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Long time, i think since sailor moon?
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I have alot, but some are Tokyo Mew Mew Naruto Inuyasha Hamtaro Eureka 7 Full Metal Alchemist Bleach and many more ^o^
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I can draw kyra in under 2 mins flat! hehee
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Friday, July 28, 2006
Like the new theme??&stars;

Hey guys^^ Hope your Summer is going well! Mine just got a whole lot better^^ Cause today im at PrettyKitty1013 && Sango Fan 4ever's house cause were going a resort kind of thing up mountains, i kno its gonna be fun, we have fun everytime we go on our trips in the summer^^ So im very sorry but i wont be ,round much untill after i get back, which is after next next monday^^ Im sooooo soorry! But atleast i got to be able to post before i leave^^ Sadly, we have to get up at 3:30 in the morning, and im not a morning person! But, i ahve my manga, my cds/mp3 to keep me threw the 8 hour drive^^ And my bff will be there too^^
Thanks to PrettyKitty1013 for redoing my site! Im really obsessed with Kingdom Hearts All of a sudden, and ive been told that i look like Kairi cause my hair is the exact same length as hers, and almost same colour(//^.^//) and she is my favourite character, well girl character, my fave boy is Roxas, he is one of the mort gorgeous anime guys ive seen, or maybe thats just me^^teehee I love the music also^^ So thanks so much PrettyKitty1013^^*hugs*
Nothing has really happened since my last post, well, my friend moved into a group home, not that big of a deal for her, and thats all, boring i kno, i dont have an exciting life, only at school, which im pretty nervous about, not the classes but the people, im afraid they are gonna make fun of me cause i like anime, so im not gonna show any sign at all that i like it, sad i kno, and its gonna be soo freaking hard too, im just too obsessed with it, and advice on what i should do would help greatly^^
Today was "anime Night" which i call it, was today, watched Naruto and Inuyasha, ack, stupid inuyasha! Kikyo came back to life! Which i was soooo P.O about(yea, i hate Kikyo so much, if she was walking down the street, i actually would kill her, not even joking) Cause Kagome saved her, and got all of the miasma out of her,*sigh**tear* sad i kno, anyways off that topic, ill be on for a little bit, so either talk on myo or on msn -
Please! Someone send me a PM!
Love you forever xox *hugs&kisses*
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Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Hey Guys^^ Sorry about my lond delay of posting! I havnt had any time to go to the library! ACK! This stupid little brat went on my computer when i was helping my sis for a sec, and he deleted my whole other post! So now i am typing it out again!
Guess what? I graduated! The ceremony was fun, and to my surpries, i got an award! They called my name, and i just sat there, then my friend said go up, and then i was like why? and she said cause you got a freaking award thats why! The dance was sooo much fun! And on the last dance, i danced with my crush, and then at the end, he kissed me! And said, "See you in high School" And i was like WTF?
My hair was so prettyful, and my dress was gorgeous!
My mum said that after we gte the floor redone, i can get the internet back! Its been hard without posting, i have a feeling that i needto post! Its wierd! And ive missed you guys! Dicemaster and tamaki Nami thought i was in the hospital or something! I was like awwwww i am soo sorry! And i felt so horrible!
No Internet=More Drawing time, and i think ive been getting better! Just before i got to the library i got this fancy new drawing desk, it should be better than this thing i was using before^^hehe
Ack! Last week i had to get up at 6-3o am and didnt get home till 4 cause i was helping out at some damn camp in the swealtering heat!
So anyways, what plans to you guys have for the summer? Sofar i went to my first time out of the country^^ i went to 6 Flags Darien Lake! It was fun(dice, i wanted to see you!!!) And....thats it! Im goign on a camping-like trip with my bff PrettyKitty1013 and Sangofan4ever! Its gonna be so freaking fun and were gonna partay!woot!
Anyways, i am sooooooo sorry Ihavnt been posting! I have a wierd feeling that i have to, wierd i know? TTYL! Love ya guys!
~Kyra *huggles*
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Friday, June 23, 2006
^^*School almost over* -_-*no internet damn!*
Hey Guys^^ TGIF! The LAST friday of the school year! Woot wooot! Yay! Were not gonna really do anything for the next couple of days^^ On wednesday its my grade 8 graduation^^ teehee (ialready told you before) i am wearing a black strapless dress^^ ill take pictures! Teehee^^ And ill post them^^ yay!
Tonight i am sleeping over at my buddies house! and then were going to my bf and my friends bf house to watch movies, should be fun^^ Then were watching naruto and inu and fma^^ Well bell just rang! g2g! *huggles* Ill post on da weekend!
Prettykitty1013- your Final Fantasy movie rocks! Show it on myo sometime!
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Friday, June 16, 2006
*At school*
Sorry for the long delay of me posting^^ My mum said if me and my brother, mostly my bro, stop arguing and such, we will get the internet back^^ teehee^^ but...the harrive might not work, so we might get a whole new comp. all togther^^
On wednesday, the grade 8 graduates got to go see Lod of the Rings, the play, it wwas my frist play, and it WAS SO FRIKEN COOL^^ I loved it^^ the staged moved around and everything^^ if you have a chance, go to toronto and go check it out^^
Next week, all the gr.8 are going on a swimming trip, but im prob going to go to my friends pool, without having all of the drama of all of the "skanky" girls jugding us
Anyways, i gots straberry parfaits, mml55 and bp22 requests dun^^ yaya!
