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Straight A's all year in fourth grade
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Saturday, July 9, 2005
Hiya people! I submitted a new fan art pic of Chaud and Lan yesterday! Go check it out!
Yoh: Anyways, other than that, Allison doesn't have that much she needs to talk about.
Me: I'm really enjoying Chrono Crusade! It is great! You were right, ElvesAteMyRamen-san! ^_^
Yoh: Well, we got to go. See ya!
Me: Bye!

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Friday, July 8, 2005
Hiya people! I just submitted a new fan art pic of Chaud and Lan! Go check it out!
Yoh: Anyways, other than that, Allison doesn't have that much she needs to talk about.
Me: Nothing except that I got some new manga. I got Megaman NT Warrior, Beyblade, and Chrono Crusade! ^_^ Chrono Crusade is great! You were right, ElvesAteMyRamen-san! ^_^
Yoh: Well, we got to go. See ya!
Me: Bye!

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Monday, July 4, 2005
Happy 4th of July everyone! I submitted a new fan art today! Go check it out!
Takuya: Happy 4th of July!
Me: I hope you all have fun watching fireworks! See ya!
Takuya: See ya!

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Saturday, July 2, 2005
Oh man! I can't belive I for got to post on Thursday! Thursday marked my one year myO annniverserary(sp?)! Thanks for a great year, you guys! See ya!

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Monday, June 27, 2005
Here's Chapter 2. Enjoy!
~ Chapter 2 ~
“Hey, your name is Allison, right?” Kai asked as he approached her. Allison was shocked to hear someone behind her. She didn’t know she was being watched. “Um, yes. That’s my name,” she stammered, turning to face the person that had approached her, only to gasp when she saw who it was. It was Kai Hiwatari, leader of the BladeSharks, and Tyson had told Allison that Kai was bad news.
“What do you want? How do you know my name, Kai?” Allison asked. “ I see you know who I am. I know who you are because I’ve seen you with Tyson,” Kai replied. “I still want to know why you’re here,” Allison said with a stern look. “Look, I was watching you beyblade and saw that you needed some help. So, I came over to help you,” Kai explained. With that, Allison allowed Kai to show her how to launch properly. He showed her how to hold her launcher correctly, and even gave her a longer ripcord.
“Ok, let’s try launching,” Kai said, standing behind her. He put his hands on her wrists. “When I squeeze your wrists, pull your right arm back as hard as you can, pulling the ripcord with it. Got it?” he asked. “Got it. I’m ready when you are,” Allison replied. Kai squeezed Allison’s writs and she pulled the ripcord hard, allowing her beyblade to spin perfectly but at the same time, causing her elbow to accidentally hit Kai in the chest and make him fall backwards on to his butt.
“I did it! Kai, I launched my beyblade correctly!” Allison said, turning around. Problem was, Kai wasn’t standing behind her. “Kai, where’d you go?” she asked, looking around. “I’m down here. On the ground,” Kai replied. Allison looked down and saw him lying there. Realizing that she had knocked him down, Allison quickly apologized. “I’m so sorry! I didn’t hurt you, did I?” she asked.
“No, I’m ok. It’s just a bruise,” Kai said. “That’s good. Let me help you up,” Allison replied, smiling and holding out her hand for Kai to grab. Kai took her hand and she pulled him up. “You know, you have a nice smile,” Kai said, smiling at her. That’s when Tyson, Max, and Kenny arrived. “Allison, what’re you doing?” Tyson asked.
Hope you liked it! See ya!

