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Saturday, December 4, 2004
Bad news!
I have some bad news. My grandad died yesterday morning. So I have to go to Texas for his funeral. I won't be updating again until the 15th of December. That means I won't able to spend my b-day with you all! T_T I'll miss you all. Well, until the 15th. Ja ne everyone!
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Thursday, December 2, 2004
Chapter 5
Here's chapter 5 since no one read it yesterday.
Chapter 5: The Battle
Chibi Kari: Anyone got a plan?
Chibi Allison: I do. * whispers so Hao can’t hear them * Ok, here’s the plan. Angewomon, Angewomon, & Angemon will fly in & try to grab Yoh.
Angemon: Got it.
Kari’s Angewomon: Or we could fly in with TK, Kari, & Allison in our hands & they can grab Yoh.
Chibi Matt: Yeah, & once you guys are out of the way our Digimon can attack Hao.
Chibi TK: Sounds good!
Chibi Tai: Ok, guys! Get ready!
Chibi Allison, TK, & Kari: * all climb in the hands of their Digimon *
Chibi Allison: Gargomon, you stay here with the others.
Gargomon: Right.
Allison’s Angewomon: Let’s go! * starts flying towards Hao *
Kari’s Angewomon: Right! * follows her *
Angemon: Don’t forget me! * flies behind them *
Chibi Hao: * sees them flying towards him * And just what do you think you’re going to do?
Chibi Allison: This! * leans over the side of Angewomon’s hands & outstretches her arms * Grab my hands, Yoh!
Chibi Yoh: Got it! * grabs her hands *
Chibi TK: * helps him up *
Chibi Kari: * to Tai & the others * Now guys!
Both Angewomons: * move out of the way so they don’t get hit *
Angemon: * does the same *
Chibi Tai: You heard her! Attack!
Greymon: Nova Blast!
Garurumon: Howling Blaster!
Birdramon: Meteor Wing!
Kabuterimon: Electro Shocker!
Togemon: Needle Spray!
Ikakumon: Harpoon Torpedo!
Gargomon: Gargo Laser!
* all of the attacks hit the Spirit of Fire *
Spirit of Fire: Roar! * disappears *
Chibi Hao: * falls on the ground & lands on his butt * Argh! I’ve been defeated!
Allison’s Angewomon: * lands near him *
Chibi Yoh: Never try & hold me captive again, Hao.
Chibi Allison: Yeah because if you do, we’ll just kick your butt again.
Chibi Hao: * growls * Whatever.
All the Digimon: * de-digivolve to their previous forms *
Chibi Sora: Come on, guys. Let’s head home.
All the kids (except Hao): Yeah.
Chibi Allison: * puts Gatomon inside her backpack & carries Terriermon in her arms *
Chibi Kari: * also puts Gatomon in her own backpack *
Chibi TK: * puts Patamon on his head *
Chibi Izzy: * opens the gate to the digiworld on his laptop so Agumon, Tentomon, Gabumon, Biyomon, Palmon, & Gomamon can go into the digiworld *
Chibi Yoh: * waits for the others to start walking off, then whispers to Allison * Allison thanks for saving me. You were pretty brave.
Chibi Allison: * blushes * Really?
Chibi Yoh: Yeah.
Terriermon: * looks up at Allison & Yoh and smiles * You guys make a good couple!
Chibi Yoh & Allison: * both blush * Um, thanks.
Chibi Tai: Come on, Allison! Let’s go. And Yoh, you’re mom’s here.
Both of them: Coming!
Chibi Yoh: See you tomorrow, Allison!
Chibi Allison: Bye Yoh! * kisses him on the cheek then waves with one arm while holding Terriermon with the other *
Chibi Yoh: * blushes then heads over to his mom *
Yoh’s mom: So, Yoh. Did you have a good first day of kindergarten?
Chibi Yoh: I sure did! I met this girl named Allison & she’s really cute!
Yoh’s mom: Well isn’t that sweet? You have your first crush! * smiles *
Chibi Yoh: Yeah and she likes me back.
Yoh’s mom: * smiles * That’s nice. Let’s go home.
Chibi Yoh: Ok, mommy!
~ Meanwhile ~
Chibi Tai: * stops in front of the door of Allison’s apartment * Here we are. Mind if we come in, Allison?
Chibi Kari: Yeah, do you mind?
