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Straight A's all year in fourth grade
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Tuesday, July 13, 2004
I'm here in Texas with my grandparents. I got six bug-bites today. That's the one thing I hate about Texas, mosquitoes. They are little annoying pests, besides my brother. LOL Got to run. Later.
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Monday, July 12, 2004
I'm in Texas.
I'm here in Texas. I've to keep this post short, since I'm using my grandpa's computer. I'll be on tomorrow. Got to run. Later.
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Friday, July 9, 2004
Thank goodness it's Friday! I'm leaving tomorrow for my trip. Maybe If I'm lucky, my uncle will let me use his computer so I can come on here. I hope so! Got to run. Later! Animation from
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Thursday, July 8, 2004
Dinner was great. InuYasha & Kagome were with us, & InuYasha had his first taste of McDonald's food.
(At McDonalds, standing at the cash register)
Allison: Yeah, I'll take the Big n' Tasty, ketchup only. *looks at Kagome & InuYasha* What do you guys want to eat?
Kagome: I'll have the Big Mac, without onions. InuYasha will have Chicken McNuggets.
InuYasha: *whispers in Allison's ear* Are Chicken McNuggets good?
Allison: Of course silly!^_^
InuYasha: Ok.
(once we get our food & sit down)
Kagome: *hands InuYasha Chicken nuggets* Here's your chicken nuggets, InuYasha.
InuYasha: Thanks, Kagome. *takes a bite of chicken then swallows* Mmm, you were right, Allison. These are good.
Allison: I told you, silly!^_^
He also tasted French Fries. He was happy. That's how our night went. Got to run. Later! Animation from
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Wednesday, July 7, 2004
I Got A New Plushie!
I got a cute new InuYasha plushie! He's so cute! InuYasha: Er,.... *looks at plushie sitting on desk*.... are you sure that plushie looks like me? Allison: Of course silly!^_^ It's just a chibi verson of you! InuYasha: Ok. Whatever you say. Allison: You're so silly!^_^ g2g TTYL!  Animation from
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Can everyone do me a favor?
My friend, DrkMagicianGrl19, is switching accounts. Her new account is LadyMalik. If you all could visit her new page & add her as a friend, it's bound to make her feel like she's on her old account. Please do that for me! TTYL! Animation from
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Tuesday, July 6, 2004
I love writing stories!
I love writing my own stories! I've already done two InuYasha stories & I'm working on my Digimon story. I should be done with Scene 3 soon.  Animation from Did I mention I got glasses today? Now I can see clearly! Yay! G2G. Bye-bye! *hugs*
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Monday, July 5, 2004
Busy week.
It's a busy week for me this week. We're getting ready to go on our trip to Texas this week. Yay! Animation from
I'll put up Scene 3 of "A New Enemy" once I've finished it. Got to run! Later!  Animation from
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Sunday, July 4, 2004
Happy July 4th!!!!
Happy July 4th! I hope everyone has a great day. Animation from
I'm going to a baseball game later today. I've finished the second scene of "A New Enemy".
Scene 2
(Takuya, Allison, Tommy, & Koji are running through the forest. Suddenly they stop)
Koji: Why'd we stop?
Takuya: Well, I think we should Spirit Evolve.
Allison: Yeah, because we don't know if J.P. & Zoe were attacked by a Digimon or not.
Tommy: Allison's right. Let's do it!
All: Exacute! Spirit Evoloution!
(They all change into Digimon)
Takuya: Agunimon!
Tommy: Kumamon!
Koji: Lobomon!
Allison: Angelmon!
Takuya: Let's go!
(Suddenly they run into Bokomon, Patamon, & Neymon)
Allison: Hi guys! Have you seen J.P. & Zoe?
Patamon: Yeah, they went off that way. (points to stage left)
Bokomon: Patamon's right.
Neymon: Good luck finding them! Bye!
All: Bye, guys.
Koji: We got to keep moving! Let's go!
(They exit stage left)
That's the end of scene two. I hoped you liked it. I'll put more on as soon as I can. TTYL! Bye!
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Saturday, July 3, 2004
This is my latest story......
This is my latest story(it's a play). I put myself in it as a character, just for fun. Please enjoy "A New Enemy".
Scene 1
(Somewhere in the middle of a forest in the Digital World)
Takuya: How long have we been walking?
Allison: I don't know. I'm guessing about an hour.
(growling noise)
Tommy: What was that?!
Koji: (points at J.P.) It was J.P.'s stomach.
J.P.: Sorry. I guess I'm hungry.
Zoe: Now that you mention it, I'm kind of hungry, too.
Tommy: Maybe we should stop and make some lunch.
Allison: Ok, first we need fire wood.
J.P.: You got it! I'll be back with some firewood.
Zoe: I'll go with you J.P..
Allison: Ok, you two. We'll get some food ready. (pulls out a couple of thing of food)
(suddenly they hear Zoe scream)
Takuya: C'mon! We got to see what's wrong!
(They run off stage left)
Here's a little background on the characters for those of you who haven't seen the fourth season of Digimon.
1)Takuya: He's the goggle-head of the group. He's a rash thinker who acts without planning, which can sometimes land him in trouble. Takuya Spirit Evolves into Agunimon.
2)Tommy: The youngst of the group. Tommy helps keep everyone in check. Tommy Spirit Evolves into Kumamon.
3)J.P.: The oldest of the group. J.P. has a huge crush on Zoe. J.P. Spirit Evolves into Beetlemon.
4)Zoe: One of the only girls. Zoe helps everyone when they're in need. Zoe Spirit Evolves into Kazemon.
5)Allison: The other girl. She has a good sense of humor and cheers the group up when they're feeling down. Allison Spirit Evolves into Angelmon.
6)Koji: Koji's sort of a lone wolf. He helps his friends out of any situation. Koji Spirit Evolves into Lobomon.
Thanks for reding. I'll add the second scene once I finished it. I hope you enjoyed this part of "A New Enemy". Please comment on my story if you can. TTYL! Bye!
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