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Thursday, January 20, 2005

(Rei pic drawn by Shamangirl6593)
Me: Well, before I get onto to Chapter 2, I've got a few things to say. First off, if you missed Chapter 1 yeasterday, PM me for it. Second, I have a list of all the name changes made by 4Kids on Mew Mew Power(Tokyo Mew Mew). Here it is!
Ichigo-Zoey Hanson
Pudding-Kikki Benjamin
Lettuce-Bridget Verdant
Zakuro-Renee Roberts
Mint-Corina Bucksworth
Ryou-Elliott Grant
Keiichiro-Wesley W. Coolridge
Masha-Mini Mew
Deep Blue's name is the same, & I think the girls mew form names are the same.
Max: Can we get on with the story?
Me: Yes, we can!^^
Allison: What's the message about Kenny?
Kenny: It's hard to say. It's definately a video e-mail.
Tyson: Let's see it then!
Kenny: Ok, ok! *pulls out laptop & plays the video clip*
Max: Hi Allison, Tyson, & Kenny! My mom & I have something to tell you!
Judy(Max's mom): We would like the three of you to come out to New York. Your friends, Hilary & Hiro, are also invited. We would really like it if you accepted our offer.
Max: So, please say yes. See ya!
Allison: Should we?
Tyson: Heck yeah.
Kenny: I'll send a reply saying yes.
~3 days later at the airport~
Hilary: We're going to New York! Allison, do you know what this means?
Allison: Uh, we get to see Max?
Hilary: Not just that! Lot's of shopping.
Allison: Oh, yeah. *sweatdrop*
Tyson: Come on you two! Our plane's boarding!
Allison & Hilary: Coming!
~On the plane~
Allison: *pokes Tyson in the back of his head with a pencil* Tyson quit snoring so loud!
Tyson: Oh, sorry!
Allison: *goes back to drawing*
Hiro: She's right you know. You snore to loud.
Tyson: Whose side are you on?
~At the airport in New York~
Max: *sees Tyson, Allison, Kenny, Hilary, & Hiro get off the plane* Guys! You're here!
Allison: Hey Max! Long time no see!
Tyson: Ditto!
Max: Come see who else is here!
Tyson, Hilary, Allison, Kenny, & Hiro: Who?
Max: Hey guys! Come over here!
Rei: Hey guys!
Mariah: Hiya!
Lee: Ditto!
Allison: *smiles* If it isn't Rei & the White Tigers team!
Kevin: We're not the only one's here.
Kenny: Who else is here?
Me: That's it for Chapter two! Mwahahaha! Fear the cliffie!
Max: Calm down Allison!
Me: Ok. Well, I'll shall leave you with piccies of some of the characters! Ja ne!
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Wednesday, January 19, 2005

(I really love this pic, so that's why it's back)
Hiya ppl! I'm really stressed about mid-term finals this week.
Max: You said that yesterday.
Me: So?
Max: Nevermind.
Me: Anywho, here's a preview for a Beyblade story I'm planning on doing. Tell me if you like it.
Tyson: *hears his alarm clock go off late* Oh man! I late again! *dashes out of the room after getting dressed*
Hiro: *watches Tyson run by* Better hurry, Tyson.
Tyson: Yeah, yeah. See ya later, Hiro!
~later at school~
*the bell rings*
Allison: Kenny, did you notice that Tyson's late, again?
Kenny: Yep. Let's hope he can escape cleaning the classroom.
Allison: *nods*
Tyson: *dashes in* Whew! I made it!
Hilary: Think again, Tyson!
Tyson: Aw man!
Hilary: This means you're cleaning the classroom after school, again!
Tyson: Aw man! *sits down sulking*
~After school~
Allison: Hurry Tyson! You promised me a Beyblade match after school!
Tyson: I'm coming! Let's go before Hilary finds out!
*They both start to walk off*
Hilary: Come back here, Tyson!
Tyson & Allison: Run! *start running*
Hilary: *Chases after him but then gives up* I'll make him do it eventually.
~At the park~
Allison & Tyson: Let it Rip!
*their Beyblades go into the dish*
Tyson: Go Dragoon!
Allison: Go Kid Dragoon!
Kenny: *comes running up to the both of them* There you guys are! I've been looking everywhere for you.
Tyson: Hey Kenny! What's up?
Kenny: We got a message from Max & his mom!
Tyson & Allison: Really?!
Me: Well, did you like it? If you did, I'll definately continue it!^^
Max: I liked it!
Tyson: Me too!
Rei: Ditto to that! When do me & Kai come in?
Me: Eventually, Rei. And the rest of the White Tigers will too. And Zeo, the Saint Shields, & nmany other familiar faces.
All three of them: Awesome!
Me: And just to let you know, my character's beyblade is Kid Dragoon. Tyson gave it to her. Well, see ya! *goes to play with Lobomon figure*
P.S. I put a new midi on my site. I'll be switching between this one & Oversoul. So go click the play button under my avi. It's the English Beyblade theme song!^^
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Tuesday, January 18, 2005

I'm very sorry for my absence! I'm really stressed because we have finals this week!
Max: Scary!
Tyson: Very scary!
Me: Well anyways, I'm thinking about trying to convince my dad into letting me use the scanner to scan some of my drawings. I'm going to try!
Yoh: Let's hope he says yes.
Max & Tyson: Exactly!
Me: Wanna know something scary?
Max, Tyson, & Yoh: What?
Me: I've got my site theme's planned out for the rest of this year & half of next year!
All three boys: Weird.
Me: Oh well. I'm going back to drawing Max. See ya!