Chibi Allison: Not at all! * smiles as she opens the door * Mommy, I’m home! And Kari & Tai are here with me!
Allison’s mom: Ok, I’ll call their mom & let her know.
Chibi Allison: Let’s go in my room guys.
Chibi Kari & Tai: Yeah. * both follow Allison to her room *
Me: There's Ch. 5!^_^
Horo Horo: Aw, can't you feel the love between Chibi Yoh & Allison?
Me & Yoh: Hey! *pounce on Trey*
Horo Horo: Sorry guys! Have mercy!
Me & Yoh: Ok. *get off of him*
Me: Well, bye-bye! Last Exile is on.
Yoh: See ya! *presses Add Post button*
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Tuesday, November 30, 2004
First Day of December!
Yay! It's the first day of December! That means only 9 more days 'til my b-day! Yayness! I'm checking out Last Exile tonight.
Yoh: Though, it would be nice if they would show Gad Guard this week.
Me: According to cardcaptorryoko, Gad Guard sounds interesting.
Yoh: Oh well, here's Ch. 5!
Chapter 5: The Battle
Chibi Kari: Anyone got a plan?
Chibi Allison: I do. * whispers so Hao can’t hear them * Ok, here’s the plan. Angewomon, Angewomon, & Angemon will fly in & try to grab Yoh.
Angemon: Got it.
Kari’s Angewomon: Or we could fly in with TK, Kari, & Allison in our hands & they can grab Yoh.
Chibi Matt: Yeah, & once you guys are out of the way our Digimon can attack Hao.
Chibi TK: Sounds good!
Chibi Tai: Ok, guys! Get ready!
Chibi Allison, TK, & Kari: * all climb in the hands of their Digimon *
Chibi Allison: Gargomon, you stay here with the others.
Gargomon: Right.
Allison’s Angewomon: Let’s go! * starts flying towards Hao *
Kari’s Angewomon: Right! * follows her *
Angemon: Don’t forget me! * flies behind them *
Chibi Hao: * sees them flying towards him * And just what do you think you’re going to do?
Chibi Allison: This! * leans over the side of Angewomon’s hands & outstretches her arms * Grab my hands, Yoh!
Chibi Yoh: Got it! * grabs her hands *
Chibi TK: * helps him up *
Chibi Kari: * to Tai & the others * Now guys!
Both Angewomons: * move out of the way so they don’t get hit *
Angemon: * does the same *
Chibi Tai: You heard her! Attack!
Greymon: Nova Blast!
Garurumon: Howling Blaster!
Birdramon: Meteor Wing!
Kabuterimon: Electro Shocker!
Togemon: Needle Spray!
Ikakumon: Harpoon Torpedo!
Gargomon: Gargo Laser!
* all of the attacks hit the Spirit of Fire *
Spirit of Fire: Roar! * disappears *
Chibi Hao: * falls on the ground & lands on his butt * Argh! I’ve been defeated!
Allison’s Angewomon: * lands near him *
Chibi Yoh: Never try & hold me captive again, Hao.
Chibi Allison: Yeah because if you do, we’ll just kick your butt again.
Chibi Hao: * growls * Whatever.
All the Digimon: * de-digivolve to their previous forms *
Chibi Sora: Come on, guys. Let’s head home.
All the kids (except Hao): Yeah.
Chibi Allison: * puts Gatomon inside her backpack & carries Terriermon in her arms *
Chibi Kari: * also puts Gatomon in her own backpack *
Chibi TK: * puts Patamon on his head *
Chibi Izzy: * opens the gate to the digiworld on his laptop so Agumon, Tentomon, Gabumon, Biyomon, Palmon, & Gomamon can go into the digiworld *
Chibi Yoh: * waits for the others to start walking off, then whispers to Allison * Allison thanks for saving me. You were pretty brave.
Chibi Allison: * blushes * Really?
Chibi Yoh: Yeah.
Terriermon: * looks up at Allison & Yoh and smiles * You guys make a good couple!
Chibi Yoh & Allison: * both blush * Um, thanks.
Chibi Tai: Come on, Allison! Let’s go. And Yoh, you’re mom’s here.
Both of them: Coming!
Chibi Yoh: See you tomorrow, Allison!
