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With Inuyasha
Member Since
Half demon
Real Name
inugirl or Micharu-chan
i like to draw ^_^
Anime Fan Since
Most of my life
Favorite Anime
Inuyasha!!! Full metal alchemist, D.N.Angel, .Hack//Sign, Dragon Ball gt, Kenshin, Chibits, Fruit Baskets, Yu-gi-oh, pokemon, and alot more that i cannt think of!!
to become a voice actor for a or some anime show ^^
Draw, play video games, and watch InuYasha, and kill demons
Killing demons, and i gess drawing
Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 01/22/05:
that is so true! *starts to cry* my love life is so complicated!
You're proble having problems going on with life. You had a girl/guy that dump you, or they past away. You're still inlove with this person and it's really destroing your love life. So,a tip for the wonded,try to get over it. It's better for you and your ex love would want that for you to.
LOVE SECTION, Whats your love type? very,very good pics.UPDATED brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 01/22/05:
I know very thing about InuYasha, MAHAHAHAAHA!!!
Result Posted on 01/22/05:
 Your boy friend is the one and only Inuyasha himself. He's sweet and cute and protective, plus strong and tough. He also is anoing and irritating and jealous and bad temmpered and always saids the wrong things. Well if you could get over that he's a cool b-friend. NOW CAN YOU KEEP HIM.TAKE HIS MINI QUIZ TO SEE IF YOU STAND A CHANCE VS HIS LADYS.O please rate.^-^
what Inuyasha character would be your boyfriend*UPDATED* brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 01/22/05:
 WINNER~ YOU Beat Kikyo,You must be strong to beat kikyo and you must have beaten kagome on INUYASHA's mini quiz 1,SO please rate and thank you for taking them out for me. Now INUYASHA all Mine!!!!!!!!
~INUYASHA MINI QUIZ 2~ brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 01/22/05:
 ~WINNER~ You vs Kagome for Inuyasha's heart round 1.You win,you're strong,smart,probably prettier then she is. So ypu beat kagome, but I dout you can beat me for him. SO IN THE END YOU LOOSE.OH SORRY, INUYASHA'S MINE.BUT YOU CAN SEE IF YOU CAN BEAT KIKYO.RATE
INUYASHA's MINI QUIZ!!!!! brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 01/21/05:
Result Posted on 01/20/05:
I am inuyashas girlfreind, he is a hero!
Result Posted on 01/19/05:
Result Posted on 01/16/05:
 You got Ryou-chan (RYOU BAKURA)!!He is sooo cute^-^! But,yea,I know he is yours!You love romance,and can be a bit overprotective of eachother sometimes,but love eachother with all of your hearts!Just remember,not all romances end like fairy tales.Anywho,it was nice that you got him!(isnt that pic of him SO CUTE!?)
A date with the yugioh boys (just one at a time!) brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 01/15/05:
 You are InuYasha.
Sometimes you can be strongheaded and blunt.
You always do come through for your close friends.
They are all close to your heart secretly.
Which InuYasha Character Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
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