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Land of the Laptops
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like I want a job!
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I can draw/color almost anything if you give me a drawing, writing fan fics, I am CPR certified, and I have been to China XD
Anime Fan Since
long time ago (I don't even want to think about how long, it might hurt) first anime was battle of the planets if that helps
Favorite Anime
Papa to Kiss in the Dark, Ai No Kusabi, Gravitation, Wolf’s Rain, Princess Princess, Cowboy Bebop, Samurai Champloo, DN Angel, Gundam Seed, Enzai, Sensitive **********, Yu Yu Hakusho, G Gundam, Full Metal Alchemist, Rurouni Kenshin, Scryed, Cardcaptor Sak
Finish reading all of my manga series, become a translator or script writer for Squaresoft or Nuaghty Dog, Survive College
coloring, reading, playing video games, drawing, writing, cooking
drawing, clarinet, coloring, singing, cooking, writing
| InuKaglover815
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Monday, May 9, 2005
I dreamt about u last nite, u were screaming and had a toothpic in ur eye
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Thursday, May 5, 2005
well, I couldn't figure out how to post the actual pic, but here's the url at least.
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I'm a brunette, what more can I say?
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I got to talk to Andy today. I made me feel so much better. He kept laughing at me though (pouting). Oh well, at least he wanted to talk to me. I think at first he thought I was Kayleigh, cuz when i asked if he was there he said no. But right before i hung up I heard, "Wait, don't hang up. Who is this?" After he figured out it was me he told me he'd only been playing with me. It was funny.
You should have seen it yesterday. Me and Jasime have healthcare for our 4, and last, period. And yesterday we were learning about strokes, and how when you have one you might lose the use of one side of your body. So we were either blind, deaf, cripled, or a combination of the 3. I was deaf and cripled. I tied a meter stick to the back of my leg so I couldn't bend my knee and I tied the arm that was on that same side as my tied leg. Then I put cotton balls inmy ears so that I couldn't hear as well. Jasime also had to do this, but she wussed out and took it off. Then after we'd finished tied ourselves up we went outside, walked down this HUGE hill to the track, walked all the way AROUND the track, then back UP the hill. With our legs tied, arms tied, eyes covered and ears covered. It was a workout to say the least, and I'm sure Jasime will agree. After we got back to the room we untied ourselves, and you wanna know something funny? I kept walking like that for 30 minutes cuz it felt so weird to bend my knee. It still felt like the stick was there.
Then today we were giving each other physicals. We took our partner's temp, pulse, weight, height, respirations, reflexes, blood pressure, and looked in thier eyes and ears with a oroscope (the thing a doc uses ta look in ya ears) and another thing for our eyes, I forget what it's called. It was really fun. Everyone thought it was funny cuz if you hit my left knee with the reflex mallet, my right knee also jumps, and vice versa. It was pretty entertaining to say the least.
I also looked at cars today, I'll post a picture of the one I have if I find one. It was a Celica. My mom may buy it for me. It's silver and I think it's a 2000 model. Anyway, I liked it and that's all that matters.
Alrighty the, I'm gonna go. Byes!
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Wednesday, May 4, 2005
Duck tape is like the force. It has a light side, it has a dark side, and it holds the world together.
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Andy moved to Washington, Georgia! Now I never get ta see him anymore. He just up and left, over the weekend. Apparently, something happened on Saturday that made him have ta leave town. But at least I got his new phone number!^_^
Heath flipped his truck! You should see it. the roof is crushed, the windshield is busted, and the side view mirrors were ripped off. I was scared to death when we found out. You know how happy i was on friday in my post from school? The reason I haven't updated is because i was so worried about him and a whole bunch of other stuff. He's ok though and that's what matters. The cop said if he hadn't a been wearing his seat belt he would have been dead, but all he did was hit his head on the windshield. So that was a big relief. Then, Kayleigh had a wreck. all she did was drive through a barb wire fence though. And she was trying to make it seem like her wreck was more serious than Heath's!!! that pissed me off. He could have died and all she wanted to talk about was that her poor baby car got messed up. I felt like smacking her.
K, now that I've let off some steam, i'm gonna go read. Byes!
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Sunday, May 1, 2005
Qoute time! *gimungus yawn*
make like a tree and leave!
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hi, bye
I would tell u how my day's been like i usually do, but it's hard enouh just to keep ekes eyes open right now. I'm so exguasted, so I'm gonna go ta bed. Can u believe it, I'm goin ta bed and it's only 10:49. Night!
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Friday, April 29, 2005
Wendy's results

What Personality Do You Have?
Hosted by Anime. Done right.
 You have an intense kiss! You and your partner connect when you kiss and you forget about the rest of the world. Hey, call me!!! ^_~
What anime kiss are you? brought to you by Quizilla
 Nick is interested in you....
he is from my RO fanfiction... and he is older brother of Joey who is pretty shy and sweet.....
he loves showing off and hanging out with new people... he would be a little pervert but he will care for you if you are in big trouble with his sword.....(he is a knight in RO)
well congrats......^O^
@Blind date with one of my fanfic boys@(girls only; results with anime pics) brought to you by Quizilla
Ya know what is sooooooo wierd! WENDY'S REAL BOYFRIENDS NAME IS NICK!!!!!!!!!!!! Isn't that so bizarre?
This is Wendy's results. We're bored can u tell?
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