Chibi Allison: Bye Yoh! * kisses him on the cheek then waves with one arm while holding Terriermon with the other *
Chibi Yoh: * blushes then heads over to his mom *
Yoh’s mom: So, Yoh. Did you have a good first day of kindergarten?
Chibi Yoh: I sure did! I met this girl named Allison & she’s really cute!
Yoh’s mom: Well isn’t that sweet? You have your first crush! * smiles *
Chibi Yoh: Yeah and she likes me back.
Yoh’s mom: * smiles * That’s nice. Let’s go home.
Chibi Yoh: Ok, mommy!
~ Meanwhile ~
Chibi Tai: * stops in front of the door of Allison’s apartment * Here we are. Mind if we come in, Allison?
Chibi Kari: Yeah, do you mind?
Chibi Allison: Not at all! * smiles as she opens the door * Mommy, I’m home! And Kari & Tai are here with me!
Allison’s mom: Ok, I’ll call their mom & let her know.
Chibi Allison: Let’s go in my room guys.
Chibi Kari & Tai: Yeah. * both follow Allison to her room *
Me: There's Ch. 5!^_^
Horo Horo: Aw, can't you feel the love between Chibi Yoh & Allison?
Me & Yoh: Hey! *pounce on Trey*
Horo Horo: Sorry guys! Have mercy!
Me & Yoh: Ok. *get off of him*
Me: Well, bye-bye! Last Exile is on.
Yoh: See ya! *presses Add Post button*
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Monday, November 29, 2004
I'm just a little bit crazy today.
Yoh: Here's Chapter 4!
Chapter 4: After school
Mutsuki: Ok, school’s over. See you tomorrow, class.
All the chibis: Bye, Ms. Mutsuki! * all head out of classroom *
Chibi Kari, TK, & Allison: * wave to Davis, Cody, Yolei, Ken, Takuya, JP, Tommy, Zoe, Kouji, & Kouichi * Bye guys.
All of them: Bye Kari, TK, & Allison!
Chibi Tai & Matt: * come up behind TK, Allison, & Kari with Mimi, Joe, Sora, & Izzy * Hi guys. Ready to go?
Chibi Allison: Just a minute. I have to go say good-bye to Yoh. * runs off to find Yoh *
Chibi Sora: Who’s Yoh?
Chibi TK: He’s the boy who likes Allison & whom she happens to like back.
Chibi Mimi: Isn’t kindergarten love great?
Chibi Tai: * sweatdrop * Um, yeah.
~ Meanwhile ~
Chibi Allison: Yoh, where are you?
Chibi Hao: * pops up in front of Allison * So, are you looking for my little brother?
Chibi Allison: So what if I am? It doesn’t matter to you, does it? And where is Yoh?
Chibi Hao: Why don’t you have a look for yourself? * points to the Spirit of Fire behind him *
Chibi Allison: * gasps as she sees Yoh in the clutches of the Spirit of Fire * Let him go, Hao!
Chibi Hao: No can do, squirt. * jumps into the palm of the Spirit of Fire *
Chibi Allison: * yells in the direction of Tai, Kari, & the others * Tai, Kari, TK, Joe, Mimi, Izzy, Sora, & Matt bring the Digimon & come quick!
Chibi Tai: * hears Allison yelling * You guys heard her.
Chibi Matt: But it will take forever to get the Digimon, Tai!
Agumon: No it won’t, because we’re right here!
Tai: Agumon, you’re all here!
Patamon: Yeah, we were hiding in the bushes the whole day.
Chibi Matt: Are Allison’s Digimon also here?
Kari’s Gatomon: Yep. Come on out guys!
* Allison’s Gatomon & Terriermon hop out *
Allison’s Gatomon: Let’s go see what Allison was calling us for.
Chibi Izzy: Yeah!
Chibi Tai, Izzy, Matt, TK, Kari, Joe, Sora, & Mimi: * run in Allison’s direction with the Digimon following behind them *
Chibi Allison: * sees them * Guys, I’m glad you’re here! * hugs her Gatomon & Terriermon *
Terriermon: Allison, what’s wrong?
Chibi Allison: Hao is holding Yoh captive!
Biyomon: We’ll take care of him! Spiral Twister!
Agumon: Pepper Breath!
Gabumon: Blue Blaster!
Both Gatomons: Lightning Paw!
Patamon: Boom Bubble!
