya got me and Dice in to this obsession of mine, There Called Ocha-Kens! And there soooo CUTE!

Mine is the Pink one, Hana,and my sisters, Mew Missy is Chai^^

I think were gonna start a club xD
Well, im looking for a new place to ride at, cause my riding instructor is being mean, so thats where ill be ^^
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Thursday, October 19, 2006
Hey! Im in the midst of a new theme, working on it now xD
Nothing happened today^^ Just that my french teacher might call home cause i didnt do the paragraph she told the class to do, cause they were talking, and i was happily drawing in my sketch book, so my mum SAID i didnt have too, so she wont care what the teacher will say xDD
Hmm, just talking on msn! If you got it add meh! Oh! Mee dice and saki are making a Pocky Club! Ill do the banner soon!
~Nee Elle
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Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Hello! Im happy again! Mee, dice and sakii all worked it out! So the plans for the convo were going to hasnt been broken! Im going as sakura again, and Dice is going as my hyper sasuke! Yay!
I think were gonna make a pocky club, im strawberry, dice is chocolate and i think sakii is Green Tea, which i havnt tried xD I like dipping the strawberry into hot chocolate, it taste yummi, i recomend it!
Hmm, no hw, which im happy bout^^ All projects, presentations are all done! //^.^//
Today, the guy im going out wif, waited after class for mee, i felt so royal xD
I posted more art! please go see!
~ ¢¾ strawberry.pocky
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Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Well, alot of stuff has been happening on msn, and just wanna say this!
Dicey,No need to leave myo!! Dont run away! We can work out are probs now! You have been the bestest friend too mee and sakii and if are friendship can get over this , it can get over anything! I luff you like a sister and dont want anything bad to happen to yus!
Sakii- Its okay! It was no ones fault, just saying the wrong things, are friendship is the bestest thing in my life and with out you or dice, i wouldnt of been the same person i am today!
You dont need to coment on this!
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