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Tuesday, August 3, 2004
Part 4 of my story
Here's part four of my story.
Scene 4
(Still in the clearing. Koji, Takuya, J.P., Zoe, & Tommy are waking up)
Takuya: (sits up & looks around) Where'd Kemaramon go?
Tommy: Far away I hope.
Koji: What do you think, Allison? (silence) Allison?
Zoe: Where's Allison?
J.P.: Oh no! I think Kemaramon kidnapped her!
Koji: He's right. As I was losing consciousness I heard Kemaramon say "You would make a great mind-slave."
Takuya: Oh, man! We've got to save her!
Tommy: But we don't know where in the Digital World she is.
J.P.: I wonder if we could use the D-tectors to find her.
Zoe: I found her!
Koji: What?! How you do it?!
Zoe: It was easy! I just locked onto the signal of her D-tector, and I found her.
Takuya: Let's go save her!
All: Exacute! Spirit Evoloution!
Koji: Lobomon!
Tommy: Kumamon!
Zoe: Kazemon!
Takuya: Agunimon!
J.P.: Beetlemon!
Koji: Let's go kick some Kemaramon butt!
(They exit stage left)
I hope you enjoyed this scene. I'm dreading the rest of the day. I'm going back to training today. It's no fair! It's Yoh's day off. He's lucky! Wish me luck on my training! See ya!
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Monday, August 2, 2004
Crazy week!
I've been having a crazy week. First off, Ren, one of Yoh's rivals, keeps stalking & bugging me. I have to use the karate moves Anna taught me on him. Second, Yoh & I haven't got to spend much time together because Anna's training him to become Shaman King & me to become a karate master. Her training is like boot camp in hell. Well, today is my day off from training. I'm gonna write part 4 of my story & relax. See ya!
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Saturday, July 31, 2004
Part three of my story
Here's part three of "A New Enemy". Enjoy!
Scene 3
(In a clearing that's in the middle of the forest. J.P. & Zoe are in the grasp of a huge Digimon)
Zoe: (struggling) Let us go!
J.P.: Yeah, let us go!
(Allison, Koji, Takuya, & Tommy enter stage right)
Allison: J.P.! Zoe! What's that holding them?
Tommy: (to Digimon) Who are you & what are you doing with our friends?
Digimon: My name is Kemaramon.
Takuya: Let's attack him! Pyro Tornado!
Koji: Lobo Kendo!
Tommy: Crystal Breeze!
Allison: Angel Wind!
Kemaramon: Hehe! That tickles! (He accidentally drops J.P. & Zoe)
(J.P. & Zoe land on the ground & Spirit Evolve into Beetlemon & Kazemon)
J.P.: Mind if we help? Thunder Fists!
Zoe: Hurricane Wind!
Kemaramon: I don't have time for this. Shadow Lightning! (lightning hits Allison, J.P., Koji, Takuya, Tommy, & Zoe)
All: Aah! (They get knocked out & turned back into their human forms.)
Kemaramon: (looks down at Allison) You would make a great mind-slave.(grabs her & disappears)
That's all I have right now.For all of you who are clueless, Kemaramon is a Digimon I made up for this story. I'll tell you a little more about later. See ya!
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Friday, July 30, 2004
Next part of my story!
Here's next scene of "A New Enemy"! If you haven't read the first scene, scroll down & read it.
Scene 2
(Takuya, Allison, Tommy, & Koji are running through the forest. Suddenly they stop)
Koji: Why'd we stop?
Takuya: Well, I think we should Spirit Evolve.
Allison: Yeah, because we don't know if J.P. & Zoe were attacked by a Digimon or not.
Tommy: Allison's right. Let's do it!
All: Exacute! Spirit Evoloution!
(They all change into Digimon)
Takuya: Agunimon!
Tommy: Kumamon!
Koji: Lobomon!
Allison: Angelmon!
Takuya: Let's go!
(Suddenly they run into Bokomon, Patamon, & Neymon)
Allison: Hi guys! Have you seen J.P. & Zoe?
Patamon: Yeah, they went off that way. (points to stage left)
Bokomon: Patamon's right.
Neymon: Good luck finding them! Bye!
All: Bye, guys.
Koji: We got to keep moving! Let's go!
(They exit stage left)
That's the end of scene two. I hoped you liked it. I'll put more on as soon as I can. See ya!
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My latest story.
This is my latest story(it's a play). I put myself in it as a character, just for fun. Please enjoy "A New Enemy".
Scene 1
(Somewhere in the middle of a forest in the Digital World)
Takuya: How long have we been walking?
Allison: I don't know. I'm guessing about an hour.
(growling noise)
Tommy: What was that?!
Koji: (points at J.P.) It was J.P.'s stomach.
J.P.: Sorry. I guess I'm hungry.
Zoe: Now that you mention it, I'm kind of hungry, too.
Tommy: Maybe we should stop and make some lunch.