Tentomon: Super Shocker!
Gomamon: Marching Fishes!
Palmon: Poison Ivy!
Terriermon: Bunny Blast!
* all the attacks head for Hao & the Spirit of Fire, but they don’t effect it *
Chibi Tai: What? They didn’t work?
Chibi Allison: No, they have to work! We need to save Yoh! * tears form in her eyes as she rushes towards the Spirit of Fire *
Chibi Sora: * grabs Allison by the arm * Stop Allison! It’s too dangerous!
Chibi Mimi: Yeah, what Sora said.
Chibi Allison: But Yoh’s in trouble!
Chibi Matt: Tai, we should make our Digimon digivolve!
Chibi Tai: Yeah!
All the kids: It’s time to digivolve!
Agumon: Agumon digivolve to…Greymon!
Gabumon: Gabumon digivolve to…Garurumon!
Biyomon: Biyomon digivolve to…Birdramon!
Both Gatomons: Gatomon digivolve to…Angewomon!
Patamon: Patamon digivolve to…Angemon!
Tentomon: Tentomon digivolve to…Kabuterimon!
Gomamon: Gomamon digivolve to…Ikakumon!
Palmon: Palmon digivolve to…Togemon!
Terriermon: Terriermon digivolve to…Gargomon!
Chibi Hao: * laughs * Your little monsters can’t hurt me!
Me: In case your wondering why it said stuff like 'Kari's Gatomon' or 'Allison's Gatomon' is because they both have Gatomons.
Yoh: She also put 'Both Gatomons' to save time typing the both of them saying the same thing on two seperate lines.
Mokuba: So, is that it.
Yoh: Yeah, basically.
Me: See ya!
Gatomon(Mine not Kari's, duh!): *presses Add Post button*
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Sunday, November 28, 2004
Good news!
Good news! Our friend, LadyMalik, is back! Her new name is BrokenKokoro.
Yoh: That's good!^_^
Me: So please go sign her guestbook if you haven't yet. And here's Chapter 3!
Chapter 3: Kindergarten Love?
Chibi Yoh: * in his head * Could Lyserg & Trey be right? Could I be developing a crush on Allison?
Mutsuki: Yoh, could you please pay attention in class?
Chibi Yoh: Sorry, Ms. Mutsuki.
Mutsuki: * goes back to teaching the lesson *
* 1 hour later *
* bell rings *
Mutsuki: Ok class, time for lunch.
Chibi Allison: * walks out with Kari, Yolei, Zoë, TK, Cody, Ken, Davis, Takuya, Tommy, JP, Kouji, & Kouichi *
Chibi Yoh: * watches Allison walk out with her friends *
Chibi Horo Horo: Come on, Yoh! Let’s go eat!
Chibi Yoh: Coming! * follows Trey, Ren, & Lyserg outside *
Chibi Lyserg: Yoh, it’s obvious that you have a crush on her.
Chibi Yoh: Who?
Chibi Lyserg: Allison, that’s who.
Chibi Yoh: * turns head away has he begins to blush * I’m not sue if you’re right or not.
Chibi Horo Horo: Come on, Yoh. Admit it. You have a crush on Allison.
Chibi Ren: Yeah, you’re blushing.
Chibi Yoh: I’ll be back. * hops off the bench he’s sitting on *
Chibi Ren: Where are you going?
Chibi Yoh: To talk to Allison.
Chibi Ren: Oh, ok.
Chibi Kari: * sees Yoh walking over * Hey Allison, look who came to see you.
Chibi Allison: * turns around * Oh, hi Yoh.
Chibi Yoh: Allison, can I talk to you alone?
Chibi Allison: Ok. * follows Yoh behind a bush *
Chibi Yoh: Allison, I think I’m developing a crush on you. * blush *
Chibi Allison: * blushes * I think I like you, too.
Chibi Yoh: Really?
Chibi Allison: * nods * Yeah.
Chibi Hao: * pushes through the bushes * What are you two doing back here?
Chibi Yoh: We’re just talking to each other, Hao.
Chib Hao: Talking about what?
Chibi Yoh: None of your business!
Chibi Hao: Ok, calm down. * leaves *
Chibi Allison: Man, he’s nosey.
Chibi Yoh: No kidding.
Chib Usagi: * pops into the bushes with Ryoko* Hi Allison. Hi Yoh.
