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Ninja o:
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Straight A's all year in fourth grade
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Since Sailor Moon, Ronin Warriors, or Pokemon
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Sunday, November 28, 2004
Good news!
Good news! Our friend, LadyMalik, is back! Her new name is BrokenKokoro.
Yoh: That's good!^_^
Me: So please go sign her guestbook if you haven't yet. And here's Chapter 3!
Chapter 3: Kindergarten Love?
Chibi Yoh: * in his head * Could Lyserg & Trey be right? Could I be developing a crush on Allison?
Mutsuki: Yoh, could you please pay attention in class?
Chibi Yoh: Sorry, Ms. Mutsuki.
Mutsuki: * goes back to teaching the lesson *
* 1 hour later *
* bell rings *
Mutsuki: Ok class, time for lunch.
Chibi Allison: * walks out with Kari, Yolei, Zoë, TK, Cody, Ken, Davis, Takuya, Tommy, JP, Kouji, & Kouichi *
Chibi Yoh: * watches Allison walk out with her friends *
Chibi Horo Horo: Come on, Yoh! Let’s go eat!
Chibi Yoh: Coming! * follows Trey, Ren, & Lyserg outside *
Chibi Lyserg: Yoh, it’s obvious that you have a crush on her.
Chibi Yoh: Who?
Chibi Lyserg: Allison, that’s who.
Chibi Yoh: * turns head away has he begins to blush * I’m not sue if you’re right or not.
Chibi Horo Horo: Come on, Yoh. Admit it. You have a crush on Allison.
Chibi Ren: Yeah, you’re blushing.
Chibi Yoh: I’ll be back. * hops off the bench he’s sitting on *
Chibi Ren: Where are you going?
Chibi Yoh: To talk to Allison.
Chibi Ren: Oh, ok.
Chibi Kari: * sees Yoh walking over * Hey Allison, look who came to see you.
Chibi Allison: * turns around * Oh, hi Yoh.
Chibi Yoh: Allison, can I talk to you alone?
Chibi Allison: Ok. * follows Yoh behind a bush *
Chibi Yoh: Allison, I think I’m developing a crush on you. * blush *
Chibi Allison: * blushes * I think I like you, too.
Chibi Yoh: Really?
Chibi Allison: * nods * Yeah.
Chibi Hao: * pushes through the bushes * What are you two doing back here?
Chibi Yoh: We’re just talking to each other, Hao.
Chib Hao: Talking about what?
Chibi Yoh: None of your business!
Chibi Hao: Ok, calm down. * leaves *
Chibi Allison: Man, he’s nosey.
Chibi Yoh: No kidding.
Chib Usagi: * pops into the bushes with Ryoko* Hi Allison. Hi Yoh.
Chibi Ryoko: What are you two doing?
Chibi Allison: Nothing. * climbs out of the bushes *
Chibi Yoh: Um, yeah. We were just talking. * also climbs out *
Chibi Usagi: Oh, ok. Wanna go play, Allison?
Chibi Allison: No, I haven’t finished my lunch yet.
Chibi Yoh: Me neither.
Chibi Ryoko: Ok, see you two in class.
Chibi Yoh & Allison: Bye.
Chibi Yoh: I’ll see you in class too, Allison.
Chibi Allison: Ok, see you.
Chibi Lyserg: So what was that all about?
Chibi Yoh: I found out that Allison likes me, too.
Chibi Horo Horo: That’s awesome man!
Chibi Yoh: * laughs & rubs the back of his head * Yeah.
Chibi Hao: * is hiding in the bushes near Yoh * * whispers * I knew it. * snickers *
Me: There you go! Chapter 3.
Mokuba: And look at this certificate that Naru(BrokenKokoro) made for Allison & Yoh.

Me: Mokuba, quit reading my e-mail. -_-'
Mokuba: Sorry! ^_^'
Yoh: Yeah, the certificate states that Allison & I were married on July 16, 2004.
Me: *hugs Yoh* So on July 16, 2005, it will be mine & Yoh's aniverserary(sp?)! ^_^
Yoh: *hugs her back* Well, we got to go.
Me: Bye!^_^ *presses Add Post button*
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