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myOtaku.com: inuchobits

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

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Guestbook Entries:

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DRJsKitty (11/07/06)

hello! i see you have signed my guestbook! well, i'm like nevar on this account any more, so if you would like to kepp in touch with my awesome randomnessness, please share with me the love of random on Valon Cra-Z ok? it's my oldest account and i have over 30 accounts on here and can't stay in contact with all of them...and i'm on Valon Cra-Z all the forking time, so i be the same person there too! hope to recieve a PM or something from yas! byes!

vixen fire (11/05/06)

HI its me, Vixenfire! thanks for hooking me up with this awsome site and helping me build it! you a great pal!

Ekedo (11/03/06)

hay thanks for visiting me! X3 i love your avatar! heheh! ^-^ it cool! well C Ya around the Otaku! BYE! XD

Reoku-Himura (10/27/06)

*signs in purple* This one loves the Avvi!

serpant (10/27/06)

Hi, nice site like the colors and stuff.
Keep up the good work, maybe I’ll see you
around the otaku.

inuyasha1987 (10/25/06)

happy soon to be 13th birthday like dah site

etniesgirl654 (10/25/06)

i love your page its amazing!!!!!!!!!!!
be my friend! :)

Edoterestrial (10/24/06)

Luff to leh site! -squeels for chi- I shall steal your site from you if you make it any cuter than it already is! Sign my gb!

caosgoth (10/22/06)

hi there! WO__OW! where are you from? im from Colombia and my full name is Carmen Alicia. -___- ..... interesting BG! i see we have a name in common ^_^! cool. PM me whenever you want, k? byz!

and thanx for signing my GB!

wolfmistress (10/18/06)

thanx for signing my gb! i love your site! well anyways i'm addin u as a freind k? ttyl!


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