Chibi Ryoko: What are you two doing?
Chibi Allison: Nothing. * climbs out of the bushes *
Chibi Yoh: Um, yeah. We were just talking. * also climbs out *
Chibi Usagi: Oh, ok. Wanna go play, Allison?
Chibi Allison: No, I haven’t finished my lunch yet.
Chibi Yoh: Me neither.
Chibi Ryoko: Ok, see you two in class.
Chibi Yoh & Allison: Bye.
Chibi Yoh: I’ll see you in class too, Allison.
Chibi Allison: Ok, see you.
Chibi Lyserg: So what was that all about?
Chibi Yoh: I found out that Allison likes me, too.
Chibi Horo Horo: That’s awesome man!
Chibi Yoh: * laughs & rubs the back of his head * Yeah.
Chibi Hao: * is hiding in the bushes near Yoh * * whispers * I knew it. * snickers *
Me: There you go! Chapter 3.
Mokuba: And look at this certificate that Naru(BrokenKokoro) made for Allison & Yoh.

Me: Mokuba, quit reading my e-mail. -_-'
Mokuba: Sorry! ^_^'
Yoh: Yeah, the certificate states that Allison & I were married on July 16, 2004.
Me: *hugs Yoh* So on July 16, 2005, it will be mine & Yoh's aniverserary(sp?)! ^_^
Yoh: *hugs her back* Well, we got to go.
Me: Bye!^_^ *presses Add Post button*
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Saturday, November 27, 2004
Hi, people. I'm bored right now.
Len: Obviously.
Yoh: *jabs Len in the side with elbow* Be nice.
Len: Ouch.
Me: Well, I finally have "Oversoul" on my site. Arigatou, KrazyAnime for the URL!
Mokuba: She also using her old Yoh avi for the time being.
Yoh: Well, Allison has her christmas tree decorated.
Me: Yep. Sorry the isn't a chapter three today. I'm not finished with it yet.
Lyserg: I think they understand.
Me: Well, I'll start on it later.
Yoh: And before she forgets, her b-day is in 14 days.
Me: Exactly! *smiles* Shaman King is on later! Yay!
Yoh: Yeah!^_^
Terriermon: And Digimon is also on.
Me: Terriermon, get out of here for right now.
Gatomon: What about me?
Me: -_- You too.
Mokuba: Allison ordered an electric talking Gatomon from Amazon yesterday.
Me: I can hardly wait 'til I get it.
Yoh: *puts arms around Allison* Let's go work on that story of yours now.
Horo Horo: Yeah, let's go see if Chibi Yoh is developing a crush on Chibi Allison or not.
Me: Ok. Ja ne!
Terriermon: *presses Add Post button*
Comments (13) |
Friday, November 26, 2004
Hiya! I have a question: Does anyone know where I can get the URL for "Oversoul" from Shaman King? I really want it on my site.
Yoh: How about they answer that after they read Chapter 2?
Me: Ok!
Chapter 2: Recess
* bell rings *
Mutsuki: Ok, class. You can go out to recess now!
Everyone: Yay! * runs out the door *
Chibi Yugi: * goes to duel with Chibi Kaiba & Joey *
Chibi Tyson, Ray, Max, & Kai: * go to Beyblade each other *
Chibi Allison: * turns to Usagi * So what do you want to do?
Chibi Usagi: I don’t know. Where’s Ryoko-chan?
Chibi Allison: She over there with Hao.
Chibi Usagi: Oh. It figures.
Chibi Yoh: Hey Allison! Come play with us!
Chibi Allison: Coming! Come on, Usagi.
Chibi Usagi: Ok. * follows Allison over to Yoh, Ren, Trey, & Lyserg *
Chibi Yoh: I want to introduce you to Ren & Lyserg.
Chibi Lyserg: Hi there.
Chibi Ren: Hello.
Chibi Allison & Usagi: Hi Lyserg & Ren.
Chibi Yoh: * sees a rock heading for the back of Allison’s head * Watch out! * moves her out of the way *
Chibi Allison: * sees the rock land on the ground * That was a close one. Thanks Yoh.
Chibi Yoh: No problem.
Chibi Hao: It figures you would get her out of the way, little brother. You always have to be a goody-two-shoes, don’t you?
