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myOtaku.com: InuKaglover815

Friday, April 22, 2005

   NC-17! NC-17!
HeHe, hi, hope I didn't scare to many peps last night with my long depressing post. I figured out that I probably shouldn't try to post stuff when I'm tired cuz then it's depressing. Oh well, I have AWSOME news! Andy told Kayliegh off!!!!!^_^ I'm so proud of him. ^_^ He told her he was tired of listening to her bitching at him, so if she wanted to bitch she could go bitch to Wendy! It was soooooooooooo funny. I don't think the fight will last much longer. Wendy will talk to me now but we're still not on as good of terms as we were pre-fightofthecentury, but... it's progress.

I bet your all wondering why my post is titled NC-17. It's cuz as soon as I'm done here, I'm goin 2 the NC-17 section of mediaminer to read. And tonight, I don't have to worry about staying up so late that I won't get up in the mornin. Cuz... tamorrow is SATURDAY!!!!!!!

I love my Inuyasha game! It totally kicks booty! I was looking on ign.com yesterday and I saw an add fer an Inuyasha cellphone game. Man, if I ever get internet on my phone u can bet all ur video games that I'll have it.

Hahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!hahahahah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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