Allison: Ok, first we need fire wood.
J.P.: You got it! I'll be back with some firewood.
Zoe: I'll go with you J.P..
Allison: Ok, you two. We'll get some food ready. (pulls out a couple of thing of food out of backpack)
(suddenly they hear Zoe scream)
Takuya: C'mon! We got to see what's wrong!
(They run off stage left)
Here's a little background on the characters for those of you who haven't seen the fourth season of Digimon.
1)Takuya: He's the goggle-head of the group. He's a rash thinker who acts without planning, which can sometimes land him in trouble. Takuya Spirit Evolves into Agunimon.
2)Tommy: The youngst of the group. Tommy helps keep everyone in check. Tommy Spirit Evolves into Kumamon.
3)J.P.: The oldest of the group. J.P. has a huge crush on Zoe. J.P. Spirit Evolves into Beetlemon.
4)Zoe: One of the only girls. Zoe helps everyone when they're in need. Zoe Spirit Evolves into Kazemon.
5)Allison: The other girl. She has a good sense of humor and cheers the group up when they're feeling down. Allison Spirit Evolves into Angelmon.
6)Koji: Koji's sort of a lone wolf. He helps his friends out of any situation. Koji Spirit Evolves into Lobomon.
Thanks for reading. I hope you enjoyed this part of "A New Enemy". Please comment on my story. I'll put up the other two scenes later. See ya!
Do you like Myoga the flea?: | Sortta. He is a coward at times | Whos the smartest on the show: | I think Kagome | Who is the dumbest?: | Naraku | Is Shippou cute or just so friggin dumb you'd like to kill him?: | Cute | Who should win Inuyashas heart Kagome or Kikyo?: | Kagome | Are you excited about the INuyasha movies?: | Heck yah! | Do you have anything in your room that has something to do with INuyasha?: | I have InuYasha books & an InuYasha plushie | Are you happy that Sesshomaru will decide to team up with his brother?: | When does he do that? Anywho, yeah I'm glad | If Miroku grabbed your butt you would?: | Kick him karate style. Hyah! | If Kagome grabbed your butt you would?: | Think she's a little nuts | Shippo or Shippou?: | Shippo | Inuyasha or INu-Yasha: | InuYasha | Do you pity Jaken or Sesshomaru and Rin for putting up with Jaken?: | Sesshomaru & Rin for putting up with Jakin | Who's cuter Rin or Shippo: | Both | Sesshomaru or Inuyasha?: | InuYasha | *insert your answer for 15* or miroku? *if boy think of it as friend*: | InuYasha | Rin and Kohaku or Kanna and Kohaku?: | Rin & Kohaku | Should Kaede kill over or do you think shes an important character?: | She's an important character | Do you think Sango should date Miroku or seek Kilala on him?: | Good question. him | Tetsusaiga or Tensaiga?: | Tetsusaiga(duh!) | have you heard of Kaede+ToTosai relationship?: | Nope! | Koga and Ayame or Koga and Kagome?: | Koga & Ayame | Whos a good doggy? ^.^!!: | InuYasha | Do you wish that you knew what Sesshomaru's mom looked like?: | Yeah | How long have you been a inuyasha fan?: | About two to three years | Kilala or Soto's cat?: | Kilala | Who's cooler Kagome,Sango, or Kikyo?: | Kagome & Sango | Have you heard of the Inuyasha GBA game?: | No. I want it now! | What do you think Inuyasha will do once he gets the Shikon Jewel?: | Become full human | What will become of Kikyo in the end?: | Dunno |
Inuyasha! brought to you by BZOINK! Get paid to take surveys!
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Thursday, July 29, 2004
I have an avatar!
FINALLY!!!! I have an avatar! And it's all thanks Winged Youki! I hope you like my new avatar. See ya!
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Yu Yu Hakusho Figures
While I was in Texas, I got a Botan figure. She's now sitting on a shelf on my bookshelf. Yesterday, I got a Yusuke figure. He's now where Botan is. Well, see ya!
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Wednesday, July 28, 2004
Yesterday when I got home from the airport, I went up to my room & I couldn't believe what I saw! My room looked totally different! It was cleaned & had new furniture. Yoh: She's right. I couldn't even believe what I saw! Me: Well, We got to run. See ya!
Allison & Yoh
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Thursday, July 15, 2004
Yoh & I are married!
This is the certificate that proves Yoh & I are married. Yoh: Yup! It's official!^_^ Me: *kisses Yoh* You're so funny!^-^ Yoh: *blushes* Thanks, Allison!^_^ Got to run. Later!Certificate of Marriage
This is to certify that
Allison Erb and Yoh Asakura
Were united in Marriage
on the 16th day of July 2004
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Wednesday, July 14, 2004
Shaman King
I'm now totally obsessed with Shaman King. I also think Yoh is really cute!^^ If anyone knows where I could get Shaman King backgrounds, let me know. Got to run. Later. Animation from
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