Chibi Yoh: Be guiet, Hao.
Chibi Lyserg: Come on guys. Let’s go somewhere else.
Chibi Yoh: * helps Allison up * Yeah, let’s go.
Chibi Horo Horo: Let’s go watch Yugi duel circles around Kaiba.
Chibi Usagi & Allison: Yeah.
Chibi Hao: Bakas. Come on Ryoko.
Chibi Ryoko: Ok, Hao-sama.
~ Over by Yugi ~
Chibi Yugi: I play my Dark Magician Girl in attack mode.
Chibi Kaiba: Aw, man. Now he has both of his Magicians on the field. I play Force Raider in attack mode!
Chibi Yugi: Not a safe move. Dark Magician Girl, attack his Force Raider!
Chibi Kaiba: Drat! Now my life points are wide open!
Chibi Yugi: Exactly. Dark Magician, atttack his life points directly.
Chibi Kaiba: No, I lost!
Chibi Allison: Congrats Yugi!
Chibi Usagi: Yeah, what she said.
Chibi Allison: * feels someone tap her on the shoulder * Huh? * turns around to see Chibi Kari, TK, Davis, Yolei, Ken, & Cody *
Chibi Kari: Hey, Allison!
Chibi Allison: Hi Kari! Have you guys seen Takuya, JP, Zoë, Tommy, Kouji, or Kouichi?
Chibi TK: Nope. But Tai, Matt, Sora, Izzy, Joe, or Mimi might have seen them.
Chibi Usagi: What grades is Tai, Matt, Sora, Izzy, Joe, & Mimi in?
Chibi Yolei: Second grade.
Chibi Allison: Oh before I forget, Yoh, Trey, Ren, Lyserg, & Usagi I’d like you to meet my friends Kari Kamiya, TK Takahashi, Yolei Inoue, Cody Hida, Davis Motomiya, & Ken Ichijoji.
Chibi Yoh, Usagi, Horo Horo, Ren, & Lyserg: Nice to meet all of you.
Chibi Davis: Come on! Let’s go find Takuya & the others.
Chibi Kari: Not mention Tai & the others.
Chibi Allison: See you in class guys! * waves to Yoh, Trey, Ren, Lyserg & Usagi *
All of them: Bye.
Chibi Usagi: I’m going to play with Ryoko.
Chibi Yoh: Ok, bye.
Chibi Horo Horo: * nudges Yoh * You want to know what I’m thinking?
Chibi Yoh: Um, what?
Chibi Horo Horo: I’m thinking your developing a crush on Allison.
Chibi Lyserg: Yeah, after all you did save her getting hit by that rock.
Chibi Yoh: I don’t know. You guys could be right.
* bell rings *
Mutsuki: Ok, class time to come in!
I hope you enjoyed it. I'm not finished with Ch. 3, but I should have it posted sometime this weekend.
Yoh: Well, bye!
Me: Yeah, I'm getting my christmas tree today. And about 15 more days 'til my birthday!
Mokuba: Bye!
Me: *presses Add Post button*
Comments (8) |
Thursday, November 25, 2004
New site theme!
I've got my new site theme done, except for the avi. I'm trying to find a Yoh one, but cardcaptorryoko said she'll try to make one for me once she learns how to use it.
Yoh: That sure is nice of her.
Me: I got a new Beyblade Revolution GBA game today. And I've decided to post the first chappie of my new story.
Yoh: Enjoy!
Kindergarten Life
By Allison Erb
Disclaimer: I don’t own InuYasha, Digimon, Shaman King, Yu-Gi-Oh, Beyblade, Dragon Ball Z/GT, Yu Yu Hakusho, CardCaptor Sakura, Full Metal Alchemist, One Piece, Ruroni Kenshin, Pokemon, or any other anime mentioned in this story. Except I do own my character, Allison, & my friends own their characters, Usagi & Ryoko.
Author’s Note: The characters Usagi & Ryoko are not to be confused with Usagi from Sailor Moon & Ryoko from Tenchi Muyo. They are the names of my friends’ original characters.
CHAPTER 1: First Day
Chibi Allison: Mommy, do I have to do to school?
Allison’s mom: Yes, sweetie. And besides, you’ll probably make some new friends.
Chibi Allison: Oh, ok.
Allison’s mom: Ok, according to the list I got in the mail you’re in room 5. * spots room 5 * Ok, here’s your classroom.