Pm me ^^ *huggles*
PS- Im A Senior Otaku^^ Teehee i feel so old^^
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Tuesday, June 6, 2006
*no internet*At school*
Ello everyone^^ Hope your all good^^ My friends bday todyas^^ Her name is Rebecca and she LOVES Anime^^ Inuyasha is her fave^^ Happy Birthday^^ I got er a whole bunch of IY Stuff, like notebooks, tshirts, figures of kag&shippo^^ Teehee and keychains^^ Anyways^^ Im gonna talk her into getting an account on myo^^
I didnt go to school yesturday cause i went to get my grad dress^^hehe its pwetty^^ And its blakc, i was shocked my mum actually let me get a black dress^^
I got this wall scroll of inuyasha and kagome ^^ Im gonna put it on my wall^^teehee
Anyways, nothing really happened on the weekend, my brother is doing well toos^^
So... im gonna save up for a laptop^^ It will take me like 3 weeks or sumthing, and then i can get the internet back^^ But i think my nanny has been talking my mum into getting the internet back, cause she is going to by a new computer desk^^ So cross your fingers for me^^ *huggles*
Love you Kyra xox
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Thursday, June 1, 2006
Band concert tonight(()).(())
Hey^^ *still no internet at home*
No news on my brother -_- he didnt even come home last night ..... idk..he is porb gonna go to a foster home or sumthing... he dosnt like to follow rules and he thinks there wont be any when he is in a foster home, but there is gonna be even more there than at my house *-*
ANyways,all of the band kids(or geeks hehe^^) are leaving in like an hour to go to a church to have our rehersal^^ Than tonight is gonna be our Spring Show^^ My fav songs that were playing are-Under The Sea(Little Mermaid) Beauty and the best, Forrest Gump and Spider Man of And Mission Imposible*ums theme song*
Oi! I play the clarinet, and i uber nervous cause im doing a duet with my friend Mew Sora 55(go to her site pwlz!) to Pirates of the Carribiean ^^ should be fun^^
So this weekend nothing big is happening, i have work on sunday, im gonna try to save up for a laptop so then i can get da internet^^
Yay! Ive almost beat Kingdom Hearts II! YaY! I like roxas and sorahehe!
Ill try to post up the next part of the story when i go to the public library^^
Dice-Sorry for not being able to talk to you on msn-_-
Kyra xox
PM ME! I feel so lonely...*tear*
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Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Hey^^*still no internet a my house*
Hey guys! Sorry for the long long long long delay of me much drama happing at moi brother is now charged because he didnt keep hs contract, and yesturday he skipped class so..yea......anways. yesturday was his birthday, i gave him money^^ Well, on staurday i sat at like 10pm and go out my easel(Oh ya! I got a easle*winks*) and sat and drew! It was so gorgeous out! Its really hot here....not much air conditioning either *sigh* well ill live with it! finished mml55 request....just gotta scan it now...somehow *sigh* Anywho, ill talk to you all later! *hugsandkisses*
Kyra xox
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Tuesday, May 23, 2006
Back From Montreal!
hey guys! At school using their computers once again...-_- Anyways...SOOOO Much Fun on the band trip to montreal! I was gonna buy manga....i almost did and it was in french! I was like noooooo!!!! On thursday night it was pretty funny..all you see is all these girls running to thier hotel rooms to watch.....The Season Finale Of...THE OC! Awwww it was sad...someone died...*teartear* Marissa Cooper...ok ill stop...none of you prob watch the oc anyways...but it was funny cause all you see is like 45 girls sitting in the same room crying! I missed Inuyasha and Naruto caused i got home too late! *tear* ill somehow watch it on you tube^^ hehe Sorry to say that i have had no time to do anyones requests at all! Sorry! Im gonna start them ASAP! Well, gotta go finish my book report! Prob post tomarrow if i can!
~Kyra xox love you
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Monday, May 15, 2006
At The Library!
Hey Guys! Still no internet at home *sigh* Im at the public library tho^^ Thats one way of getting on myo^^ Teehee! On wednesday im going on a school trip to montreal! Its a 9 1/2 hour bringing ALOT of manga and movies, should keep me entertained^^
I hope you all are well^^ I forgot to say but i got the final fantasy movie! Its soooo good! I love it! Cloud is pretty hot too^^
IDK when ill be able to post next,or when my internet will come back, or when i can make it to your sites, but i have one little request, that you PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do not remove me from your friends list! *hugs to all* Love you guys! PM Me still and email me @
xox *Kyra
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Friday, May 12, 2006
I might be gone for awhile! *sad*
Sorry i havnt posted in awhile! My mum cancle the damn internet cause of my brother getting into trouble and skipping class! Im sooo sorry! so idk when i will be able to post next ! -_- so i will stilldo your requests, but it might be hard for me to get them to you! You guys are the best and helped me threw sad times!
Love you xox
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