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Friday, June 24, 2005
I've got the first chapter of my story called "Kai's In Love?". I hope you like it!
~ Chapter 1 ~
“Let it rip!” Tyson and Max yelled as launched their beyblades in to the dish. Max was helping Tyson get stronger. “Dizzi, are you getting all of this?” Kenny asked his laptop. “Of course I am, Chief,” Dizzi replied, recording the match. At that moment, Tyson’s grandpa came outside. “Yo, dudes! Your friend, Allison, is here,” he said. “Ok, Grampa,” Tyson replied as he and Max grabbed their blades and ran inside with Kenny behind them.
“Hey guys!” Allison said, seeing them come in. Allison was ten years old, making her two years younger than Tyson and Max and the same age as Kenny was. “Tyson, didn’t you tell me you were going to give me something?” she asked. “Oh yeah! Close your eyes and hold out your hand,” Tyson replied, reaching into his pocket. Seeing that she had done as he told her, Tyson put a launcher, ripcord, and a brand new beyblade in Allison’s hand. “Ok, you can open your eyes,” he said. Allison opened her eyes and couldn’t believe what she saw. Her very own beyblade, ripcord, and launcher!
“That’s Kid Dragoon. Kenny Max, and I made it for you,” Tyson explained. “Don’t forget that Dizzi and Max’s dad helped,” Kenny added. “You can say that Kid Dragoon is a symbol of your friendship with us,” Max said with a big smile. “I’ll do that!” Allison replied, smiling. “You should go down by the river and practice. We’ll catch up later,” Kenny said. “Ok, see you three later!” Allison replied, leaving Tyson’s house.
Down by the river, Allison was trying to launch her beyblade correctly, but wasn’t doing to well. “Come on, Kid Dragoon! Why won’t you launch correctly?” she complained, picking up the beyblade and putting it back on the launcher. What she didn’t know was that Kai, the leader of the BladeSharks, was watching her. “So, that’s Allison, the girl I’ve seen with Tyson. She’s got a nice blade, but her beyblading skills stink. Maybe she just needs some help,” he said, starting to walk towards her.
Just so you know, the first few chapters of this story take place during season one before they met Rei. Eventually, the story will go into Season 2 and that's when Kai will start realizing his feelings for Allison and Tyson and Hilary may start to have feelings for each other too.
Yoh: Well, we hope you like the theme for July!
Me: 'tis Sasuke Uchiha-kun! And some Naruto and Sakura.
Kai: Well, see ya.

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Thursday, June 23, 2005
*crys* My shoulders hurt!!!!!!!!! Stupid sunburn. T_T
Yoh: In case you're wondering, Allison's been at Hurricane Harbor all day and got sunburned.
Me: *in the back ground* And it hurts like crazy! Especially with my shirt on! T_T
Kai: Will you just get over here and tell what you did?
Me: Ok. Here's a list of the rides we went on, though I may not be able to list all of them. ^_^; Anywho, we went on Splashdown, Black Snake Gorge(or something like that), Bamboo racers, Tornado, Wave pool, the Lazy River(where Yoh would fit in perfectly! XD), Lizard Lagoon, Tiki Falls, and that's all I remember. XD After we left the park, we went to a resturant(sp?) called 'Islands' where we ate dinner.
Kai: Anyway, she'll try and post the first chapter of her story tomorrow.
Me: Got to go. See ya!
Yoh and Kai: See ya!

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Monday, June 20, 2005
Hiya people! I thought I'd let you know I submitted a new fan art yesterday! Go check it out! Look at this:

Me: I would post the Ren one, but it's too big. ^_^;
Yoh: LOL, go back to watching your AMV.
Me: In a second. I'm writing a new Beyblade fan fic. It's a KaiOC fic (take a wild guess who that OC is). I'll post it soon.
Kai: Well, see ya.

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Tuesday, June 14, 2005
I got my braces off today! ^_^ Yay! Here's a picture of me without them!

Yoh: You look pretty! ^_^
Me: Thanks, Yoh-kun. ^^ I also new manga! I got Shaman King Vol. 6, Fruits Basket Vol. 5 & 6, and FMA Vol. 1. Yay! ^_^
Yoh: LOL
Me: I submitted a new fan art of Ren Tao yesterday! Go check it out! ^_^
Yoh: It's funny. Go see it!
Ren: Quit laughing, Asakura!
Yoh: *smiles*
Me: Well, see ya!
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Sunday, June 12, 2005
*goes into Ritsu Sohma mode* I'M SO SORRY FOR NOT POSTING!!! I'M VERY SORRY!!! *goes back to normal* Like I said, I'm sorry for not posting. School just got out Friday and last week was a bit hectic. ^_^'
Yoh: It's ok. I'm sure they'll understand.
Me: You're right! ^_^
Terriermon: Glad we got that settled.
Me: Oh, lookie at what I found a picture of!

Me: It's so cute! ^o^ I want one!
Yoh: *laughs*
Me: Here's a picture of me. Fear it! XD

Yoh: Come on, let's go.
Me: Ok! Bye people! =3

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