Chibi Allison: Ok. Bye Mommy! * waves *
Allison’s mom: *waves back* Have a good first day!
Chibi Allison: * walks into the classroom *
Ms. Mutsuki: Hi. I’m guessing your name is Allison?
Chibi Allison: Yep!
Mutsuki: Ok, you’re seat is over there.
Chibi Allison: Ok. * sits down *
Chibi Usagi: Hi! My name’s Usagi. What’s yours?
Chibi Allison: I’m Allison! Nice to meet you!
Chibi Usagi: Nice to meet you too! And this is my friend Ryoko.
Chibi Ryoko: Hi Allison!
Chibi Allison: Hi Ryoko!
Mutsuki: Ok before class begins, let’s take the time to introduce ourselves!
Chibi Allison: Ouch!
Mutsuki: What’s wrong Allison?
Chibi Allison: He pulled my hair! * points to Chibi Hao *
Chibi Hao: * snickers *
Mutsuki: Hao, apologize to Allison right now.
Chibi Hao: I’m sorry.
Chibi Ryoko: Don’t worry, Allison. Hao-sama didn’t mean to do it.
Chibi Allison: Oh, ok.
Mutsuki: Ok; now you can all go around & introduce yourselves.
Chibi Yoh: * walks over to Allison * Hi, I’m Yoh. What’s your name?
Chibi Allison: I’m Allison. It’s nice to meet you.
Chibi Yoh: It’s nice to meet you, too. Sorry about what my brother did.
Chibi Allison: It’s ok. Wait a minute, he’s your brother?
Chibi Yoh: * sigh * Yeah. He’s also Ryoko-chan’s boyfriend, sort of.
Chibi Allison: Oh, I see.
Chibi Horo Horo: Hey, Yoh! What’s up?
Chibi Yoh: Nothing much. Just talking with a new friend.
Chibi Horo Horo: Oh. I’m Horo Horo. But you can call me Trey. And over there is my sister, Pillica. * points across the room *
Chibi Allison: Nice to meet you, Trey.
Mutsuki: Ok, children! Back to your seats. You can introduce yourselves more at recess.
Chibi Tyson: * raises hand * Can we Beyblade at recess?
Mutsuki: Yes, Tyson.
Chibi Tyson & Ray: * high five each other *
Chibi Yugi: Can we duel each other?
Mutsuki: Yes, you can do that too. Now onto the lesson.
Me: I hope you liked it!^_^
Mokuba: See ya!
Everyone: And Happy Thanksgiving!
Lyserg: *presses Add Post button*
Comments (8) |
Wednesday, November 24, 2004
16 more days 'til my b-day!
Sixteen more days until my birthday!
Yoh: Believe me, she's counting down the days until her b-day.
Mokuba: And we're all getting ready for it, too.
Me: I'll let these guys talk while I'm watching Samantha: An American Girl Holiday on WB Tuesday(tis still Tuesday night here). Right now, it's on commercial break.
Mokuba: Allison's already got her next site theme planned out.
Me: Yep, but I won't be changing it until next week. And I'm writing a chibi fic right now, but I won't post it until I'm finished. Hey look, it's back on! *goes to watching TV*
Yoh: It's certainly an interesting story that she's writing. But I'm not giving out any spoilers.
Mokuba: Me neither. Well, we've got to go.
Yoh: Bye!
Me: *waves while still watching the movie*
Mokuba: *presses Add Post Button*
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Tuesday, November 23, 2004
16 more days 'til my b-day!
Sixteen more days until my birthday!
Yoh: Believe me, she's counting down the days until her b-day.
Mokuba: And we're all getting ready for it, too.
Me: I'll let these guys talk while I'm watching Samantha: An American Girl Holiday on WB Tuesday. Right now, it's on commercial break.
Mokuba: Allison's already got her next site theme planned out.
Me: Yep, but I won't be changing it until next week. And I'm writing a chibi fic right now, but I won't post it until I'm finished. Hey look, it's back on! *goes to watching TV*
Yoh: It's certainly an interesting story that she's writing. But I'm not giving out any spoilers.
Mokuba: Me neither. Well, we've got to go.
Yoh: Bye!
Me: *waves while still watching the movie*
Mokuba: *presses Add Post Button*
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