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Land of the Laptops
Member Since
like I want a job!
Real Name
I can draw/color almost anything if you give me a drawing, writing fan fics, I am CPR certified, and I have been to China XD
Anime Fan Since
long time ago (I don't even want to think about how long, it might hurt) first anime was battle of the planets if that helps
Favorite Anime
Papa to Kiss in the Dark, Ai No Kusabi, Gravitation, Wolf’s Rain, Princess Princess, Cowboy Bebop, Samurai Champloo, DN Angel, Gundam Seed, Enzai, Sensitive **********, Yu Yu Hakusho, G Gundam, Full Metal Alchemist, Rurouni Kenshin, Scryed, Cardcaptor Sak
Finish reading all of my manga series, become a translator or script writer for Squaresoft or Nuaghty Dog, Survive College
coloring, reading, playing video games, drawing, writing, cooking
drawing, clarinet, coloring, singing, cooking, writing
| InuKaglover815
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Monday, January 24, 2005
That jerk!!!!
My brother is such a snob!!!!!!!!!! He practically pulled the dog over to our cats! One almost got bit! OOOOOOOOOh, I'm gonna get him just you wait! He's gonna pay! I'm not kidding either! No one threatens my cats and gets away with it!
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Saturday, January 22, 2005
I miss u, this is good-bye, one last time...
Sorry, I'm listening to I'll meet u there by Simple Plan. I haven't updated in a couple of days, which is wierd for me. But I have good reasons. Thursday, my mom said I couldn't get on the computa cuz I'd stayed on it all night, when in reality I got off at 10. And yesterday I was reading a fanfic and was just to lazy to update. Ug, I feel sick! Note that if I do get sick I probably won't update. Oh well, we had taka our kitten to the vet today. She really didn't like it. But for some reason, instead of giving her a shot they made her eat something. which I don't get. Oh well, I gotta go 2 our church now to take some picture 2 put in the directory. Then I getta go 2 my grandparents house! Yea! I love goin' ta their house, I don't get yelled at. Ok, gotta go. Catch ya'll lata! ^_^
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Wednesday, January 19, 2005
I don't know what ur talkin' 'bout. I didn't mess with Amy's site.~!~
HaHa like the face? Looks wierd ta me, but who cares! Hey ya'll need ta visit my friend jasime's site. Look rite down there!*points to visit my friends box* She just made her site yesterday, so please visit and sign her gb. Thankx! Love ya'll!!!!!
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Oh, YES!
 Your ideal mate is Bobby Drake. With his innocent sweetness and his boyish good looks, how can any girl go wrong? He's the type of guy to supply you with all the TLC that you can handle, and he'll always be there for you when you need moral support, or just a shoulder to cry on. Though he is still young, he lacks the experiences of life, and can be naive.
Who Is Your Ideal X-Men 2 Mate? (ladies only) brought to you by Quizilla
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Tuesday, January 18, 2005
click me!!!!!!!!!!!
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I'm awake, what more could you want!?!
I gotta hurry. My bus gets here in 10 minutes and I'm not done on the internet. Oh well, I feel better than I did yesterday. I sat in front of the computa all day and read an Inuyasha fic called club blue. I called yesterday my "sit in front of the computa and be depressed day". And I'm happy ta say that I feel better. I'm gonna go ta school and we'll just see who feels bad about ditching me yesterday! Talk 2 ya'll lata!
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Quote time!!!!!!!!!
You talkin' ta me? Are u talkin ta me?
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Monday, January 17, 2005
quote time whoopdo for you
Judge me if you want, but keep the verdict to yourself.
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Hey. I know, I know. I'm not supposed ta be here, well I am. My friend is still not here, and she was supposed ta be here 9 hours ago. I feel like crying. She could have called ya know. she could have told me that she wasn't coming. Could have stoped me from sitting in front of the door for 3 hours waiting for her! Could have saved me all this pain. She's supposed ta be my best friend. I guess she just wanted Andy all to herself tomorrow, didn't want a third wheel. I don't know what to do. Should I talk to her? I'm so confused. And to top it off my brother keeps asking every 5 minutes, why isn't Daniele here yet, where is Daniele isn't she here yet, and when is Daniele getting here. Why does this kinda stuff always hapen to me? I just feel like dying. I've been siked out about this trip all week, as you can see in my posts. I'm so confused. What do I do?
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Sunday, January 16, 2005
Hello all u happy peeps! i gotta hurry, my friends gettin here in like a minute and I'm not done with all my stuff on the site! Oh well, don't expect me ta update tomorrow. I'll be mudboggin' all day. HAHAHA! C-ya!
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