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• inukaglover815
• 1989-08-15
• Land of the Laptops
Member Since
• 2004-12-24
• like I want a job!
Real Name
• Katlyn
• I can draw/color almost anything if you give me a drawing, writing fan fics, I am CPR certified, and I have been to China XD
Anime Fan Since
• long time ago (I don't even want to think about how long, it might hurt) first anime was battle of the planets if that helps
Favorite Anime
• Papa to Kiss in the Dark, Ai No Kusabi, Gravitation, Wolf�s Rain, Princess Princess, Cowboy Bebop, Samurai Champloo, DN Angel, Gundam Seed, Enzai, Sensitive **********, Yu Yu Hakusho, G Gundam, Full Metal Alchemist, Rurouni Kenshin, Scryed, Cardcaptor Sak
• Finish reading all of my manga series, become a translator or script writer for Squaresoft or Nuaghty Dog, Survive College
• coloring, reading, playing video games, drawing, writing, cooking
• drawing, clarinet, coloring, singing, cooking, writing
| InuKaglover815
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Sunday, January 16, 2005
Qoute time! *gimungus yawn* Whoopdo.
This one is really stupid- Who died and made u Darth Vader?!
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Saturday, January 15, 2005
I'm awake and out of bed. What more do u want from me!?!
I've gotten 3 chapters of my fanfic written!^~^ But, when I started to read over it, I noticed that it didn't make sense so I'm havin' to rewrite half of it. Neways, sorry for not posting yesterday. I got on and I pm'ed my friends that updated, but then I just got off. I totally forgot that I hadn't posted, cuz usually I post, then I pm people. Alright, I gotta go now, I'm goin' ta my Grandparents house today, and I haven't packerd yet. Till tomorrow then. Bye Bye!
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Quote time!!!!!!!!!
Um hellooo?! U need 2 set sail on the reality boat now.
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Thursday, January 13, 2005
OOOOOOH, i could KILL kayliegh!!!
What is Kayliegh's problem, huh? Just because she found out that Daniele(Danny) likes Andy, suddenly she likes him, when only hours before she said she couldn't stand to look at him!!!!! I swear if he goes out with her I'll kill 'em! Not really, I couldn't kill Andy. ^_^ He's like my best friend, he's sooo sweet ta me and Danny, and he's HOT! *_* But I WILL kill Kayliegh, I have no problem with that. She had better not come near me anytime soon.
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Quote time!!!!!!!!!
I just wanna let ya'll know that this is 1 of my favorite quote's of all time.
Ok, the quote is.............. Not gonna tell u!! HA!
NOT, I'm just messin' with ya'll. ^_^ Silence is golden.....but screaming is fun! ^_^
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Wednesday, January 12, 2005
la la, huh, oh! it loaded.
oh yeah! thats what I'm talkin about! You have an intense kiss! You and your partner connect when you kiss and you forget about the rest of the world. Hey, call me!!! ^_~
What anime kiss are you? brought to you by Quizilla
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happy happy happy.
La la, I'm bored. Can ya tell? I gotta hurry up and do all my stuff on here cuz I gotta mop before my mom gets home or I can't go 2 Danny's house, meanin' we won't be able ta sneak off with Andy ta go mudboggin'. And I'm lookin' foward ta goin' sooo bad. Oh, I've decided ta write an Inuyasha fanfic. ^_^ Ok, i'll go away now, c u suckers tamorrow!
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quote time!!!!
If at first ya don't succeed..... then skydivin' is NOT 4 u!! HEHEHEHE, now thats funny. ^_^
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Tuesday, January 11, 2005
I can't wait till this weekend. I can't wait till this weekend.^-^-^-^-^
Ok, there is absolutly NOTHING ta do at 9:00 on a tuesday night. And ta make matters worse, since I'm soooo looking forward to Inuyasha tonight, time is goin' slower than mathusala.(i think that be how it spelled) I want ta see it cuz, Kagura has kidnapped Rin. My question is, DOES SHE WANT TO DIE THAT MUCH!?!?!?!?! I mean, once Sesshomaru finds out he's gonna KILL her. Are Kagura and Naraku THAT stupid? The other thing I can't wait for is this Monday. Me and my friends, Andy and Daniele, are goin' mudding. Since Andy's got his truck FINALY he's gonna taake us ridin'. It's gonna be SOOOOOOOOOOO much fun!!!!! ^-^-^-^-^-^ I can't wait. No stupid girls drooling all over him, just him and his 2 girls (me and Danny). We haven't been able ta do somethin' like this since,-_^ hmmmmmm let me think, a long time ago. He's also gonna take us ta school so we don't gotta ride the stupid bus. I just hope my mom doesn't find out or she'll kill me, no wait, thats not right, first she'll torture me for an eternity, THEN she'll kill me. Then she'd probably dig me up, revive me, then do it all over again. Life is SO good.^_^ Well, I gotta get off now, my mom's got this stupid rule that I have ta b in my room by 9:00 so my bro won't complain about me having a later bedtime than him. Even though it is SOOOO not fair considering I'm 15 and he's only 11. So, talk 2 ya'll later. Bye 4 now!
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Qoute time. Yeah.( yawns n the middle cuz of bordom)
HOLD UP, WAIT A MINUTE, LET ME PUT SOME BOOTY IN IT!!!!(I know it's stupid but, it's the next qoute on my printout. Please don't kill me for posting such a cheezy qoute!)
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