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Friday, January 7, 2005

Nami's awesome! ^^
Yoh: Well, Allison's got all of the bishies. There will be some characters with the same name by them, because people nominated two bishies.
Me: Well, here's the list.

Yoh for inukid & cardcaptorryoko

InuYasha for inu-neko-yasha

Kouichi for Shamangirl6593

Nokoru for Shamangirl6593

Vash the Stampede for Kayago

Horo Horo for beyblader

Zolo for beyblader
Me: There's everyone's bishies!^_^ Hope you enjoyed them.
Yoh: Well, we got to go. See ya!
Me: See ya!
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Thursday, January 6, 2005

I'm beginning to like Fruits Basket.
Yesterday, I went shopping. I didn't get the InuYasha bag because it cost more than I had. So I bought a Fruits Basket Hat. I got one with the little grey mouse(I believe Yuki is his name) & I think it's cute.
Yoh: Yeah, you're cute in it. ^_^
Me: Thanks. *blush* Well, since I'm bored, I'm going to use an idea that LiL AnimE AngeL used one time.
Yoh: She's going to have everyone nominate a bishie & tomorrow, she'll post a picture of your bishie with your name by it. If your bishie is taken by someone else, I'll put your name by it also.
Me: Remember to tell me who the character is & what show they're from(even if I know). Well, maybe If I can, I'll try to post a picture of me in my new Fruits Basket hat sometime.
Yoh: Well, see ya!
Me: See ya!
P.S. Don't forget what I said about nominating a bishie!
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Wednesday, January 5, 2005

I like this pic of Bakura!^^
Sorry for my absence. I got caught up in homework.
Bakura: It's a real bother that we all had to go back to school already.
Me: Yeah. -_-'
Yoh: Yeah, but Allisons going shopping tomorrow & by an InuYasha schoolbag.
Me: Yeah! I can't wait. I submitted 3 new greetings yesterday, so go check them out.
Yoh: Yep. Hey, Shobu! Come say something!
Shobu: Like what? That I'm spending the night with Allison?
Yoh: There. You said something.
Shobu: Darn, I got tricked. -_-'
Me: It's ok Shobu!^^
Bakura: Well, that's all for tonight. We shall leave with some pics. Ja ne!
Me, Yoh, & Shobu: Bye!

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Saturday, January 1, 2005
Happy New Year!

Happy New Year everybody!
Yoh: Happy New Year!
Zoe: Let's have some fun!
Me: Yeah! Let's have some fun to welcome 2005!
Yoh: *brings in the Shaman King gang*
Zoe: *brings in all the digidestined*
Mokuba: *brings in the Yu-Gi-Oh! gang*
Me: *invites all my other anime friends*
Pan & Goku: Let have some fun!
Shippo: Yay!
InuYasha: I smell Koga.
Koga: What are you going to do about it, mutt face? I came to see Kagome!
InuYasha: Why you!
Me & Kagome: Sit boy!
InuYasha: *slams into the floor*
Sonic: Poor guy.
Luffy: Come on! Let's start the fun!
Horo Horo: Let's play Pin the tail on Hao!
Hao: You better re-think that!
Horo Horo: Ok, fine!
Me: So let's party!
Tyson: Just find your favorite anime character here & party with them!
Lyserg: Don't forget, there's fun games like Pin the tail on Marco & video games.
Marco: *is atatched to the wall* Guys, get me down.
Yugi: There's also anime movies & shows. And don't worry. They're uncut & in english & japenese.
Me: Yeah, english for those who hardly understand japenese. *points to self*
Ichigo: Have fun & Happy New Year!
Sango: *plays music*
Everyone: *starts to have fun at the party*
Edit: I almost forgot! Today is Ren/Len's birthday! Happy birthdayb to Ren/Len!
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Friday, December 31, 2004
Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories!

I got Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories esterday! It's an awesome game!
Kouji: She also got InuYasha the Movie 2 & the InuYasha Season 1 Box Set.
Takuya: Yeah, & she invited me, Kouji, & Kouichi to see A Series of Unfortunate Events.
Kouichi: It was awesome!
Me: Well, we've got to go.
Takuya: Yeah, she going to try & draw Sora(Kingdom Hearts Sora, not Digimon Sora).
Me, Kouji, Kouichi, & Takuya: See ya!
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Wednesday, December 29, 2004
Nuffin' much to say
Three Digi-greetings I made.
Hiya! I learned how to make & submit e-cards yesterday. I submitted about six of them, including the three above, & one of them has been accepted(last I checked). So be on a lookout for more!^_^
Yoh: Don't forget to make some Shaman King ones!
Mokuba: And Yu-Gi-Oh!
Edward: And FMA!
Me: Yeah, yeah. I will, don't worry.
Hao: *tries sneaking up behind Yoh*
Me: *punches him in the face* Don't even think about it, Hao Asakura.
Hao: *rubs face* Ouch, okay! I won't!
Me: Well, ja ne everyone!
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Tuesday, December 28, 2004
Anime shopping!^_^

Gotta love Digimon.
Well, I spent my Christmas money yester day. I bought a Sesshomaru wall scroll, an InuYasha t-shirt(which I'm wearing as a night shirt since it's big), Shaman King manga vol. 3 & 4, pre-ordered InuYasha Season 1 box set(Suncoast was out of stock), & a Marik figure.
Yoh: So she can say bye-bye to bordem for a while.
Me: I also learned how to make graphics with pics off the internet. So if anyone wants one, PM me telling me which anime character you want in it.
Yoh: And once she's done, she'll e-mail it to you right away.
Me: Well, see ya!
P.S. I hope you like my new InuYasha theme!^_^
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