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grade 9 student, flyer carrier
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I survived grade 7!!!
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About grade 2 (parents wouldn't let me see "violence" in kindergarten wen i wanted to watch pokemon!)
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inuyasha, fullmetal alchemist, bleach, warriors, naruto, gundam seed, lagoon engine,chobits, full moon
To never put a piece of gum on my desk.
Drawing (heh, sometimes), flute playing and other stuff.
playing the flute, being wierd
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Wednesday, June 13, 2007
I H8 MY DAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! poor Hairy... >_
u kno wut?! i called my dad today, u kno, just casually, to tell him i couldn't come over today for a visit because i have to study for my french exam. and u kno wut he told me?! i quote "oh, hi! i waz gonna call u later! oh u kno, i had to put Hairy(my dog at his house) down. the vet that came over said he had cancer and arthritis in his hip. i forgot to call u."
WUT A STUPID A-HOLE!!!! how can u forget to call me wen our dog dies!?!?! AND he probably already told Sandy, his stupid girlfriend!!! i hate her so much! idiots, i kno wut they do in the bedroom! plus my mom said i should be prepared for the day that she moves in! excuse me idiots, i don't want 2 step-brothers who are about 10 years older than me(since i already got a half-sister and a half-brother who are about 15 years older than me)...thank u very much. i might not have been very close to him, but i had a lot of things going on..(for example my parents' divorce and moving to another house and leaving my 5 kitties and Hairy behind and should i go on?) the stupid guy that came over to put Sable(Hairy's sister we owned) down said "oh that bloody thing on the side of his neck is just a growth. if he doesn't scratch it anymore, it will just go away." AS IF!!!!! THAT 'GROWTH' GAVE HIM CANCER AND KILLED HIM!!!!!!! i already told my two best friends, and my mom is already on her way home from work.
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Friday, June 8, 2007
heehee u haven't got rid of me yet
hey! i'm now back from the skool trip! it was so fun! ^_^ but my digital cameras wouldn't work... i had a couple disposables, but most of the pics on them were used up at the airport. sucks. anyways, I'M BACK!!! that was the whole point of this post, i can't think of anything else to say so bye i guess! ^_^
oh, nevermind, i just thought of something! some people spent over $500 in shopping!!! it's really crazy, i only spent $200.
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Monday, June 4, 2007
well, i am saggitarius, or however u spell it
You Are a Centaur | 
In general, you are a very cautious and reserved person.
However, you are also warm hearted, and you enjoy helping others in practical ways.
You are a great teacher, and you are really good at helping people get their lives in order.
You are very intuitive, and you go with your gut. You make good decisions easily. |
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Sunday, May 27, 2007
TRIP ^o^
OMG!!! i'm gonna b going to québec tomorrow!!! it's sunday right now, 'bout 9:15. i'm just picking out mah outfits. having a bit of trouble to dcide wut i shud wear under my baby blue low v-nek sequin top (tried to describe it as best i cud!). yeah, i'm thinking a plain long white spagetti-strap tank with a little green lining around the nek, or a polka-dot lace/sequin spagetti-strap tank. so many decisions! sorry, i must b boring u!heheh.. AAAnyways..,people hoo don't kno 'bout mah québec trip, it's a trip with my skool to another province within Canada(i liv in Canada). it's not just a québec trip actually, we're going to Montréal(capital of ontario) for one night, then Québec City(capital of Québec) for 3 nights, and then Ottawa (capital of Canada) for 2 nights!!! which is 6 nights and 7 days-A WEEK!!! i'm gonna b rooming with starangel93(mah bestestestest friend in the whole wide world ;P) and 2 other peopleses from mah skool. it's gonna b mah first time on a plane!!! oh, and by the way, this is all because i'm in the french-immersion program i'm in at skool, i get math, social studies(basically history), science, and french class in french. really only one teacher is big on the french thing, Mme.Pastrick. she will giv u detention if u don't bring ur dictionary to every class and u hav to speak fluently all the time. iget her next year, everybody says they really don't like her because of all of the homework, but i think she's really nice! as long as u don't get on her bad side she's the best teacher u cud want in my opinion! she's cuming on the trip obviously. i just realized i havn't written a post in almost a month or two! OFF TRACK!!! AAnyways.., we're gonne b staying in hotels too! th plane leaves the airport at 10:00, but we hav to b there for 7:45, which means we hav to leave at 6:45 so we hav time to get through all of the traffic! my mom's work is right beside the airport so she won't b late which is good too! heheh!!! u kno i want to tell u guys everything, but it's just so much! i'll add another post when i cum back!!!
bye everybody!
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Saturday, May 5, 2007
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marks & vow
hi! i am so happy right now!!! i just got my term 3 marks back!!! here they are: Drafting/Woods:82%, Band:100%, French:85%, English:94%, Math:92%, Phys Ed:84%, Science:79%, and Social Studies(History basicaly):75%!!!!! mah average is 86.38%!!!! muhahahaha!!!! in the comments the teachers said i was "extremely conscientious"-i am, i just not used 2 being called that. wierd.
okay, from now on i vow 2 not complain about Kurnel anymore, or write posts during her classes! sorry about hearing my complaining u guys, i'm kinda oblivious sumtimes...sorry.
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Wednesday, May 2, 2007
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Monday, April 23, 2007
OMG such a crazy week! it's already the nezt monday, but i haven't been on the computer lately. okay, last monday i almost got ran over by a car(4 the 1st time), and i waz so freaked! if i had been 1 step furether, my toes would have been seared off!!! i waz just shocked, naturally swore at him, and just walked of. of course it waz at a crosswalk... i will finish later!
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Thursday, April 12, 2007
hey! i'm supposed to b doing homwork right now, but watever-it's just Science with Kurnel. bleh. i'm at school-pretty obvious-but watever..
Gotta go!!!
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Tuesday, March 27, 2007
choco cookie dough!
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